terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

The policy is as fragile as crystal Shines in the conquest and turns to dust in the end Allow to corrupt before much power And forget who elected him , believe With hope of change Thinking about the future of a child Hunger is an incurable disease It hurts if you do not have food to eat is unbearable pain Essential to develop Without calcium and iron can not learn - . Know but what ? That those in power have forgotten what it can do That his vote was just to get elected Hey you power what they are doing Not looking for these people? Decent people who become homeless But guilt and themselves who elected president More still two years to re-election Why bother if it hurts my remaining years to steal this nation Do you like foreign and supports the ruse We're like a colony world where everything is profit Come here , plants and harvests the best leads shamelessly The rest is to eat and still charges interest than left We strive to live with what's left But who is stronger comes and takes everything he had dreamed Witnessed abuses of power without manifest And put in numbers to control the While we welcome and profits are favored When you get sick and your strength to finish will be just one more negative number that only gives losses Our existence will bother and his contempt stinks , but still try to sustain looking for something to feed me surviving with what I have and fortifico me with the leftovers Doctor Dessert prepare my revenge and I feel my stomach growl and scream for hope - ! Now comes everything will be changed as in the jungle or in western Carry guns and carefree , hunt to feed his banquet The bandit is only brave before whom we do not defend The surprise element has not changed , only turned to who started cowardice is something that does not surprise me something who is a coward which regards not who is facing afraid of dying so pick the target one that can not hurt you , who really injure

O ser humano é egoista e insaciável. Todo cuidado é pouco: Você trata as pessoas de boa , mas as pessoas retribui com sarcasmo, arrogância, antipatia, não te dão um palavra de conforto. eu trato as pessoas com carinho e respeito, o q recebo em troca é só julgamento de que, o que me proponho a fazer não é o sufuciente, ai quando você não consegue ajudar esquecem tudo o q vc fez, vc ajudou 1000 e a unica vez q vc não conseguir ajudar , esquecem tudo é bem paraceido com a posição de goleira que defende 100 bolas contra o seu gol, porêm quando ele falha em um gol, esquecem de tudo o q ele ja fez. a raça humana é muito egoista, e enquanto continuar assim , o mundo não será melhor para viver, eu mesmo tentando sempre ajudar as pessoas, as vezes mepego em um ato egoista, e a minha conciência pesa , ai vc volta a tras e muda esse ato , mas o q acontece se vc não conseguir é um comentário maldoso dos outros com a sua parte.