sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2024

Moon and Uranus - Lua e Urano.

Time is an illusion where destiny cannot be just a theory. Without direction, it is a hallucination of a memory.
It is modern research physics that does not reveal history. That makes children lose their memory. Forgetting is as important as remembering. For longevity of memory feeling, Sleep is the best medicine to living. Dreaming with my darling.
What happens when you point a gun to the rival. Archaeologists will recover what did the vandal. These are setbacks that do not advance together. The woman got pregnant but is not a mother.
Asteroid collisions before history It's sad to have to beg for alms at theory. The dollar is high like every day, I can´t see the mickey. Black and white dynamics like piano keys Convey confidence and possibility. About the relationship of communicating with reciprocity. Strengthen the bond with your loved person reality! Moon and Uranus inspire to be pity.
Adverse situations in romantic everyday life moment. Life as a couple requires genuine and practical commitment. The emotional expression of everyday sign Taurus The Moon is waxing and is in Uranus. Streamlining relationships of Orleans. Taking risks and exceeding empty means Taking care of your public image, Thinking about a sabotage. It's time to regain discretion of neuroses, And keep life together seriously rose. Moon and Uranus inspire me, it´s a virose, Prioritize good moments that rose.
Have clear emotional communication. Frank dialogues resolve challenges emotion. Risky situations from aggressive tendencies. Sudden changes in excessive stubbornness. Venus is the ruling planet of love, Demonstrating interests improve. Fulfilling the wishes of the love, Getting involved being truly in love. BY DIB. O tempo é uma ilusão onde o destino não alcança, Sem direção, é uma alucinação de uma lembrança. É física moderna da pesquisa que não revela a história. Que faz as crianças perderem a memória. Esquecer é tão importante quanto lembrar Para longevidade da memória equiparar. Dormir é o melhor remédio Sonhando com o oriente médio. O que acontece quando se aponta arma para um rival Arqueólogos vão recuperar como harmonização facial São retrocessos que não avançam e muda o atual A mulher engravidou, mas é barriga de aluguel Colisões de asteroide antes da história Triste mesmo é ter que pedir esmola O dólar está alto já faz parte do cotidiano Dinâmica preta e branca como tecla de piano Transmitir confiança e uma possibilidade Sobre a relação de se comunicar com reciprocidade. Fortaleça o vínculo da pessoa amada e cativa! Lua e Urano me inspiram a ser mais assertiva,
Situações adversas do cotidiano romântico A vida a dois pede empenho genuíno e fático. A expressão emocional do cotidiano, A Lua está crescente e em Urano. Dinamizando as relações dos desafios Correndo risco e excedendo os meios vazios Zelando a sua imagem pública, Ponderando em dar uma opinião sobre republica. É tempo de recuperar o critério E manter a vida a dois a sério. Lua e Urano me inspiram Priorizar bons momentos que surgiram Ter uma comunicação afetiva com clareza. Diálogos francos resolvem os desafios com certeza. Desperdícios de situações arriscadas de tendências agressiva. Mudanças repentinas de possessividade e teimosia excessiva. Vênus é o planeta regente do amor, é afetuoso, deveras. Demonstrando interesses e criando atmosferas Realizando os desejos da pessoa amada, Se envolvendo e estando realmente apaixonada. Dib

quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024

Losing your cool. --- Perdendo a estribeira.

Losing your cool. Sometimes we worry for nothing, So, the life flies, but let´s to do a shopping. Don't worry, it's fine. There is always a choice or a wine. I wasn’t born an heir and without password, To hell with the whole world. When it comes down to it, no one stops me. I am true and this is so sublime. To hell with commitment after noon. I think I’m on the moon. We dream so much every day, I hope to realize soon, The clock always says five to noon. Play with this toy, leave this agony, lose your temper and feel this joy. Listening from Bachianas to Black Sabbath. It's already midnight, there's still a long way to path. Dance, I want to see you finish, game over. It will take some time, but I will win you over. I refuse to follow these established rules, Joy is always within the Drink, let´s smiles. Stop with this spider talk, this let me sick. It's all a matter of luck and knowing the trick. By Dib.
Perdendo a estribeira. ÀS vezes, nos preocupamos atoa, E assim a vida voa. Não se preocupe atoa, na boa Sempre existe uma escolha. Eu não nasci herdeiro. Que se dane o mundo inteiro. Na hora dá a fissura, ninguém me segura. Sou verdadeiro e não sou ordeiro Que se dane o compromisso. I eu com isso, A gente sonha tanto todo dia, E o relógio sempre marca cinco para meio dia. >Toque esse pandeiro, deixe essa agonia, perca a estribeira e sinta essa alegria. Ouvindo de las Bachianas a Black Sabbath. Já é meia noite falta muito pá acaba. Dance, quero ver você se acabar. Vai levar um tempo, mas vou te conquistar. Recuso a seguir essas regras estabelecidas, A alegria está sempre dentro da Bebida. Pare com esse papo de aranha, Tudo é questão de sorte e saber das artes manhas. Dib.

quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2024

Love Killers- song lyrics

Love killers. We are Love killers, babe. Love is not letting people judge you, Your tears let me dry them for you, Now I just only have you,
Fear is useless in the face of death, Feeling death doesn´t a matter, let me take a bath. The good thing is knowing what to say without judging, We are love killers, but we will overcome our Feeling.
There is a feeling of guilt, from your side, You almost killed me and didn't apologize. Tried to kill me without having an alibi. Undisguised, then I realized.
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No excuse, she thought she was so smart, You never imagined my mind being an art. This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness measure.
The snake's venom is in its mouth. Words are weapons, shut up. After that day, nothing else matters, I couldn't leave, we are in newspapers. It's like playing with a biased dice, Which spoiled like cube of ice. How to count on luck I’m ucked. That plan was already and articulated.
In the game of love my luck turned, I lost my honor, and everything was sucked. My love's expiration date has expired, I tried to leave, but I stayed. I tried not to resent like a shark, But like a lunar eclipse everything stayed dark. Days passed and I couldn't get move, There is no medicine to cure the pain of love.
This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness measure, This wound doesn't close, there's no cure, It's the scar of my bitterness. Like poison the pus sprouts comfortable It becomes infected and uncomfortable. Memories have color and smell, His words are spiteful.
Like a hot iron, memory is a consolation, Hope in the face of gold, don´t have emotion. We are love killers, I was already dead when you left me. My love you killed when you betrayed me. This wound won't close, there's no cure, The scar of the mark of madness. This wound doesn't close, there's no cure, It's the scar of my bitterness. Dib