segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

Grafitte meu e da minha Filha Laura de 7 Anos

 Anjo de Luz
Passaro de Bico e Olhos Dourados

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

I can not wait to tell you the truth . Surely worth worth much unless the wounds that remain for eternity . I wish our story was a happy song and not dominated . But you did everything to destroy what was combined Even feeling hollow inside , empty feeling . Will always feel alone beside who loved you for the oath . Someone who loved you and waited for you . But understand that he was blind with anger without understanding why. I want to give something that is not mine , why you are the most beautiful . But I fear the future without my greatest treasure my Cinderella. Goodbye, goodbye , but I hope to return the mother who already has plenty ages . Our family goes back and forth does not change course despite the difficulties . The love I had wilted like a flower . Does love has ended . That look is the same as when you lost in the endless darkness . But now rediscovered the light , and hopefully come back to me . Where will this path without looking back bridges . But I find that look old , that look before. As if it were the first time you do the same question , clueless . If you still believe in true love love at first sight . Another son appeared is not my pride . The tear trickled down when the flower bloomed on his face . My head think one thing and my heart says she still loves me . Our love is still alive , walk and walk , but not found my love and lose hope . I want to learn everything again , you can believe. The read and write to live , love and die , when I lost you . Looks like I'm running away , I am a fugitive but I did nothing wrong . I'm sorry to keep running , determined resolve face . You thought it was a nun . This forgetting Nights Fridays . My heart is free , do not feel like kissing you . Sometimes we make mistakes the way and i need courage to accept. Without recognizing the way that I did not look back the way I came . I know I missed many ways , but few who were regretted , tell me .