terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

Chegando no Serviço de Bike, naõ ao sedentarismo e ao Trânsito caótico.

 Chegando no Serviço de Bike, naõ ao sedentarismo e ao Trânsito caótico.

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

So the world is so. Continues that way and will be until the end. Over listen now , because we are not marginal . The world is not bad it is just uneven. Why ? So many politicians enrich our expense , Ignore the promises and forget the poor . Nobody cares about what is happening . Sick children already born and dying . And when they try to win without stealing nothing . Take their ideas only to all outstanding . Push you from all sides just to destroy you . The joy of a rich view is a poor drop. The many poor falling , we can not tell. To see so much misery and precise look. The true blind as those who will not see . Sees no problems just want to hide. Anyway try to win. For this disgusting world our children will live . 2x WHAT IS ALL THIS ? IS THE CONSEQUENCE . TRUE RESULT OF THIS INNOCENCE . Policy is wrong and not democracy. The policy is misleading people and the poor nor distrust . Putting it all never had poor study. For no money for anything they try everything . Nothing moves the hand is not wet. And hate determines a glance. Bribery exists then do nothing . If it does not then we want none . Poor poorer , the rich richer . Rich in good and poor at risk. Risks of life until death occur . Fleeing like water when it trickle between her fingers . The worst jobs for them granted . Because they need to eat then determined face . Continue to suffer from a low income. And lie telling everyone everything backwards . 2X WHAT IS ALL THIS ? IS THE RESULT . TRUE RESULT OF THIS INNOCENCE . Blacks survive supporting racism. And deceive all showing much cynicism. What is the difference between a black and a white . Tell us the truth we must be frank. The country shows in all that we're counting . The truth has been spoken slowly unfolding . Poor rob put pure precision. While the rich are stealing just put ambition. For most poor preference is to shut up. Then they turn their back and they do no inform . In a bottomless pit . We met . Falling desperate , and nothing in trimming . And the government thinks only of privatization For with the uninformed people, no complaint. Claims will never required . For the few who tried were never heard. So pay attention . See that are rich in good and poor is at hand .

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

It is absurd to accept things as they are Paid many taxes and I see no solution Not signed assuming nothing is situation I still see malnourished children , parents of families in utter despair And can not a job that does not have an address By living in the slum does what he can and can not solve Feels useless and everything to lose Poe Put a pipe on the waist and tries luck Looking for a solution , perhaps not see the death When it dies not go to jail The government did not help when he needed Now is caged and says that everything in your favor No one has the right to arrest anyone And the family is still helpless What is this society where only favors those who are already favored And the slum children play with old iron cart To ensure you eat . What is the parent who does not plan a foolproof bank robbery No hate, violence and gun Dreaming stealing just enough to survive It's scary to be in the crowd And see that nobody turns against the system We see beggars who walk among us But all pretend not to see, think it is normal But they forget that tomorrow could be you As a touch of evil , snub each other We forget that we are human beings Disoriented obey red lights And ignore the desperate standing at her window asking for a buck Many hide and isolate themselves from society And become offensive and do not want to correct this mistake Do not lose the value and social importance Do not think that is a human being is only a commodity GUESTS ARE FREE Being a role model everyone wants Point and say yes this is a model citizen Scream so loud for you to ignore us more One day they will have to give us attention Redeem themselves for their misfortunes do not solve Do not cry it is not worthy of a man Do not be embarrassed by the disproportionate static If this causes you some inconvenience Are you tired trying to forget the past desembaraçoso Taking some hallucinogens and becoming more vicious The life of a lot of turn around in this tough journey to accept yourself Nobody is to blame for difficulties in life Synonyms are popular where we can make the diagnoses To be successful and develop Look here inside me and that Vera I'm flesh and blood like you Enough 'll watch a football game and not think of anything to forget. At least that I can do

bird that eats stones, know who has ass. It really is w / those who can and intends to have love, patience, and being your child's friend and not an enemy, so to be able to speak to this student, we did not need education, we need love, learning life teaches, but who can study in a healthy way, will give pride for their country, but only those who study or live life, become zombies without expressaão of life in their faces, so for pride of their parents. Each uses its psychology to raise their children, and the future will see if will reap ripe fruit or rotten fruit.. Passarinho q come pedra, sabe o cu que tem. Realmente é p/ quem pode e se propõe a ter amor, paciência e ser amigo do seu filho e não um inimigo, so para poder falar q esta educando, nos não precisamos de educação , precisamos de amor, aprendizado a vida ensina, porêm quem pode estudar de uma maneira saudável, vai dar orgulho para os seus pais, porêm aqueles que só estudam e não vivem a vida, se tornam Zumbis, sem expressaão de vida em seus rostos, so para orgulho dos seus pais. Cada um usa a sua psicologia para criar os seus filhos, e no futuro irá ver se vai colher frutos maduros ou frutos podres.