quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2024

Love Killers- song lyrics

Love killers. We are Love killers, babe. Love is not letting people judge you, Your tears let me dry them for you, Now I just only have you,
Fear is useless in the face of death, Feeling death doesn´t a matter, let me take a bath. The good thing is knowing what to say without judging, We are love killers, but we will overcome our Feeling.
There is a feeling of guilt, from your side, You almost killed me and didn't apologize. Tried to kill me without having an alibi. Undisguised, then I realized.
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No excuse, she thought she was so smart, You never imagined my mind being an art. This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness measure.
The snake's venom is in its mouth. Words are weapons, shut up. After that day, nothing else matters, I couldn't leave, we are in newspapers. It's like playing with a biased dice, Which spoiled like cube of ice. How to count on luck I’m ucked. That plan was already and articulated.
In the game of love my luck turned, I lost my honor, and everything was sucked. My love's expiration date has expired, I tried to leave, but I stayed. I tried not to resent like a shark, But like a lunar eclipse everything stayed dark. Days passed and I couldn't get move, There is no medicine to cure the pain of love.
This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness measure, This wound doesn't close, there's no cure, It's the scar of my bitterness. Like poison the pus sprouts comfortable It becomes infected and uncomfortable. Memories have color and smell, His words are spiteful.
Like a hot iron, memory is a consolation, Hope in the face of gold, don´t have emotion. We are love killers, I was already dead when you left me. My love you killed when you betrayed me. This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness. This wound doesn't close, there's no cure, It's the scar of my bitterness. Dib

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