Trying to be an artist, but I'm better at being a thug. Tentando ser artista, mas o destino é ser vândalo.
terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016
the light illuminate our selfishness and change into altruism.
Finding the light on cloudy days is not easy.
Black clouds, which prevent the sky from appearing
Do not let your rays and their colors appear
Sunny days and your sky all bluish
I know it's not easy, and sometimes I feel comfortable
Because of your words many take advantages
I know I get wet for not being afraid of rain
I know in a hurry, I never have time to pray
In my choices, I'm counting on luck to be in a hurry.
Those that are never right and makes silence and loneliness
My unsettling lover, my right wife
I try to concentrate, but I'm interrupted.
The wrong ways that do not let me pray
And I hope I never miss again.
For these choices, which are never well made
And may the light that enlightens me never perish
This light that guides me through these uncertain paths
On this one-day trip and do not change
The path of my future and he will not be deaf
And listen to my prayers and the wind do not take me
Because I risk and count on luck and for these cuts
This illusion helps me to dream before death
domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016
We always need to remember to help the next.
When there was melody in you
I thought I knew what love was
You said you'd never leave me.
Smiling and singing with joy
We both knew this day would come.
You do not smile anymore
But he still said that he would not leave me.
Crying and believing, I deceived myself
Telling the truth
Making me miss you
you left me
And my innocence is over
(2 x) Time has passed and the world has turned and my secret is over, I no longer believe in
Sometimes you sang your melody
While a child was born
You already knew this was happening.
Sorry you came to me
We both remember how much you mistreated me.
Crying and sobbing you tried
I made several mistakes and discovered
That this tear that flowed, it was love.
(4x) Today I still sing our melody, but today I believe in our love.
Quando havia melodia em você
Eu achava que sabia o que era o amor
Você disse que nunca me deixaria
Sorrindente e cantando com alegria
Nos dois sabiamos que esse dia chegaria
Você já não mais sorria
Mas ainda dizia que não me deixaria
Chorando e acreditando, Eu me iludia
Contando a verdade
me deixando com saudade
você me deixou
e a minha inocência acabou
(2 x )o Tempo passou e o mundo girou e o meu segredo acabou, já não acredito mais no amor .
Has vezes cantava a sua melodia
Enquanto uma criança nascia
Você já sabia que isso acontecia
Arrependida você me procurou
Nos dois lembramos o quanto você me maltratou
Chorando e soluçando você tentou
Cometi varios erros e descobri
Que essa lagrima que escorria, era amor.
(4 x )Hoje eu ainda canto a nossa melodia, mas hoje eu acredito no nosso amor .
segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016
the fall our daily- Mustard
Reborn in you is my magic to live, watching the moon
Thinking about what you told me: that the vitamin of the fruit is in the husk
But the shelled fruit is much sweeter
Without the bitter of the bark I imagine you Naked
I'm in 7 pieces forgetting the words
I know I look macabre using magic
This my fear of forgetting one more word
And lose you my possessive queen
I did not miss it with respect it was a subtlety
Because I'm the man of the house.
I carry the seven keys in the chest
Like a knight of luck, my highness.
There is no book that teaches all the secrets
I do not promise to be perfect.
Here in this city forgetting your lies
I'm glad you came
Always seeking eternity
I am a supreme and primitive being
Your subtlety I never forgot
I just came to say goodbye.
Renascer em você é a minha magia de viver, olhando a lua
Pensando no que você me disse: que a vitamina da fruta está na casca
Mas a fruta sem casca é muito mais doce
Sem o amargo da casca imagino você Nua
Estou em 7 pedaços esquecendo as palavras
Sei que pareço macabro usando magia
Esse meu medo de esquecer mais uma palavra
E perder você minha rainha possessiva
Não faltei com respeito foi uma sutileza
Porque sou o homem da casa
Carrego no peito as setes chaves
Como um cavaleiro da sorte, minha alteza.
Não existe um livro que ensine todos os segredos
Eu não prometo ser perfeito
Aqui nessa cidade esquecendo as suas mentiras
Estou feliz que você veio
Sempre buscando a eternidade
Sou um ser supremo e primitivo
A sua sutileza eu nunca esqueci
Eu só vim me despedir
terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2016
Book - Masters of the Streets
Masters of
the Streets
São Paulo,
January 25, 1991.
In the periphery
of North zone of São Paulo, Imirim neighborhood, a beautiful morning and
pleasant, bright suns Hine, not too hot about 26ºC.
The bird's
singing was interrupted, almost imperceptibly, put a shorty well played music,
but very strong swing and heavy swing, the melody and the lyrics, it was more
like this.
No!No, Sleep
till Broklim.
No! No,
Sleep till Broklim.
It was a
song of the Beastie Boys.
Room came
from Tuco, that lying on top of his bunk with his arms folded behind his head,
bundled on the pillow, listening to music and thought in life, your love and
how would be your day.
• Today!
• What time
is it? He looks at the clock.
• Are 8:00 sharp?
• Today we
will do graffiti in the tunnel from Paulista Avenue, in honor of its 100 years
of existence, on the anniversary of the city.
covered with feet and preparing to jump from the top bunk and already jumping,
hitting the radio, knocking him noisily, (Clumsy as ever).
But even
with all this noise, the Leco, Tuco’s brother, who slept on the bottom bunk,
"or just did not wake up."
Tuco looks
at his brother.
• It is the
sleeper did not wake it.
- Leco wake
up - we're already late, to go to the graffiti on Paulista.
Tuco looked
again and nothing's brother agreed.
scratches his head, gets angry, and gives a shake of her brother and pulls the
cover, just so then the Leco gave a sign that would stand up, he gives a
mumbled and joining the cover again, the biggest cuddle, and turns to the side
So Tuco
looks again to his brother and shrugs.
• - Ah!
Give up, leave this sleeper sleeping there, I got to go call the staff to go to
the graphite, and without you!
Only then
then the Leco aroused.
• Graffiti?
It even is today, right?
• Hold set
• - You
will soon then your slobber! Look ... All frills, with wrinkled face! It also
looks like an ostrich, sleeping with his face buried in the pillow!
THERE IS! THERE IS! An ostrich! Are all about, skinny, drooling and sleeper and
these long, thin legs seem even?
• Ostrich,
• Damn it!
No longer will start filling the bag early: Give me a break, man! Damn it!
• Okay,
ostrich! It's where I'm going up and eat all the bologna, his mouth open.
• I will
brush my teeth first and then have breakfast if you do not leave bologna for me
you'll see.
shrugged and continued up the stairs toward the kitchen.
Arriving at
the kitchen entrance, he looks at his mother who was washing dishes, but had
dropped the sponge on the floor and as she could not see, groping over the
sink, trying to find the sponge.
remember how she had gone blind due to poor hospital treatment, followed by
infection and high fever, which resulted in the total loss of vision.
Tuco breaks
the trance, bends down, picks up the sponge to her and says.
• Ok here,
Tuco are
• It is me!
• And thick
boy, now wake up grumpy.
• AH,
mother! Does not fill, I want to take my quiet coffee, and where's Tatiana that
useless girl who does not serve to put the coffee on the table.
The Leco,
who had washed his face, was coming into the kitchen and heard what his brother
was talking and retorts:
• Drop the
hand to be loose, sets the table yourself and is not cursing the girl so she
did not do anything to you and speaks right to our mother, because when the
father comes I'll tell him everything!
AH shut up
and come take your coffee soon, but I'll eat all the bologna and we are taking
too long already. I bet we will still have to wake Lu and Dib, those two
ostriches also Ostrich not The Dib looks more like a tree, all hard.
mother laughed.
• And Lu,
until it stow all out, it will already be time to sleep again.
Speaking of
hours, what time is it?
The Leco
• It's half
past eight!
Go, let's go! I'll get the skateboard to go faster.
• Where are
you going? asks Tazinha owner.
• We will
make graffiti in the tunnel of Avenue Paulista for its 100th anniversary.
Much love
to the mother than Tuco said the Leco.
• See if
you take care. I was listening right now in the Eli ran program. Yesterday,
three boys play truant class lying to the mother, saying they were going to
school and were not, were swimming in Mairiporã Dam. Of the three only one
could swim well. The other more or less, and the third did not know anything.
What could
swim well, it was play, make fun, pretending he was drowning, which could not
swim believed he was even drowning and jumped to help him, but the leap he hit
his elbow on the head of what was fainting playing it, and making drowning
really like who jumped thought it was to walk to him because of his height, but
I could not walk to it too and could not swim began to drown also panicking.
• The third
party who could swim more or less jumped to help, but who could not swim was
panicking grabbed him and took him along to the dam bottom drowning him, Died
• What
mother sad story!
• But where
do we go now has no river, only asphalt, only if it rains a lot to flood the
tunnel and what's more, would be nice if flood, why then took us some waves in
the tunnel descent, was surfing with skateboards, no is Leco?
Leco laughs
and responds.
• To listen
to these crazy radio programs that you listen.
• We Tuco.
• Look,
mother is not deceived; mother of feeling does not fail. (Owner warned Tazínha)
In the gate
they cry - "Bye, Mom!"
She is
• Oh my God
protect my children; do not let anything bad happen to them.
contradicting the mother the two out of the narrow street that gave access to a
slope, riding on skateboards and down fast, making some skate tricks.
several slides from the slide, slide 360, and at the end of the descent the two
together give a beautiful Sorocaba, so skateboards stop completely, because
they were already coming up the avenue.
On the
avenue they take the skateboards in hand and cross rushing to the sidewalk on
the other side that is perfect to skate, there is a train track that an away
staff used to do some skate tricks him, as the rock slide and gladden.
Tuco goes
ahead and up the sidewalk olie air.
leaving for less, up to only sidewalk flip air, and gives a boost towards the
train track and gives a nice slide rock to complete the maneuver he stops and
looks at his brother, pulling a fun:
• Let your
DAW, let's go, and let’s go, and let’s call the first Juca.
Tuco, even
with the face of silly because the maneuver that the brother had done shakes
his head and says:
• Yes,
let's call it; it is already at the next corner even. We will pass in front of
his house, which is pretty much the way to the street Master.
• Maybe he has
not left yet, Replies the Leco.
A few more
impulses in the skateboard and leaving slide, they arrive at the house of Juca.
• We will
cry together out loud. Speak Tuco.
• Okay. You
agree Leco.
• Go to
three! • Juuuuuuuccccaaaaaaaa!
• All it
took was a cry alone and appeared a figure in the room glass door, trying to
open it.
• For the
sweater I think the mother of Juca, (Says Leco).
• But of
course right mane, which is his mother, or do you think the Juca would wear
sweater to sleep.
• Do not
suddenly know our friend is getting gay.
• It is,
then I do not know what to say, suddenly will know, beyond the more sweater and
• NO! NO!
Open the
door was indeed the mother of Juca.
And the two
together again, on impulse, ask together in one voice.
• Dona Maria Juca has left?
With a well
Northeastern accent and quiet, Dona Maria responds very slowly.
- The
joselllmmmoooo goo outttt, he has left.
The two was
already knowing how she spoke slowly and left without waiting for the end of
the sentence and were walking and commenting.
• We're
already here at the school door, and I bet she has not uttered the last
"u" of phrase, O Joselmo has left. (Tuco said laughing).
In the
school's sidewalk where is smooth and has a ramp for the entry of cars into the
parking lot, you have a transition in the side that is perfect for making a
skateboard maneuvers.
For them it
is as if it were sacred, he went there, have to do some maneuvering that
transition, and as always, there they go.
Tuco's a
beautiful air olie and Leco behind gives an air olie also perfect.
vibrate only stopping skateboards. For the reason that the other side of the
school's driveway is all broken and I could not walk them skates.
They take
the skateboards in hand and cross the avenue toward the alley.
At the entrance
of alley, as they spot graphite, which is at the entrance, they did, writing
"Street Art".
And as
always, they observe the drawing and enter the alley.
comes the smell of urine, unbearable, you almost do not breathing.
Tuco, speaks
one of his - I think even my great-grandfather, has passed by, and gave a
Pissed this alley .There is possible that there is someone who has gone through
here and has not pissed here, and on cue, I think I'll take a Pissed here too,
And already
positioning themselves to piss like a psychological thing, brother seeing
another pissing, pissing also solves.
• That's it
lection, here is how can the desires, the well you play penny and place the
order, for here is no wishing well, we gives a Pissed and makes a request.
When Tuco
finished the sentence, two ladies returning from the fair, entered the alley
and busted them; Causing both, leave pissing walking and trying to close the
One of the
ladies, scream.
• Your
educated poor, without shame, has no bathroom in the house there are not?
laughing barely holding on standing COREM to the sidewalk where the basketball
was hoop and sit down to catch my breath,
The two
ladies appear at the end of the alley, and go up the street to the left, gesticulating
and moving his mouth, that far, I could not understand anything, to their fate.
taken the breath and away.
They look
at the basketball hoop, stuck in the post, and as another sacred gesture.
They jump
to hang on the rim, simulating play basketball, (the buried).
The Leco as
he is taller than his brother, can successfully now Tuco slope so the
fingertips on the rim and now is satisfied, and speech.
• We
lection, we still have to call the Dib Lu and the Urucka not appear we have to
go to his house and pray that Juca, is already there.
As the
street in front of the basketball hoop, gave way to the home of Dib. Tuco gives
the idea!
• I'll go
call the Dib and you call Lu spoke?
• He spoke goes;
I'm going to call Lu.
The Tuco
enters the street to the left and starts up the street in the direction of the
On the way
he was thinking.
• Hopefully
not, the addict of his Cousin to answer the door, I cannot stand that guy, just looking at that face
addict, makes you want to give a lot of punch in it, do not know how Dib bears.
The guy steals his stuff, and he only gives ums punches, from time to time,
even his cousin is a hell in the house of his grandmother, scold her, not let
anyone sleep, not work, only gives injury.
Tuco was
already in front of Dib's house gate. And think.
• And now
what do I do? - I know. I'll throw stones at the window, so it appears in the
window and I see his cousin.
Tuco bends
down and picks up five stones in the hole that was in the driveway.
And play
the first - wrong!!
Play the
second - hit!!!
Dib within
the room makes a huge noise, awaking him.
Dib stands
up, looks at frieze of the window, at the time the Tuco launched the third
stone. - Hit again!!!
Dib takes a
scare, and reasons.
• Ah is
Tuco, I fuck with him; I'll turn on the radio and pretend you did not hear, the
stones in the window.
Dib back to
bed and turn on the micro system, which was the next bed, the same music that
Tuco heard in the morning.
Tuco perceive music.
• What song
is this? -it's "Beastie boys" .So he is not listening to me, I have
to call, you will not have that. - I thought his cousin had stolen this radio,
and exchanged for powder, a long time, even though not, but if he is not
careful, will turn even dust.
And Tuco
gives a shout, calling his friend.
• Diiiiibbbbb!!!!!!!!
The room
door begins to open and close, open and close again, and close and open again
and close again.
• Huh? I
wonder what is happening with the door.
appears the grandmother of Dib, at the door, talking and cursing at the same
time his cousin the "Edu".
• Exits
loose the door, your shit is not the police not, nor any dealer, trying to kill
you, and Tuco, friend Dib.
• Hi Tuco!
• Hi Dona
Amelia, the Dib is sleeping yet?
• Yes, it
• Can I
awaking him, Dona Amelia?
• Yes of
course, just do not repair the mess.
• That this
Dona Amelia.
entering the home of Dib, Tuco is faced with Dib's cousin, who was with glazed
eyes and the twisted mouth of such drugs he had taken.
And when he
was stoned, he had habit of locking up, afraid that someone would stick it,
traffickers because of the money he owed to them, or the police looking to see
if he had robbed someone, he was very afraid of take another shot then it was
Once he was
shot by a drug dealer who wanted the money he owed him. Ma he took this shot
was to be so arrogant. The dealer came pointing the gun at him, wanting intimidate,
but he took the dealer's gun and threw it on the ground, walked away as if
nothing was happening, the dealer got picked up his gun and gave four shots in
his direction, his luck just one hit him on the shoulder and pierced without
taking any lethal organ, but made a beautiful a hole in his shoulder, this
dealer was cross-eyed, or did not want to kill him, after this scare he got this
to craze hide and lock up the front of her, as once he was so mad, he heard a
noise in the yard, cry up the stairs, climbed into the attic, hiding inside the
water tank is an imbecile same.
And as soon
as Tuco entered the stoner he went and locked the door with key lock and a
chair, and was still asking.
• They are
out there? – Quiet, (With the finger in his mouth, for silence).
• Oh, I'm listening;
they're out there and going to get me.
The madman
ran up the stairs and locked himself inside the wardrobes.
• What
animal crazy Dona Amelia! (Exclaims Tuco)
• You have
not seen anything, tonight he did not let anyone sleep, and he stayed up all
night wandering. A hell! You cannot imagine how much.
• How does
the lady can stand it?
• Ah do not
• At the
age that you have, you should not be going through this.
• Go on
call Dib fast.
Tuco starts
up the stairs, Dib listen that he is going up and hides at the end of the bed,
underneath the first mattress, and in the middle of the second mattress that
was shorter.
Tuco opens
the door, looks to bed; do not see anyone but the radio playing other music of
Beastie Boys, and think.
• OH, I
think him already, left!!!
Right now,
Dib gives a scare hell of it, raising the mattress and playing on it.
• Oh shit, my!!!
I thought you were crazy of his cousin.
• There,
there, there, there. There, I scared you backpack.
• It will
soon, we are already late to go to the graphite, will soon return!
Sitting in
Dib's father's bed, which was in the middle of the room and the Dib against the
wall, all graffiti, Tuco awaits his friend to change and watch the rest of the
room, some graffiti that was on the walls, and other small graffiti by whole
• For stay
traveling and helps me find my shoes, I'm not thinking.
• He was
here last night; I took them and left them here, near the bed, but not here and
• My
cousin!! He must of have caught and sold to buy drugs.
• Yes, he
is well fired up must of have caught it and sold or given at a bargain price
for one or at most two baggies.
• Son of a bitch!!!
Mother fucker, this fagot sold my shoes, do not even want to know I want
another. Where's his mother?
• She is in
the kitchen, will talk to her
Tuco gives
a damn good idea.
• We will
fill him beating, agent takes him from the wardrobes and fills him beating, go,
• Do not
use, more than this motherfucker already caught, no use just killing. That's it
- I'm going to kill that fucking addict.
Dib takes other
old shoes, which for sure this would not take his cousin to sell, because it
was too old even, all torn and pasted with silver tape.
And down to
the room, towards the kitchen screaming.
• I cannot
stand, I will kill this motherfucker, the time I come back, if my shoes are not
here, or another in his place, and I’ll take the gun from a friend of mine, and
kill him.
• Only then
it will have film. - Bye, I'm leaving now; I do not forget what I said.
grandmother asks, will not drink coffee - not so in fasting out, it is bad and
not good attracts bad things.
• Oh
grandmother leaves me lost up an appetite, we Tuco.
Leaving the
gate he listens again.
• Take
coffee boy.
He looks to
bring to the grandmother and keeps walking, entering the first left towards the
house of Lu, Tuco, question?
• You will
even kill your cousin - Why kill if he calls me I'll help you, would give me
great pleasure to kill that hooked.
• Oh shut
up! Just to give a scare them to see if they play .You really think I would
kill my own cousin?
• For what
it does to you, I do not doubt that you have a reaction and shot him.
• Before
him into this, he was like a brother to me, a brother who had not. And it's not
his fault to be so today; it is one more consequence of violence, a victim of
traffickers. It is that in the beginning they give for free, after you
addictive, oh my brother, his life was already, you become a perfect orange, so
I speak. is not always good to be smart, I do not judge anyone, because I do
not know my tomorrow.
• Can I
fall into this too, without realizing it, I am no better than anyone.
arriving in the Lu house on the street, they sights the Leco and Juca, sitting
on the sidewalk of Beth owner, leaning against the wall, which has a very large
graphite done for them, writing "Master" the other corner, they
sights the Urucka coming too, and come together.
If greet
with a length invented by them, to differentiate and remember who they are.
The length
was so; they cross the little finger underneath like a password, and point the
indicator, one to the other, you mean. I protect you, you protect me.
After all
they are greeted.
The Urucka,
Dib, Tuco, ask together.
• Where Lu?
Not wake up?
The Leco
and Juca together also respond, shaking his head saying not. - have not already
called three times and no one came.
• We will
call everyone together, oh let's see if he does not wake up. (Speaks Dib)
• Let's go
on three.
• Two Three
• Our now
even the dead, will rise. (Says Tuco)
• His
mother will scold (warns Urucka)
Said and
done, the room VITRO opens, and rush, Lu all disheveled, screaming at his
• Do not
fill, will comb hair, I'm listening.
His mother
appears in the doorway.
• Boy!
Speaking right to me, I am your mother, and I demand respect.
And his
mother called his father.
• Pasquale
is to find a way to your son, snotty man.
Lu looks to
your friends and talk.
• You are
fucking on, dammit have to shout so, you know that my mother fills my bag,
• If you
were not a sleeping beauty, we would not need to scream and will soon, we're
already late.
• I will
not take no.
minutes later. The Dib complains.
• OH Shit,
my not stand to wait, I'll go up and fast. Excuse me, Mrs. Neuza; I can go call
the new Lu.
• Of course
... If not rush he gets up tomorrow in the shower, up here, the bottom of the
room door is open.
• Thank
you. (Dib thanks)
He up to the
door of bedroom.
• OH Shit
mine, you are still in the shower?
• I'm
leaving. Answer Lu.
Lu leaves
the bathroom, gives a thinking, look to the bed where his clothes, to dress, in
detail, for stretch shirt, shorts down shirt, socks side, one side of the other
and briefs on the other side.
• What freshness!!!!!!
Come on mine.
Lu finished
dressing, gives thinking, and says.
• Missing
cap, I'll take the cap of my brother.
He enters the
brother's room, on tiptoes and takes the cap out the same way he came in, but
her brother agrees.
• What do
you want here, boy?
• Lend me
your cap?
• Do not
you will ruin my cap that not even used?
• I will
not spoil that, I promise. Goodbye.
• Dib goes
there picking up the paint I'm already down.
His brother
gets up cursing and complaining to his mother.
• Mother
this kid took my cap, it will screw up, and if it spoil the lady will give me
another damn this kid will not leave me alone for a minute, look like his
father, I am not his father, not (as Mauritius was five years older, the Lu.
their ideas did not add up and they did not get along very well.)
• I cannot
stand the fights you two, I'm sick, you will not let me work right, are
tormenting me all day, you two do not look like brothers, seem two rivals.
Lu and Dib were leaving thin, with paints and cans splays, the stairs. But his
mother perceives and screams.
• Boy if
you screw up the hat of your brother, you will see me, kid plague that does not
give me a moment's rest.
• Ah!!!!!!!!
(Mumbles Lu)
• Ah!! What
your kid. I respect I am your mother.
Lu goes on
the road disoriented. And people exclaim.
The bus
• Go, let's
go talk again Tuco.
They share
the junk that will take. And each one takes a bit of things.
• We're all
here; let's go at last, (Speaks, Tuco).
• Let's
take the Itaim (106-A). it is easier to go down behind, (Suggests Urucka).
everyone agrees.
• Lets take
the bus in front of the arcade Zé, its closer, (Suggests Leco).
And again
everyone agrees.
noticed the Dib, half upset and question.
• What are
you brother? Is half upset, what it, Says here is to the brother?
• Yesterday
Vaninha said he did not want anything to me, she did not like over min. - I
said okay, then it's over. - I thought to myself, okay it. Why I was three,
still left over me two, one will not be missed. - But still I do not know I
think I like her a little.
listening to the conversation, and listening to the friend say that he liked
some of it, looked at him with a strange look through and how meant something.
The Dib and
Juca astonished at his friend's behavior but did not.
• What time
was it yesterday? (Asked Urucka)
• Around
09:30 hrs. the night. Because? (Answered and asked Dib).
• I saw
Vaninha yesterday at Lu's house at 10:00 hrs. (And the Urucka)
Lu joins
the conversation.
• Dib I
have to tell you the truth, after all we are friends and I would never betray
you. - She arrived in minute’s yesterday morning and said to min saying that,
like min and wanted to stay with me, who was with you just to get closer to
min. - It was then that I told her, I just stay with you when you finish the
conversation is interrupted. Why they were going through basketball hoop, and
as always, as a sacred act. All leave the junk on the ground, and one by one
jumped, trying to reach or hang on the basketball hoop. And as always, Juca,
Leco and Urucka can hang. Dib O Tuco and Lu are content to just lean fingertips
on the rim. After all jump they continue the path, turning right up the street
Dib's house.
• Lu back
what we were talking, I liked your attitude, you were honest with me, if she
does not like min and like you are the best, it is not. It hurts a little is
natural but I must say it for you. (Feeling the heart clench Dib tells Lu)
• So you
want to know something, gets it, will fund's dating her, I do not care anymore,
so it becomes easier for min.
• Still
left over me two to Katia and Kelly. - It's not fair I get three and you no,
besides being that she like you and not min.
And right
now the Leco cut in. And ask?
• That the
bike croup is not Katia?
• It is
rather her and her boyfriend.
• She has a
boyfriend? (Asks Leco)
• Has yes,
I had not told you, I was the other, she's dating this guy to ums three years,
he is well playboy, have a car, motorcycle, she is only interested in his
money, so stay with me.
• And you
like that is when you see it out on the back of her boyfriend after getting
those snogging within the school. (Question Juca)
• I cannot
explain, it's a feeling of being used and then thrown away, you know?
• No, do
not understand, if it makes you evil, for it is mine not worth your grief,
she's just taking a cone with you, forget it. (Speaks Tuco)
• I like
some of it too, but you're right, I have to take shame in the face, and put a
stop to it, I'll give the ultimatum in it, or I or the other, for those who
have lost a lose more u ... .....
Before he
finished his sentence, he made a push.
The Dib
stopped and looked to see who had pushed him.
It was Gentile,
who owns a machine shop and pothead on the side. What brooded that had been
Dib, who had tarred his punch.
• What was
my crazy? (Question the Dib)
• No, I was
not crazy, I want to warn you, I'll have to paint the batter and the batter
appears tarred, I'm behind you.
• I told
you it was not me that wrote your fist, I am no longer that, it's been three
years since the Necrop`s died.
• It is if
you're lying your order will be the same as your friend.
The Dib
gets angry with that man said, and part to him saying.
• How is
your asshole, I'm not afraid of any man, if you are brave as you say, walks,
going out in hand now just me and you.
The man
came pretty close to Dib, almost touching nose to nose, leading up to one feel
the breath of the other.
The man
realizes that Dib did not pull away and he was not joking and that he was ready
to go to fight it. And she felt intimidated, and began to take a pocket thing,
It was a
The Dib
laughed, and he is looking arm the knife, leaving it ready to stick someone.
Then the
Dib said.
• Do you
think I'm afraid of it? - I am more afraid that the floor than in your hand.
• Are you
man it?
Dib raises
his shirt to his chest and says.
• If you
are male, you stick this shit here's your asshole.
The man
felt humiliated and with a burning hatred.
Try to hit
the Dib, who did not move, that's when Tuco pulled him taking it out of sight
of the stabbing, which scraped the Dib's belly.
Right now
the Lu crouches, takes some stones and begins to attack the man, so that he
runs and hides it inside his workshop.
cheap, all picked up stones and began to stone the workshop, the Gentil,
causing much damage to him, only Lu hit a passing car at the time, that had
nothing to do with the story, and they had to leave running, without forgetting
any of the things they carried.
Luckily for
them and at that time was passing, the bus, they would pick up. They give
signal to the bus for up and coming quickly on the bus, no one knew where they
went and manages to escape.
We passed
the turmoil and fright they sit in the last benches and give much laughter.
-. You saw
the guy's face when I attacked the first stone, and when we destroy the
workshop it (said Lu)
• It's
good. For him, not to mess with us anymore, (Spoke Dib).
• We took
the bus? I did not even look; I was going along with you. (Question Tuco)
• I looked
(answer the Juca.) - It is the 106-A, Imirim - Itaim.
• It is the
same 106-A. (Says Dib) - And to forget what happened, what about Urucka,
playing a harmonica for us. - You brought the harmonica Urucka.
• Brought
• So, what
are you waiting for, Plays for us to be distracted? (Speak the Leco).
takes the harmonica from his pocket, takes a breath in it, to clean it, and
begins to touch her.
Everyone on
the bus is looking Urucka take some harmonica melodies. Passengers look with
admiration and without repression.
A man,
sitting in the front seat of them, the left side of the bus, encourages saying.
• The boy
is very good indeed, continues.
And Urucka
kept playing.
The Tuco
starts to follow, making beat box (imitate a drum beat with his mouth) and Dib
and Leco, sing rap letter, 106-A, and get the mess inside the bus, they hang on
coach roof railing, and are upside down and singing rap.
That letter
is so.
I am a poor user, now I speak.
This bus line, which is the
Imirim, Itaim for you to min,
sellout from start to finish.
Bus disabilities are always
This bus drug, live all day
Now see collector is not teasing
This bus is the latest drug to
by bus
But is the first one per cage.
Now see if the driver does not
fill the bag.
This disgrace shudders when all
passes in the hole.
We will compete to see who falls
If you are the front door or the
back door
People competing for a place
If not, there is only encourages.
It is hard to leave and hard to
Spends six o'clock comes into
Not to at any point, as car express
I want to take transport not
want to take shit
Hell of the North Zone, Central,
The Dib
ends the music, making scratch, with his mouth.
- This
music was the Urucka and Barreto, who did, to hit the Fecalp last year. And
they were in the 3rd position of the festival Prado Leme song. Remember? (Asks
All are
silent, at the exact time the bus passes in front of a graffiti done by them,
on the corner of Avenue Alfredo Plujol with Southern Cross Avenue. Where is it
written "Imirim" Their neighborhood.
And as a
sacred gesture, everyone is in a trance looking at the graffiti, it was as if
the bus was in slow motion.
They do not
blink, pay attention to every detail, every color, can see all this with the
bus 40 km per hour.
And only
return to speak again after the graphite out of sight.
And comment
each other.
- That
detail of the letter of painting was very good (brags the Dib).
- The
letter was very good, why was I who did (Lu also boasting)
- The
character became more or less, is not Urucka, at least we try to (speak Juca)
Tuco jokes.
• Lection
is, as always only left the background for us, but it was good too.
• The Tinho
remarked to me, that's letter was very good, but we had to improve the
character (speaks Dib)
• What,
that Tinho are talking about. We started the graffiti first than him. We had to
give hunch in his graphite. (Mutters Tuco as always)
• He did
not speak for a bad, he was just commenting to me, a good, as I also spoke of
graphite defects it. (Explains Dib)
• Bus drug this
is going too slow, it was to have arrived there in Paulista. (Claims Tuco)
• Why are
you with Tuco hurry? (Question Juca)
• It is why
big eyes Carla did not come, and he wants to go soon, end early and return to
the arms of his beloved. (Speaks Lu pulling a fun with Tuco)
And all
together begin to call Tuco of dominated.
Dominated, overwhelmed, and dominated.
looking for Dib and says.
• What are
you saying, you are too.
• I am
nothing, now I just have to Kelly, Monday, I'll pull over Katia on the wall and
say to her, or me or him. Of course, she will prefer the Japanese; he has a
car, bike, and gives all the good and the best for her. I do not have shit, I'm
a foot scuff, and she does not want to stand with one foot slipper. What girl
would want to stand with one foot slipper? Tell me, what girl?
• That's
what I'm going to talk to her on Monday if she gets me, after I mention this to
her, it is why she really likes min. Is not true?
The fight
with drivers
The Leco
interrupts the conversation to plan how they were going down the back door of
the bus, not to pay driving.
The bus was
already going inside the Anhaguabau tunnel.
• We will
go down in the next point or wait a little closer to the Av. Paulista.
(Question Lu)
• I'd
better get down here in Flag Square that up there is very difficult to go up
someone, in this bus. (Speaks Dib)
• You and
us up the rest walk by Augusta. (Added Juca)
The bus
stops at a light for pedestrians, about 10 meters from the bus stop and no one
in point is expressed with the intention that it would take this bus.
• I better
break opened the bus door. (Said Dib)
But, before
he finished the sentence, Lu was already in position to break the door and
• Help me
here is difficult.
• The DIB
and Leco jump to help him, and each of the glass protection of iron and pull.
The door
As the bus
was in the middle of the street track, another bus realizing what was
happening, slope the bus as close to the door to try to stop, they go down
without paying driving.
But even so
Dib jumped up and got out, Lu and Leco jumped back, and also managed to get
off, but as another bus came closer the Leco had to release the door.
The doors
closed, leaving the Tuco, Urucka and Juca inside the bus. The light opens and
the bus goes, but to the point, because we had to get off at that point.
• Allah the
bus stopped at the point. (Said Dib)
• We will
run break the door out and help the guys to go down. (Said Leco)
They run
toward the bus and break in the doors, so that the three go down, but when Juca
just down the driver had come down from the bus and grabs Dib behind.
The Dib
struggles and manages to release the driver, and starts to fight with the
driver, but they did not expect was that that bus that tried to close the door
for them not to descend, was booked to take some driver and collectors to the
garage and stopped behind the bus to help the fellow down about some twenty
collectors and driver, and ran toward the Dib to fight with the driver of the
first bus, where the first one went down, he ran and punched in Dib, taking him
off guard, but even so Dib retaliated the punch, but another came, and kicked
behind doing with the Dib to unbalance a bit, but not enough to drop and
prevent hit back the punch again . (the Dib wore a ring of a skull in the right
big toe, which occupied the whole finger) and broke it in the face, who kicked
you, but the deal had been black, black, not blue even had blue uniform for all
that it was next. And another driver pushed Dib making this time fell
completely, and trying to get up fast, not to be massacred, staggering a
little, because of how quickly tried to get up, and the driver pushed him again
to fall.
The Leco
realizing friend in more trouble than he runs to help him, jumps and hits a
beautiful one heavy, one of the guys that pushed the Dib, causing him to fall
over the other driver, and calling attention to it, giving time for the Dib get
up and recover, to get away and yell at his friend.
• Get out,
you run the business is getting ugly for us, we are at a disadvantage.
they hear the cry Lu.
• Dib,
Leco, help me.
One of the
drivers was holding Lu, but when the driver sees the Dib and Leco going in his
direction, he loses a bit, leaving with the Lu escaped, but at the time of Lu
to duck to escape, he beats Pull the brim, in the driver's arm and let fall the
cap brother and how that same time were getting more drivers, they had to flee
leaving the cap there.
As Tuco,
Urucka, and Juca, came down and ran to the flyover, they saw what was
happening, and leaving Dib, Leco and Lu, alone, to quarrel with twenty something
men, and had to flee it, without thinking twice.
They ran against
the other three. When joined, they will stop and they will be waiting to see if
the driver came behind them, they looked but ahead and come, the bus leaving
and booked drivers and collectors entering the bus, and leaving too and taking
the cap Brother Lu.
Leco looks
at the Tuco, and speech.
• My Dust,
why do not you help us?
• We have
not seen, we only realize when we got here and looked back and saw you trying
to escape, it was late. I had with blue uniform for all when it's side and kept
getting more, looked like they were all the drivers and conductors of São
Paulo, at the reserved bus. (Spoke Juca)
• It never
minds. (Reasons the Leco)
• I lost
the cap of my brother, he'll kill me; do not even want to see the time that he
finds out, I lost the cap it.
• After you
buy one for him, that banking in Rio Branco Avenue, Lu. (Suggests Juca)
• It never minds.
(Regrets Lu)
They start
to walk toward the Augusta Street.
They not
walk or 500 meters, and the Tuco already complains.
• I'm
relents and hunger is it's almost 11 am.
• At the
next corner has a bakery, we go there and buy twelve rolls and four grams of
mortadella, plus a two-liter Coke.
They buy
the angles, walk up to a corner where there was a ladder, sit, and there even
without any ceremony, cut the bread with your hands even, place the slices of
bologna in the bread, and send see, with some soda sips .
Made snack,
they continue their goals.
• Just
missing a block, and is already the Paulista avenue. (Speaks Urucka)
Arriving at
Avenue Paulista, They pass over the tunnel complex, observing what was going on
and looking for a legal space for them to do the graphite them. And enter the
tunnel the avenue Dr. Arnaldo, giving back all that they saw, on the other
hand, a graffiti artist making a huge graffiti in the tunnel, but it was not
their style, was a little more drawn to art, the foreign media drawings, was a superman,
paunchy running of a woman, a dog without movement, with a Martian, mixed.
Inside the
tunnel, when they passed by the graffiti artist, who was one graphite, they
• This is
graffiti guys. (Was Rui Amaral, a plastic and graffiti artist too)
They pass
by the artist and not pay attention to it.
• Graffiti!
Min for this is not strange design, all crooked.
• Tuco each
has its own style, each artist does whatever he wants, whatever you want, agree
other artists look and respect the work of other artists. (Explains Dib)
Just when
they passed by another artist who threw ink rustic on the wall and a woman with
u brush gave way, inks plays, they seemed a lot of stuck a head in the other.
They looked
the tunnel and found that a whole had graffiti on both sides of the tunnel.
• Does he
left space for us. (Asks Leco)
• Let's go
maybe on the other side has room couple us. (Answers Lu)
Arriving at
the tunnel exit to Avenue Paulista, there was plenty of room yet.
• Here's
good! (Exclaims Juca)
• IT IS.
Here is cool, we will do here, and let this other space for Speto.
• You have
reached the Speto, Lu?
• Called
yes, and he said he would and would call the Twins, Binho and Tinho.
At the very
moment that they were coming and they came with them Zelão and Victhie too.
• Has
space, for all around the world? (Question Gemini)
• You have
to spare. (Answers the Urucka)
• Cool then
we will start our art, (Exclaims Binho).
They share
the space on the wall, planning to do a background only, and each begins to
make their art.
The Master,
draw a character and a letter written São Paulo and Art. Street, with another
character in the end, it was a cop; gun in hand, with the sentence.
"Violence generates violence".
The Twins
draw three characters, and a written letter Gemini.
The Speto
draws a woman.
The Binho
drew a rider on a dragon.
The Tinho
is a football player and written Tinho.
The Zelão
made a lot of characters around her letter, written Zelão.
The Victhie
makes a very large stylized letter, written Victhie.
Tunnel, The Mix Paint, which was continuation of the Master, formed by friends
who went together, as the urge, Mulambo, Adna, Alé and Estevam make a huge
graffiti on the side of the artist Sérgio and Juneca that He drew a baker with
a cake in hand with candles age birthday São Paulo.
While they
were doing graffiti, they relax a little break dancing. The Dib and one of the
twins, begin to dance right there on the sidewalk tunnel. One of the twins of a
mill that ground discreditable, and Dib is a few steps to complete.
All made
their graffiti and talk of many things. The Zelão showed his tattoos, where one
of the tattoos was a graphite.
There was
also a sample of old cars that passed through Paulista Avenue, celebrating the
Had a lot
of reportage, TV, radio, newspaper, on site showing the event, they were
interviewing the people doing graffiti, I asked the people what they thought of
that urban art, If you beautified the city?
People said
it was beautiful and good, some were comments like.
• It is
better than the wall without color or all tarred and pasted poster. Graffiti of
a lifetime to the wall, a colorful, color gives us a joy, this is pure art with
a tendency to be a new style of contemporary art, such as the Modern Art and
others we know, these young people may someday be recognized as great artists,
a new style and new technique, (Says a very friendly and intelligent citizen).
The rebuke
of the police
finished their graffiti and began to leave.
It was
getting late and the graphite of the Master and twins was not ready yet, but
they did not stop and drop by half then continued. The Speto stayed with them
only taking pictures and waiting for the twins to go away together.
The tunnel
that was closed has been released and the traffic began to flow into the
That's when
he stopped a cop car; I came by accident and did not know of the event. And he
commanded them all lean the wall.
And the
general one by one and asks very nervous.
• Who
authorized you to do this here? (Question Lieutenant of Police)
Luckily for
them the secretary of the Regional Sé was still there. And when he saw that
scene, ran, was explaining to the police.
• They are
authorized by the Regional See. I have authorization here with me.
secretary shows the authorization for the police, who leave a little talk.
But does
not exempt anyone, are all standing there with his hands and his face turned to
the wall.
The Dib
whispers and sings softly one small piece of rap lyrics of the group code 13,
for one of the twins.
• Police is
marginal this is the dog law
• The
police kill the people and not go to jail
• Police
kings of the south zone
• Cute
little dress with its blue costumes
The Dib to
sing the lieutenant came back.
secretary continued to explaining to the lieutenant.
• This is a
project called "Graffiti Art Cool" where we try to turn some taggers
in graffiti. And it has the support of the mayor Erundina. The graffiti is a
very discriminated art even as you can see, they even wanted to arrest the
boys, but one day will be a great art recognized.
given by satisfied the releases and warns.
- It's
getting dark, leave it for another day, here the night and very dangerous, I do
not want to go here again and see you here, so go away and finish it another
day, during daylight.
agrees shaking their heads.
The officer
goes away, they gather their things and leave the there.
In the Paulista
avenue, The Master, combine other graphite with Gemini and Speto and say
goodbye there even, as already in the Augusta street corner with Avenue
Paulista, the Twins would go ahead and the Master would go down the street.
Augusta to Rosevelt Square, where they would take the bus Imirim -Shopping.
The clock
struck half past six.
The meeting
with the movement Hip Hop
• I'm
hungry, (Mutters Tuco).
• You only
think about eating, looks like a starving, (Exclaims Leco).
• It is
also but I'm hungry, let's see how much we have money, to see what's to buy, to
eat, (Speaks Urucka).
They counted
the money.
• We have
CR $ 6.00 Crusaders, (Told Juca).
• Can you
buy a mozzarella pizza at the bakery, (Says Lu).
• So what
are we waiting for, let's go buy is pizza. (Rush Tuco).
They buy
the pizza, walk to the bus stop which was in Rosevelt square, sit on the
sidewalk and there, devour pizza, one eye on the piece of the other, to see who
eats faster, to eat the leftovers, but Dib divides, takes a bite each, they eat
and lick your fingers because a pizza for them was very little.
smelled the pizza smell that was in his hand, suddenly they perceive a song.
- It's Rap!
(Says Juca)
• Really! (Confirms
They get up
and look where it was coming that song until the Dib is.
• I come to
see, it is a personal singing Rap and other break dancing.
And all
COREM to see, are so enthralled with the staff singing and dancing, they do not
understand a man who approached them, and asks for them.
• What do
you want here?
• Not only
are we looking at, because it cannot? Looking staff dance, I know we are in a
public place; it is under the Rosevelt square but still part of the square.
The guy
does not like the Dib voice intonation, but does not fight back the answer and
• Do you
like rap and break?
• It's like;
we are graffiti artists, which is part of the Hip-Hop movement as well.
• You are
graffiti artists? Wait a minute here.
The guy
down the stairs and toward the people, who were dancing and singing, was conversation
with another subject and points to them.
• IH! IH! I
think we arrange bullshit, (Asks Juca).
• They are
coming here, what do we do? (Asks Urucka)
• Nothing
will wait and see what happens; after all we are human too, (Speaks Dib).
The guy
comes back with two more. One greets.
• And then,
right. You are graffiti artists?
• We are.
• What is
the name of the gang of you?
• We are
the Master of graphite team. (Answers Lu)
• You are
the Master? What they did that master in the Flag Square?
• You were
in. (Speaks Lu)
• The subject
is presented.
• My name
is Rodney, I am also a graffiti artist, you've seen the cover of Thaide and DJ
1 disc, and I did it.
• I saw,
written in Thaide and Dj 1 foot down with a design side and the DJ 1 is jumping
in front of graffiti and Thaide with a bad guy on the cover.
• It's the same;
I also did in the gallery of 24 May and the Barão de Itapetininga st, in the
B-Boy stores.
• Reach
more I will introduce you to the staff here, they are the Black Union.
• Rodney
falls in front (he wore jacket graffiti on the coast), he calls another guy.
• Hey MT.
Bronx! Arrives there, come here.
The MT
Bronx comes to meet them.
The Dib
looks at him and think. - A where have I ever seen this guy?
remember. - It was in Rio Branco Avenue of banking, he was buying a cap too, he
shit with those bikes that have a chest in front, and it is himself.
• And then
you are part of HIP-HOP movement too? (With a thick voice asks the MT BRONX?)
• We are
part of the movement, (Answers Lu).
The MT
Bronx meets staff who were dancing and singing and ask to stop a bit, all obey,
calls the attention of all and called The Master.
• Come
here, oh this personal staff here are The Master, they are also the streets,
and are part of our HIP-HOP movement; they do graffiti in the city streets,
with the goal of the movement. I want a round of applause for them.
All clap,
whistle and scream. "VIVA HIP-HOP MOVEMENT" everyone has greeted them
one by one.
• Geez up
there did not seem that he had so many people like that. (Think Urucka).
everyone has greeted the MT Bronx call the corner to talk.
• I wanted
to make a graffiti on this wall says "BLACK UNION" you can do?
They look.
- Gives yes (answers Lu)
• Just pack
some paints and some spray cans, which make us very proud. (Speaks Lu)
• Okay
thanks. (MT thanks the Bronx, and will to sing a Rap)
comes to talk to them.
• And
Thaide and DJ 1, they do not appear here? (Asks Dib)
• From time
to time it appears.
• And the
Rational, they come here too?
• They
came, long since they do not appear here, who came over was kl DJ, I think they
should be doing much out there shows off, or something.
The Urucka
look where the MT Bronx was singing, had a person enjoying, there was a
beautiful little brunette in the middle that caught his attention. And
• Who is
that little brunette dancing?
• I think
it's the daughter of the owner of Zimbabwe.
• Ah only,
(Answers the Dib).
Tuco not was
bearing more anxiety to see her love and Call the staff to leave.
• Let's go!
• We’ll do.
(Answers the Dib)
But they
could not get out of there so any one greet. And to greet one by one of the
fifty people who were there. They had a special to greet, it was so. You the
hand, pulls back scraping the palm to reach the fingers that curved forward
hook-shaped, fit, then you push hard.
To greet all
there, they follow their paths toward the bus stop.
return home
Already, at
on the bus stop, waiting for a bus to Imirim,
• Nice,
(Exclaims Lu). Next week, we will be back, I talk?
• That's it
we'll be back. (Agree Juca)
Ò bus came
around the corner.
• It is our
bus, (Warns the Leco).
All give
sign and the bus to, they go up.
• It is the
Boy, the collector, and there Boy? (Dib shouts inside the bus, to the collector
who recognizes and greet too).
• And then
little deer came (says the collector to the Dib)
• This
collector is very funny. (Dib says the signaling to the collector).
• Then let
us at the point of the college, there in Peruche in Garcia, remember?
collector is a positive signal.
• I cannot wait
to get home in time to see the National newspaper to see us on television, and
tomorrow bright and early I'll buy newspapers that interviewed us, to see how our
story was. (Says Lu)
• I doubt
that you get up early tomorrow; I forgot to have that party tonight at Casa
Verde. (Remember the party Juca)
• I am even
I had also forgotten, (Speaks Urucka).
• And you
have not forgotten that tomorrow afternoon we will do graffiti Fly to pay the
tattoo that he will do to agent forgotten? While one works in graphite another
will already doing your tattoo, not to lose time. (The comments Dib)
• Let me
see the drawing Lu. (Asks the Leco)
• Here in
the middle of the folder let me find here is a can of spray lively, with a
Master M inside, like it?
• We like!
(All respond).

was admiring the design.
• It's
cool, where we'll do. (Question Juca)
• What
about the shoulder. (Suggests Tuco)
• No. (Answer
all along)
• How about
here on the left wrist, if you want to show takes clock and bracelets, if you
want to hide the clock puts on. What do you think? (Ask the County Loath)
• Cool,
good idea. (Agrees Dib)
everyone agrees.
• It's
getting our point. (Warns the Leco)
• Now!
(Exclaims Tuco)
• It's
because it's Saturday, and this time is no traffic here. (Dib explains that
warns the collector who will be the next).
• Hey, BOI
is next.
collector picks up a coin drawer and hit the iron in front of a notice much
used by the bus driver and collectors, to let some passengers descend without
paying driving. (So they go down without pay for tickets), the bus to the point
in front of the college and open the rear door, down so one by one, thanks to
the collector and the driver.
together make a positive signal to the collector, which responds to signals
with a positive sign as well.
• I did not
say that this collector was cool, (Speaks Dib).
Arriving on
the street of the Master, in front of the home of Lu, everyone to greet and
each goes to his house.
The Urucka
goes to the left of the street, and Dib, Juca, Tuco and Leco, continue on the
opposite path of Urucka.
Lu goes
very still in his house that his mother did not realize that he returned
without the cap brother. Enter the kitchen goes through the room, up the stairs
giving access to the rooms and runs to the bathroom and sighs.
• Ufa!! No
one saw me, for today I managed to hide, I take a quick shower and change I
expect the guys on the street, go to the party.
The Urucka
enters your home, do not talk to anyone, it goes straight to the room, turn on
the TV and is hoping to spend the National Journal, to see if they would go on
television, on the news.
At that
time Dib had also arrived at the home of his grandmother.
The entire
look in the door of the room scared. Thinking it was actually armed and would
commit insane, killing his cousin.
His Father
is the first to come to him.
• My child
will not ruin your life is not worth getting dirty for this shit.
• What are
you talking about Dad?
• You did
not get a gun with his friend, to take revenge on Edu, for he has stolen your
• I did not
get it.
grandmother comes against him too and hugs kisses and tells.
• You are a
good boy; I knew I would not do anything stupid. You did not get the revolver
borrowed He picked?
• No, I did
not even see the MCL today; I said it to scare Edu.
• And even
scared, he was sleeping on her sister today, afraid that you would kill him.
(Explains Aunt Edu's mother)
• How does
Sandra let him sleep there after all he did for her, stealing her things too?
(Asks Dib)
• She is
the sister, you know, you know, blood of the same blood and sister loves him
very much. And always forgives.
• I also
forgive Aunt, I know that the fault is not his is the damn drug, he good would
never do such a thing, I just threatened him, to see if it to it, giving him a
scare. I'll take bath; I'll go after us more talk.
Aunt nods
and goes to the kitchen and it rises into the room.
The Juca
arrives at your home, hungry and goes straight to the kitchen, where were his
sister and his mother and asks.
- What you
have to eat I am very hungry and no time to shower now, if not I will lose the
National Journal. We will appear in TV mother, doing graffiti on Avenue
His mother
brings him a plate of food and a passion fruit juice, to him who sat on a
cushion on the floor looking forward to the television.
The Tuco
and Leco come home at 20:00 hrs. in point, and asks the mother was in the
kitchen where not watching television, why not see, but hear everything there,
is imagining everything follows the novels heard only and even watch movies as
• Mother
has begun the national newspaper?
• It's
starting. (Tatiana responds to their sister's room)
They run
into the room and sit on the couch explaining to his sister why so much anxiety
to watch the news.
mother thanks God hairs children have safely arrived.
The mother
Lu calls for dinner.
• Luciano
comes dinner her father made pizza.
As his
father was Italian, he was always pizza on Saturdays.
• I'm going
mother. (Answers Lu, thinking about going to watch the news in the kitchen,
where there was a small television, those imported from Paraguay.
He goes
down to the kitchen, get a plate put two pieces of pizza and sit on the stool,
he pulls down the table, where was the small television and had been passing
the news and asks the mother.
• Start now?
• It's been
five minutes it started. (Responds to mother)
The moment
the reporter announced.
• Today São
Paulo's birthday, in Sao Paulo there were many celebrations and tributes all
over town. In the traditional neighborhood of the bladder, they made a cake
with 437 meters and Paulista Avenue where today also makes birthday and 100th
anniversary and there were several shows and tributes. as the highway complex,
which was all graphite, for boys organized by the city and sponsored by some
companies, see pictures this afternoon.
And on
television appears Dib on a ladder, painting and Lu below painting too.
• There
looks mother, Dib and I on television.
The next
image appears Tuco, Leco, Juca and Urucka, all working on the graphite side.
• Am I and
the guys, our five seconds of fame, (Urucka crying alone in the room).
grandmother of Dib calls.
• Come see
you are on television.
Dib runs
down and still takes a bit of the story.
• I saw you
on top of a ladder painting and the boys too.
• Nice,
(Exclaims Dib).
The Juca
was the biggest party in your home.
• I went
out on television, I came out on television. - Oba!!
He hugged
his mother and sister and suddenly remembered.
- I forgot
to write for. He still tries to write something but I could no longer.
And the Tuco´
s house and Leco: • Tatiana saw us on television, heard mother speaking
reporter graffiti appeared I Tuco and the guys on television.
• Good son,
you recorded?
Record!!??? We do not forget that drug.
• After
this I'm going to bathe, he saw Tuco I'm going to shower first.
• If you
take too long I'll be knocking on the door, heard!
While Leco
takes bath, Tuco Changes the TV channel to MTV.
• Leaves
where he was boy, I was listening to the news and then will pass the novel and
I want listen.
As I was not
feeling anything good on MTV, Tuco back to the channel 5, noting that this was
one of the few mother's pleasures and leaves the room toward the bedroom, which
turns on the radio to listen to music and lies down to wait for the Leco finish
bathing, it used to take 30 minutes on average every day in the shower and act
In the
house of Lu, appears Vaninha calling him, and his mother who attends.
• Lu will
not at the party, the mother Lu strange question?
• But you
were not girlfriend Dib.
• No more
mother now she is my girlfriend.
His mother
mutters something.
• That
• The Dib
will the party? (Question Vaninha)
• Of course
we will all together.
• I do not
want you to be hugging me and kissing me in front of him, okay?
• It is
good but come to call it.
They leave
the house to the street holding each other at the very moment that Dib appears
at the gate to call Lu, busted and the two embraced.
automatically takes quick arm Lu shoulder and tries to disguise. But Dib
corrects things and talk.
• You can
continue embraced him Vaninha, we have nothing more for you to stay disguising,
I want it more than you two are happy, if you are interested, it will not be me
that will prevent their happiness, on the contrary I will support them.
feel relieved and grateful to Dib for understanding.
The Urucka
arrives, bringing its four materials and the preferred Juca Cybele, who comes
asking for the same.
• Where's
• In a
moment he arrives. (Answers greet the Dib)
• What? You
switched girlfriend? (Question of the material of Urucka)
• This is a
long story, let it go. (Responds laughing the Dib)
The girl
does not understand anything but no question, not to seem boring.
• We expect
the Tuco, Leco and Juca here? (Question Lu)
• Japanese
Dú and Gel go with us too and I said I would wait here. (Answers the Dib)
• Look
there they come, and who is that little brunette with them. (Points and asks
• Is Kelly!
She should have gone to call me at home and as I have gone, she went on Dú
house to see if I had gone or not.
The Dib greet
the Dú and Gel and go toward Kelly to give her a kiss. She turns his face and
kisses him on the cheek.
The Dib
looks at her and shrugs and talks.
• The guys
arrived, there comes the Tuco with Carla and Leco with Cris, and Juca with a
The Cybele
turns quickly to make than Dib said, and realizes that was a lie.
• You fool.
(Speaks Cybele slapping in Dib)
• You saw
on television? (Dib asks for Dú and Gel)
• When? (Question
• Just now
in the National newspaper, did not you?
• No! (Together
account the Dú and Gel)
Juca enough
asks too.
• And then
come on television, it is we are famous now.
Juca look
at Cybele, not greet anyone and go against it pulls into a corner and are
talking alone.
• And then
staff already are all here, let's go, (Speaks Dib taking the hand of Kelly,
which was strange half with him.)
• And all
walk towards the party, which was not far away, why they lived well on the
border of the districts of the Casa Verde and the Imirim, and the party was at
Casa Verde.
question for Lu, - Who is that girl who Dib is hand in hand with her?
• Is Kelly
you did not hear him speak?
• He met
her today?
• No.
• Dog, to
say that he was with me and her, and I all worried about him thinking he was
upset, dog.
• Why are
you jealous of him with her?
• No, I was
just commenting, no need to be angry, too, and now gives me a kiss, only anger.
kisses Lu in front of Dib just to cause jealousy in him and look to see if he
was looking at.
Dib looks
they kiss and make a joke. - Careful not to kill the boy suffocated.
Dib pulls
matter with Kelly that was very strange.
• What you
have is so cold to me?
• Anything.
• As
nothing something you have, it's all strange to me.
• Do you
know what it is, not to let it go?
• Started now
• I do not
like you.
• Pull very
short and thick, you do not like me, you are giving notice.
• No, it's
not that I do not like you, I do not like as boyfriend, I mixed things up a
bit. You are very much like my brother who died, and I appeal to me for you
because of this and not for love or passion; understood?
• No, I did
not understand and what you want from me now?
• Your friendship,
I hope you still be my friend.
Dib looks
to your friends who go to him, the one thought in all that is happening. - In
the morning I had lost Vaninha for Lu and decided it would no longer with Katia
and now Kelly gives you an out, pulls I'm unlucky with women, but it is that
old saying who really want nothing.
• What are
you thinking? (Asks Kelly breaking the trance of Dib)
• It's
okay, I was thinking some things that went through my head; you want so, fine
will be, then it is so, you in your corner and I in mine; He spoke.
He goes
toward his friends, who were already entering the party.
• What
happened? (Asks Dú)
• We
finished. (Answers the Dib into the festa0
He knew
almost everyone who was at the party.
A guy, who
sees you coming, recognizes a fight they had and that led to worse so never
forgotten him out without his notice to go call your friends.
Dib and the
guys did not realize what was happening; begin to enjoy the party, leaving that
to shake what just happens to you in your love life. And dance, tease with your
friends without stop for a minute, not to feel sorry for yourself and ask for
• The party
is good right?
• Yes it
is. (Answers the Leco and without losing the opportunity to ask what was
happening to him and Kelly.)
• Why are you
here and Kelly on the other side, you dismantled?
• We
finished us even.
• Yes, I
see, look there she is taking the Dú to dance.
Dib looks
at the scene with a musical background, so romantic and at the same time so sad
and feel your heart sink again.
The music
with sad melody, causes it to disarm his guard and shows what really was
feeling, the smile was gone from his face, giving way to a sad pitiful face, he
looks both dancing and already imagine other things.
• Pull
another friend of mine stealing my girlfriend and soon Dú, which is like a
little brother to me, we grew up together, I always protected, never let anyone
beat him at school once got into a fight with two much bigger guys than I just
to support in other places too, like that day we went down behind the bus, not
to pay driving; And only Pastel managed to get off the bus, where was I Dú and
Gel Forehead, still inside the bus, the conductor came and punched Dú's face, I
was like a bull up the collector, giving a lot of punch him and Gel Testa
helping me to hit him; I and Gel Tests in hand stick to the collector and the
Dú there with his hand on his face, like a child who was beaten by his father
until the collector got away from our hands, ran to his backpack that was in
his seat and drew a knife coming towards me, I hung me on the railing and I was
trying to defend myself with the feet; Luckily for me the people who were
sitting in the back seat of the bus, ran forward, jumping the banks and turning
the ratchet, so worrying the collector, who had returned his attention to them,
forgetting a little and giving me time to pick up a broom that was on the bus
from the corner, so I can defend myself. And during this time the bus was
already stopped in the street and to our luck a police car stopped and boarded
the bus, quieting the collector and letting us explain, explain anything lying
even shamelessly, we were not in the boy who had fallen behind, and for our
luck again I had three passes me in the pocket, which has to pay for my conduct
the Gel Tests and the Dú. It was a hard time. I could have died that day and
was defending Dú if he has to Kelly, I cannot do anything, I have more and support
why I will not hit him.
At this
very moment groups of more or less about 20 men enter the party, pointing to
the Dib and his friends.
The Dib
looks and recognizes some of them, especially the front, which was not the
three front teeth, which had been the Dib itself that had broken with a punch,
that fight where he avenged them because they hit the Necrop` in the Carlinhos
on Venus left the two evils.
Before Dib
can to defend three go to him,, one jumped up and pulled his jacket back and
down, preventing him to see something, while the other two gave kicks and
punches him when the rest of the class began to come toward him, his colleagues
saw that scene, enter the fray to help him, after all their motto was "I
defend you defend me."
You get
that break stick, ugly beating everywhere.
Dib starts
pounding what was holding his jacket and loosening up getting heads-up with
three, but now beating as well, beating more than picking up, until he takes
tripped and fell, but as a cat gets up quickly; because he knew if he stayed on
the ground was his end, these cowards were like lions, when his game falls all
Right now,
the girl's father owns the party, appears at the door of the house, giving a
shot in the air, making everyone stop fighting, and the man says.
• That you
call party, so ended the party of you, all out, just the party?
As the
party was in the backyard, all are wrung out to left, down a hallway that led
to the street, in the biggest turmoil.
And the
fight continues on the street, but now it was no longer in his free hand, were
stoned and clubbed, causing all ran one to one side and the other to the other side
throwing sticks and stones, until someone called the police and everyone fled.
The Master from
Peruche neighborhoods runs through the streets and alleys until they arrived in
their street.
Arriving on
the street they are released in the Lu house the sidewalk and give lots of
laughter and comment on the fight.
• I took
many shots on a guy who fell to the ground, (Speaks Tuco).
• There
were three up of Dib, (Speaks Juca).
• Are you
okay Dib, (Question Lu).
• I am,
just a little red because of the beatings I took.
• If we
were not in there, they had killed you to fight, (Speaks Leco).
• Where the
Dú Kelly and Gel and Holiana, (Asks Dib)?
• They must
they have gone to the other side, why I did not see them in the fight,(Answers
Dib looks
at his friends and note that all are followed, except him.
The Tuco
with Carla, the Leco with Cris, Juca with Cybele, Lu with Vaninha the Urucka
was not with anyone either, but was a entertaining conversation with his three
other materials.
That scene
was not very good at it and says.
• I'm going
home, I had a very busy day today, I will rest a little, I am physically tired,
emotionally and heart aches too. Goodbye guys.
People say
it is a little more there.
• Do not want
to go Home. And go away.
The Juca
looks his friend going away, heartbroken and comments.
• He was
upset that Kelly broke it, too.
• Also because?
(Question Vaninha)
• He was
dating me and Kelly the same time is well done for him, dog .it was so that someday
I was waiting for him and he did not appear.
The Leco
feeling the duty to defend the friend says.
• And what
did you do with it too, you think right? Dismantle it and gets his friend in
his face.
The Tuco,
Leco and Juca drive the word pair Lu and say.
• You're
not sure not to Lu.
• Look at
the guy was devastated, lost three girlfriends in one day, that one he has yet
to finish on Monday.
• Three!!!!
He had three girlfriends? And you are still finding bad, I finished it, it's
three times dog.
They change
the subject.
Dib arrives
at his houses, which was very quiet, by reason of his cousin have gone to sleep
in the house of his sister, and would not make hell in the house today leaving
the whole family quiet sleep.
He goes up
to his room, undresses, leaving only underwear and lies was very tired,
physically and emotionally.
But as a
snap, he hears voices through the street and recognize.
They were
the Dú Kelly Gel and Holiana. He gets up and goes to the window and through the
opening he looks and sees Dú and embraced Kelly down toward the house of Kelly
who lived down the street.
This time
he feels his heart tighten, dizzy her legs, which had to release the body
leaning against the wall, slipping to the ground the inevitable tear trickles
down his face and he cries like a sobbing child. His father did not mind crying
and continued to snore.
He lay in
bed thinking with his weariness would be easy to sleep, and would be easier to
forget, but he was mistaken, and could not sleep why not stop thinking about
had just seen. And imagine the Dú kissing Kelly, and she invited to enter your
house where they would love, it was pounding in his head all night until he
falls asleep without realizing the three.
He agreed
with his grandmother pulling your leg. 08:30 am.
• We will
raise you promised you would go with me in Aunt Teresa, go up!
He knew
that his would not leave him to sleep over and gets up with all red eyes,
change too lazy, and washes your face, tying hair. His coffee was already in a
mug grandmother had put to go fast. and go to the bus stop expect, before long,
he and grandmother, leave home Aunt Teresa sister of his grandmother who lived
at Casa Verde and was very ill and she lived with her granddaughter, 25
Valquiria that he lived only readying also, she was very beautiful, blond blue
eyes and a sculptural body.
When the
bus was already at Casa Verde, three gentlemen, who sat two to front and one on
the bank side alone of Dib and his grandmother and talked too high leaving that
listen to what they talked.
- You will
come to fight last night the daughter of the party of his Antonio, said he left
to shoot (one of you said).
realized that they spoke of his fight last night and paid more attention to
what they talked.
- Mr.
Antonio fired a shot into the air to stop squabbling within the party, but when
the quarrelsome come out into the street fighting continued, with blows and
stones everywhere, each beating the other. The front of my house was all full
of stones and pieces of sticks that vandals tore the fences of trees. (Account
of the gentleman who was sitting on the bench alone)
• Those
marginal, broke all around my tree that is born to catch the slats to give each
other. (Curse the man who was sitting in the window)
• What will
be of this world, the way our children are going; they kill each other for any
reason. (The man who was sitting in the hallway whines)
grandmother enters the conversation.
• In our
time did not have any of that right, boys were educated and gentlemen, guilt
and education of today who do not pay and television that only goes indecency,
war movies, deaths and girls appear almost naked on television this world is
lost. So I try to give a little education for this my grandson to see if he
will become someone in life.
One of you
turns to Dib and advises.
• Do not
ride with bad company, previously only than in bad company, they may engage you
in a fight like this yesterday and you can end up dead, for a trivial reason, with
a tremendous chutzpah Dib the answers for you.
• No, I'm
not there walking down the street, arranging confusion I'm home, I'm at home
watching TV.
grandmother looks with reproof but said nothing.
Why he gets
up to pull the rope tinkle to warn the driver that his point was next. The bus
for them to lay off of lords and down almost in front of the home of Teresa
aunt, return four houses and squeeze the bell and wait.
appears aunt in the glass door vitro.
• Are you
Amelia, enters the door is open?
There was a
small staircase with ten steps and his grandmother had difficulty climbing
stairs due to his age and with patience, helps her grandmother up the steps,
one by one.
It rises
and complains of pain in the hallway that led to the house, a four-room house
with a narrow kitchen where led into the room where there were many furniture
clusters. There were two kitchen cabinets, a desk, a bookcase, various objects
and a bed, which was the father of the Valkyrie, who had died about 4 years ago
and Aunt Teresa not unmade bed of her son, keep always tidy with sheet, blanket
and even a pillow, as if he slept there yet, usually visits used as sofa, that
there in the middle of so many furniture had no couch.
• Amelia
what brings you here so early, (Question Aunt Teresa kissing her sister)?
• I came to
ask you a visit and ask you to bless this child, to see if his life going
• This
beautiful boy is here, he's having a problem? (Kissing also she asks)
• I will bless
you and open letters to him, and we will see his future.
Teresa aunt
was a well-known healer, many people sought to bless you and see their future,
they came many famous seek for it to consult.
• Go on
inside my room boy and take two candles and the cards that are on the sewing
He enters
the room it was like another room with furniture clusters had two wardrobes a
sewing machine, a few knick-knacks and two double beds a pasted in another
taking all the space of the room and a blonde sleeping on a from them.
• Blonde!!!
(It was the Valkyria who was sleeping there)
She was
beautiful and was sleeping only panties and an old shirt and lay aside as a
child with the butt higher up giving too much volume in the ass and the whole
panties wrapped around trench
her showing even more all that blond panoramic with that skin tanned sun and
blondes hairs reflecting the light coming through the window.
• What a
wonderful vision’s having the future, (Think Dib).
That there
was static, motionless, just look at this masterpiece of nature, even when his
Aunt screams!
• Did!!!
• Ahhhh?
He returns
without playing and without the candles to the room still half stunned.
• Where the
deck? (His aunt question)
• I forgot,
no, not forgotten, I not found.
• You are
on the sewing machine takes another look not found.
• A is the
He comes
back into the room already looking at that object of desire, walks to the
sewing machine picks up the deck and the ditches without taking his eyes that
wonderful body and back through mesmerized the same way, or flashes and even
forget to breathe.
Already in
the room: • Aunt is here, it is this deck?
• Yes it
• I will bless
you first to scare away all evil from your body, leaving the purified, and
better to read your destination.
With an “Arruda”
( it is a kind of medical plant) sheet
drowned in holy water and rock salt it passes through the body Dib praying and
saying a few words.
• Ready I
will now open the cards.
• Aunt I do
not want to know my future is not, why is good I can sleep in my life and
change my destiny and if it is bad I'll be anxious and worried ahead of time,
I'd rather let it happen.
• All
right, you're right, but I have opened the letters now I have to read if not
your destination gets stuck and does not bring you good luck. I will do the
following, I read your future and tell your grandmother if she wants to tell
you the good stuff after she tells you, now the bad thing is between you solve
is well.
• It's ok.
(Read his future he sits in a chair near the entrance of the room where the open
doorway watching her cousin sleeping while his aunt was telling his grandmother
what he had seen in the letters)
• Ready
already told her everything.
When Dib
looks at his grandmother and see her crying, he was so engrossed with the
material that did not realize when his grandmother started crying.
• Why are
you crying grandmother?
• There is
nothing, let's go.
grandmother bewildered by what he had heard of the letters that her sister had
read grandson, says goodbye to her sister away and leaves quickly.
The Dib
says goodbye to Aunt and runs behind the grandmother.
• quiet
there these steps there!
the old
lady down the stairs as fast as it was thirty years to come.
At the bus
stop Dib insists again.
• What was
Grandma? What came out in the letters of that serious, account for min?
• It you
were right, it's not always good to see the future. Hey, it was not that you
did not want to know the future, why are you asking me now.
• Look at
the state that you are in, you're scaring me, tells a part at least for min.
• She said
that brunette’s women will only make you suffer and blondes will bring you more
luck and love.
The Dib
thinks for itself, it is, it has felt the last three were brunettes and gave
what gave it who knows she has no reason.
• But
that's not why she is crying, is it?
• No.
• So tell
me why?
• She read
the letters for you to take great care with treason and with his back never
give the coast to your enemies, or they will take advantage of it making you
very ill.
He realizes
that his grandmother was hiding her anything yet, but to insist.
• Oh that's
it, let me take care.
The bus arrives;
they embark and continue chatting on the bus.
• Improved
• More or
• Do not
worry, nothing will happen to me. (He hugs her grandmother and gives her a
And the two
go thoughtful journey, grandma thinking that, he had not told the whole truth
and he thinking about the tattoo that would make today.
Coming home
not bearing anxiety or go home.
- Bye
grandma, I'm going in the Lu house.
grandmother comes desolate, walking very slowly and crying again.
The Dib
runs to the home of Lu.
The report
Arriving at
the house of Lu, he comes across a parked car report in front of the house of
He calls Lu
but who answers is Tuco.
• The
reporter of "Folha da Tarde", “Evening news” is there, it will make a
report to us and the afternoon magazine reporter "This is" going to
do another interview with us too. Where were you having been calling you twice
and had no one at home?
explains to Tuco who had gone with her grandmother as she entered the Lu house,
he greets the reporter and sits on a stool near the table and listens reporter
interviewing staff.
The reporter
• How do
you start graffiti?
• We
watched a film break and graphite where the graffiti artist dies at the end of
the film, electrocuted fighting a writer marring his murals. (Answers Lu)
• We
identify much with it at the time, everything that happens in the film and
decided to graffiti. (Complements Tuco)
• Where did
you learn to draw and hence the ability of the splay can and latex paint?
• Some of
us were once taggers like Dib the Urucka, I Tuco and Leco, and Juca too and we
were all taggers and that's where the ability to splay comes can. draw, we train
a lot, sometimes we stay all night drawing and Binho and Speto helped us too,
giving us some hints of drawings and the Twins gave us some hints of how best
to use the splay.
• You are
six; already they were in greater number?
• Yes had
more people, Edinho and Estevam, but it was a lot of people and weren’t too
sure they just leaving.
• Their
names are war, Dib, Lu, Tuco, Leco, Juca and Urucka? - The average age of you
are 17-20 years. - You said you miss taggers; have never been in a difficult or
dangerous situation?
Tuco tells
a story that happened to him.
• Once I
was defacing the school gate with a magic marker, and the police took me in
fragrant and made me take off his shirt go to the gas station, ask the
attendant that soak alcohol, back at the gate and clear what he had done. The
police not feeling satisfied wanted me to take off his pants and also do the
same with her, but this time he wanted me to clean the entire gate, but he left
there, he just wanted to scare me.
• But no
one has more history? (Question the reporter)
The Dib
tells a story as well.
That one
night, he four members of Bicudos`s two of Goforit, an X-ray, one of Mal`, one
of Kaduk`s, which were groups of taggers were together write the top of a
building that was construction almost finished, on Imirim avenue. Defacing the
entire building to the water tower, where he explains that one of Chineca
Bicudos`s helped him, was holding his legs while he was half-leaning body out of
the building in order to make the most writes.
When they
hear sirens of police and several police cars were already standing in the door
of the building to take then. They try to escape and fall down the stairs of
the building in the dark and jump in a gas station, which was nearby the
building two try to escape through the roof of the station funds, but end up
sinking the roof and falling within the post workshop, other eight including
Dib, jump to the car wash gas station and rush out into the street, but the
police were already waiting for them there and give several shots into the air
so they do not try to escape. the Dib was the last to jump and did not run into
the street yet, seeing that his companions being arrested, looks into the car
wash and notes that it was very dark (for the station was closed), and that no
one I had seen him standing there in the dark and think - Nobody will see me
here. and back into the car wash where there was a parked school bus, it is
behind the bus but realize that they could see their legs and hides on the Para
coach shock, as the bus was out of the front grille it enters into the bus
engine and sits there quietly. He listens when a police officer is washing
hands in fast post wash, make a comment. - Let me wash my hands, take the blood
of these boys will know if they have a disease and let me take a look around to
see if he has no more hidden in there. The guard crouches down and looks under
the bus... The Dib takes a deep breath and keeps quiet. But the guard does not
see anything for that Dib was hidden inside the engine rightfully so, where
spent hours waiting for the police to leave. The police go away and lead his
companions to the police station.
He waits a
little longer where he hears a you who was the owner of the station say so for
your safety.
• If any
more bum, here mete bullet, unmercifully, to kill.
The Dib
hears it and comes out of hiding as soon as possible and meets the men who were
at the station.
One of the
men grabs scream - have one there; And when they come very close to the Dib to
stick it. The Dib pretends faints why he had hit his head in time to jump to
the post and play on the floor, movie scene most expensive stick; Causing men
to worry about him, wanting bailing him taking to the hospital.
When he realizes
that would take him to the hospital he gets up and says he is already better.
One of the men still question - how the police did not see you? And Dib answers
the most expensive stick. - I know, I was passed out and did not see anything
where are my friends who were with me?
• You gave
lucky they caught like a dog. The Dib pretends a wonder and question guy - I
can go? The owner of the station speech._ has yet to see what your friends have
done on my roof. He accompanies them to the garage where the owner of the
station shows the damage done on the roof.
scratching his head pretending he was hurting looks to the roof and get the
urge to laugh. - The hole was so big it took to drop balloon away from within.
- Now I can go? The owner of the station answers - Not yet, give me your
address. Dib writes an address as scrawl not could not even read what was
written there and sends out, walks off the exit of the station.
• What a
story, (Exclaims the reporter).
• Where do
you seek inspiration?
• We have
some graphite books, as the Sub way and Cam Spray Art, two American books and
some German.
• What do
you have to say to these boys, which are now beginning to tar instead of drawing?
• Learn Art
and not vandalism.
• What is
graffiti for you?
• It is a
form of release, express art and protest, we do not put graffiti sport we call
love. One thing made with soul and heart, it's like the phrase Leco said.
If graffiti
is a dream, please do not wake up. (Adds Dib)
reporter thanks for the interview and calls them to take some photos, to
complete the report. And they take several pictures in front of the two-year
celebration of graphite presence of the Master.
And the
reporter asks one more question.
• Why do
you stopped and started painting graffiti with graffiti?
• I do not write
much, who spray-painted most of us were the Dib. (Explains Lu)
And the
reporter directs the question to Dib.
• Why did
you stop painting graffiti?
• I stopped
write after the Necrop "s died, I was very bad about what happened to him,
could not sleep right, why was scenes of images that we live together as places
we spent together in roles of graffiti as a long driveway that passed in
Washitom Louis avenue in front of the airport. The first day he died I saw and
heard in my dreams things in those scenes that were perfect. Such as a part of
the sidewalk that was broken and full of cigarette butt and soda bottle caps
and could hear him sniffling nose on my side, it was like a movie in my head. I
was very troubled and depressed about it, I got to go in the church to confess,
to see if I relieved a little of that situation. And when I told Father the
reason why he was confessing he wanted to give me scolding calling my
attention, wondering why I was doing it if I was not aware of it. He irritated
me and said one to him as well. As he was not God to judge me, he was a man
like me, and that even the Pope himself committed sins before Papa and I did
not know of his past will know what he had done in his life in the past that
would have made him a priest, he killed someone dropped a great love, or is on
the run from something you did wrong. And the priest down the ball and told me
that if you regret what he had done wrong God forgive you your sins easing in
the final judgment and told me to pray ten Hail Mary’s and ten Our Fathers.
• How
Necrop "s dead? (Asked the reporter)
• It more
The End (Erico) was to a peak. Sorry to peak is graphite in a high place, on
top of a furniture store in Santana's side Bank South America.
• The End
began to tar his name when he was almost done, he heard two shots and he looked
to the side and saw the Necrop "s falling shot in the back, and tried to
escape not to die too and tried to descend upon store by a newspaper stand that
was on the sidewalk, but the police was waiting for him and took it. That's all
we know so there is that he was shot by the coast with two well-aimed shots,
killing the time, we do not know if it was the police or the security guard,
who worked for the banks that were there.
• Why in
the same place a certain time I went graphite there with a Green House staff,
just on the other side of the street there were security guards who had not
seen and they came with a red Fiat in our direction suddenly stopping our with
the open door and an armed man down him, pointing a gun at us, but for our
lucky security backpack did not expect the car to a complete stop,
overbalanced, stumbled the guides and threw to the ground and plopping on the
floor, not hitting us and giving us time to flee, running. We do not die that
day thanks to God and so I think it was that security.
• Did you
tell the police? (Question the reporter)
• There may
have been why they.
• What was
the last time you saw the Necrop "s before he died?
• It was at
the exit of Leme College Prado, the day before it happened, he was calling me
out of role with him to the side of the east side. I think my feeling was
telling me that something would happen. He was very unlucky to run into the
hand of the police.
• Once we
were I, he and Buiu the west, defacing there by the side of Interlagos neighborhoods
were returning from Grajau neighborhoods
walk defacing when we were almost at the track at the beginning of the avenue
Senator Teotonio Vilela, he passed us a Metropolitan police car, one created by
ex-Mayor Janio Quadros. And they were already three hundred meters from us. And
Necrop 's waved a can of spray, leaving with the police aimed at him getting
rid of it and return to us frame, as each had at least two cans of spray, I
threw my discreetly as far as I could the Buiu did the same and Necrop’s
dismissed his second can practically in the face of the police. The officers
got out and told that we put hands on the wall and we opened the legs. The
Necrop "s had with him more, as labels written your graphite, marker and
spray nozzles, which we enjoyed, precisely to avoid the police, caught the
spray cans and to paint with them. The Necropsy "s continued discreetly
dispensing nozzles and atomic brushes, but a guard saw him: doing this and
yelled at him.
• If you
dismiss anything else I'll blow your brains out right here. With a revolver .38
long barrel, ventilated and chrome pointed at his head. The gun was very
beautiful and had to be too expensive to be given by the government to the
police, had to be cold, just not a trace. I thought he would die there at that
• The
police asked that gang were. We explained that we were not any gang and they
were dismissed in taking the spray cans with them. When Necrop "s most
chutzpah, asked the guard to leave at least a can. Because of that the guards
took us a little longer and made a lot of questions.
• Where do
you live?
• I and Necrop’s
answer in Imirim and Buiu said Pirituba neighborhood.
• What are
you doing here being that you live on the other side of town?
• Before he
spoke something stupid I said that we had gone to a party.
• In a
party. The guard laughed and said. - I will not even take you to the district
for which I am sorry for you, the time is no more buses, you will have to go
walking to the other side of town and without the cans of paint, and they will
walk for nothing. He laughed again and got into the car in wishing good luck,
pulling a fun of our faces and walked away, thank God. I looked at him and
cursed both, stupid, almost in disturb.
• He
shrugged and asked. - And now?
• The Buiu
gave an idea.
• If we
were walking to the lake 13 maybe got a bus to the center, is at least closer
to get going home. And that's what we did.
• That's
why I say that he was unlucky; you saw the roll he was getting into.
• But one
thing became very marked in minutes the last thing he told me. It was so. I
said I would not tar him in the East. And he told me. _ All right, I throw both
of us by our friendship.
• I have
the picture of him shaking my hand and dropping in slow motion and saying this
words I said to you, written in my head, this was the last picture of him that
was to min.
reporter looks and Dib says.
• Pull you
will have many stories to tell your grandchildren in.
• Now I
have to go because I will still go on writing, to edit this.
Says goodbye
and thanks into the car and drives away 12:15.
Lu calls
the staff to go on the Fly home, do tattoos and graffiti on his wall as a form
of payment.
• Get on
the magazine reporter, "This is" spoke next 14:00 HRS. So it gives us
time to make tattoos and make a piece of graphite.
• Did you
see our report in the "People's Daily" Today? (Lu asks for Dib.)
• No.
• We will
pass in front of house and I picked up the newspaper I bought earlier today, to
show you our photo came out.
Lu searches
the newspaper and shows for Dib.
• Look here
our photo, all six, cool huh.
Dib read
what was written below the photo.
Master Team was yesterday in Road Complex Paulista."
And it is
very proud.
• Good in!
• Speech
there was the time our story. (Says Lu)
• Even go
walking and talking.
Arriving at
the Fly's house, they combine with it, what the design would make the wall.
And Lu
shows the spray tin of design that would tattoo and he himself has to be the
first to tattoo left wrist, while the rest of them graphite Fly the wall with a drawing of a death in
front of a castle written Fly left side was tattooist
a drawing style as well.
Lu ends his
tattoo and everyone is looking, there design tattooed on his wrist open mouth,
with much admiration.
And Dib
sits down to do his with the same needle, as a covenant of blood, then Tuco
with the same needle too, Leco, Urucka and finally Juca, all with the same
Now all had
one thing in common, they had made a pact of blood. If one of them had some
kind of disease, all would catch.
It was then
that appeared the bad, warning that the magazine reporter, "This is."
He had arrived.
• Came she
and a photographer, they are out there, all out and one by one to greet
That does
not make a lot of questions and do the interview right there on the street.
While the photographer took picture, the rest of the staff who continued to
make graffiti.
In the end
the photographer takes pictures all together showing the tattoo and leave.
They end up
doing the graffiti, which was more or less.
The Fly
warns them to be careful with the sun on the tattoo and passing cream in the
tattoo site.
• Tonight
we still sing in Fecalp? (Question the Urucka).
• Who will
go up on stage to sing, (Answers the Leco with another question).
• I, you Dib.
Juca will you sing with us, Because Tuco and Lu said they will not.
• I will
yes and let's call the Ale to sing with us.
• Then call
him and asks if he wants to sing with us.
The Juca
League Lu home for Ale, _ He said he will.
• Tell him
to come here, to train a bit.
• He said
that in a moment will be here.
The Dib
question for Lu can use the little room on top of his house slab, to train a
Lu asks
what time it is.
• 16:05 hrs.
(answers the Dib).
• Come my
mother will work until 18:00 hrs. and you can stay almost two hours there,
after that we have to go, why will it not piss me off.
The Dib
agree with him.
And all the
pair go up little room.
• Lu can I
ask you one more thing?
• What is?
• Get the
Micro System, his brother borrowed a little bit, it's not right there.
• Already
abusing. Lu went for the radio.
• Leco you
brought the tape to the beats? (Asks Urucka)
• Brought
yes it's here in my pocket.
• Give me
her here.
Lu was
already returning to the radio and puts it on top of a latex can and warns.
• Caution!
The Urucka
puts the tape in the tape deck, press play and says.
• The beat
At that
time I was already reaching the Ale. That just takes the hand of Urucka and
Juca and says.
• I will
only greet, my colored brethren, do not want to take the hand of any white boy,
And get a
lot of tapas and begin to play bickering, Lu ends the mess.
• You will
end up dropping the radio, if you have a lot of uproar, will everyone away now
. • We will
train will (says Urucka rewinding the tape) - Let's combine, which part each
will sing. I get Leco sings the second verse and the third to Dib and all
together sing the chorus. Ale and Juca sing together the last chorus. It is
combined. So come on.
The Urucka
press play and get hit and he starts singing, comes the turn of Leco and he
sings his part, comes in instead of Dib, he starts singing and Ale puts defect
that he was out of rhythm and talking pretty straight forward and they return
the tape and start again. Everyone sings his right hand, but when it comes in
the chorus. It was that mess. They start arguing with each other and end up not
training any more.
• In
improvise on stage. (Says Urucka)
• What time
will be the Fecalp? (Question Juca)
• The 08:30
• So I'm
going home to take a shower and dinner, are still 05:30 hrs. gives time for a
It is each
goes to his house.
When Lu was
return the radio, his brother's bedroom, came face to face with him, he was
lying in bed.
• Who sent
you catch my radio and where's my hat? You took yesterday.
• I lost.
(Lu tells the truth)
• What! You
lost? I did not even wear that cap, you'll give me another. _ Mother Luciano
lost my cap, I lent him yesterday.
The mother
leaves the hair salon, using a pair of dirty ink rubber gloves to paint hair,
look for the child in the bedroom window and says.
• I give
you another later.
• You will
have to give me the same, if not I will fill this kid to fight.
• Come then
gives shitload. (Causes Lu)
• Look kid.
The Bad
goes to his room, slamming the door and lock you in the room.
His brother
had a band where Urucka also participated. They were playing in Fecalp too.
When Dib
comes home, his grandmother warns, that came a man named Gentil, looking for
• Gentle!
(He exclaims)
• What did
he say to you?
• Anything.
He called I answered, he asked for you and I said I was not and he left with
another man. - What does he want with you?
• I do not
know I have not spoken with him. (Dib is concerned)
We spent
two hours. The people begin to find on the street.
Being all
there, they depart for Fecalp.
On the way
they will combine some more details.
We will
sing the lyrics "consequence" and "History of graffiti"
(asks Urucka)
By the time
they passed the basketball hoop and one by one jump to try to reach the rim and
as always, only Urucka, Juca, Leco and Ale can hang on the rim. The Dib, Tuco
and Lu are content to pull the fingers, but the Ale does not forgive and heal
is taking.
• Your
midgets. There is! There is! There is!
They go
down the alley, through the alley to the Tuco and begin to urinate and as a
psychological thing, all about the wall and urinate too, the seven pissing
And it is
not that the same ladies from the other day today were going to church with the
Bible under his arm; Busted-seven peeing; and screams.
• Unashamedly
They run a
pissing in other stumbling and trying to raise the pants.
Arriving at
school they rehearse some more.
And at
20:30 o'clock the organizers of the contest, announce the first group to
It was a
rock band Billy, they were good people were enjoying their sound.
While the
band played the Dib looking on your left side, on top of a bank and is faced
with a very beautiful view, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in
his life. Two eyes blue-green media, with a blond lock of hair and a beautiful
smile he gets mesmerized by the sight as a snake is to listen to Indian music.
And he hypnotized as he was, went to meet her without hesitating and giving a
hug in her legs. The girl does not understand anything, give a smile suspicious
half and it loose and disappears in the crowd, reappearing again with your
He looks at
her, she was looking for him as well and as a love at first sight they flirt
from afar.
By the time
one of the organizers announced: -“They are “The Master Team". Dib, Leco,
Urucka, Ale and Juca, will sing for you.
They go up
on stage, making beat box, leaving the audience very agitated and start
The Urucka
begins wrong, instead of singing their music, sing pieces of music Racionais
MCs, the start were like, but as no one notices, it changes the letter and
continues singing the right song that was so.
So the world is as well
It continues that way and will be until the
We listen now, because we are not marginal
The world is not bad it's just unevenly
Because so many politicians our expense
They ignore the promises and the poor forget
Nobody cares about what's going on
Sick children already born and dying
And when they try to win without stealing
They take their ideas only to all outstanding
They push you from all sides just to destroy
The joy of the rich is to see a poor fall
There are so many falling poor, I cannot tell
To see so much misery is only necessary to
The real blind as those who will not see
They do not see the problems just want to
Anyway we try to win
For this disgusting world our children will
The policy sucks and no democracy
The policy deceives the people and the poor
or suspicious
To put that all poor never had studies
For without money for anything they try
Nothing moves the hand does not get wet
And hatred determines a simple
Bribery there and do nothing
If not want then we have nothing
Poor poorer, the rich richer
Rich in good and poor at risk
Risk lives to deaths occur
Fleeing like hell when between fingers
trickle down
The worst jobs for them granted
Because they need to eat then face decided
They continue to suffer from a low income
And still lie all counting everything
Black survive enduring racism
And deceive everyone showing so much cynicism
What is the difference between a black and a white?
Tell us the truth you only need to be frank
The country shows in all we are counting
The truth is said gradually revealing
Poor assail put pure precision
While the rich are stealing only ambition
For most poor preference is to shut up
Then they turn their backs and run out to
A bottomless hole we find ourselves
Falling desperate and nothing in trimming
And the government only thinks about
For one uninformed people no complaint
Rights complaint never required
For the few who tried were never heard
So, so, so, pay attention
Vera that the rich are in good and poor is at
So then, then
everyone sings their part. People applaud a lot. The Dib stops the applause
with a protest and say.
• This song
is for those people who just complain and do nothing to improve.
reflect on that and keep silent for a moment and applaud again.
breathe a little, rest two minutes and start singing the second song, it had
everything to do with them.
The Dib
takes a step forward and gives an acute with the first sentence of the music,
it was so.
I will tell a
Of sorrow and
A good team
Born to
Born from an
idea to join
And the city
walls decided graffiti
Graphite is a
form of release
To express
art and protest
If we graphite
to alleviate the pain
We do not for
sport, do for love
Whenever, we
can graffiti.
To live
learning and teaching
We are quite
common, with the same ideal
That with
friends forever be loyal
If the
graffiti depicts our art style
graffiti everywhere
having fun
For the city
walls are coloring
If our music
is good or not
But in our
lives letter the reason
If all we say
is not always right
If you do not
get it right can believe it comes close
Telling the
truth can be dangerous
If the
individual listening in the right is painful
RAP lives for
speaking the truth
No matter
what talk
Without any
intimacy, age, or equality
If what you
please show
No need to
rely on the right will turn
everyone that the target anyone
What, you
have to risk
Always we
live with little money
Nothing you
do will intimidate us
No use to say
or want to panic
We believe in
God and this will ensure the
draw the
walls not to enter into oblivion
To show
everyone that we have talent
Teach, learn,
live or die
What matters
in this life?
Are you
growing body, mind and spirit?
I hope
everyone also think the same
For all who
want to follow the movement
Is criticized
our style
I do not care
for regret.
And if I do
not sing loud no one listens
The mouth of
swing I leave with the Urucka.
The D.J
stopped the beat with them, giving a screeching halt, leaving no one understand
anything. A few seconds got a silence and suddenly was this euphoria, many
cheers and whistles.
descend from the stage, so that the next candidates to introduce themselves,
upon flashes and praise, Dib down the stage and goes straight to the meeting of
the blonde, who also was waiting for him too.
He comes
close to her, the hand at her down the bank and goes to a corner, a little
quieter to talk.
• What's
your name, (Asks Dib)?
• Leila.
(She says, asking him).
• And yours?
• Is Mauro
but everybody knows me by Dib. (He replies)
• Sorry,
but I will not be able to stay long here talking to you, I have to get home
before 10:30 hrs.
• All right
I walk you to your home, just let me let me know my colleagues; I'm going with
you to your home and come back later to learn the outcome of the contest.
He goes to
the Leco explained to him what he would do and back.
• Ready can
go now.
They go
walking and talking.
She explains
to him that her father was very angry and he could not go to the front of her
house, that her father saw him she would get very angry with her, and asks him
to leave in the corner.
Dib tells
her how his life with his friends was.
She watched
every word he said.
She speaks
of her life for him as well.
On the way
he feels a forest smell good smell What is Lady of the Night, the smell of
• Creed
does not say that. - Why are you afraid of death? It asks the Dib.- No. she
says. But I do not like to play with it.
• I think
so, the more fear we have of death, unless one lives, for fear of risking and
die by doing this you deprive you of many things I would do, or even should try
to be able to live better.
• It makes
sense, but fear warns us of things that are not safe for us, that something
wrong might happen, fear is a warning that.
• This is
also true, but does not feel better to overcome the fear, then that overcomes
fear, is even funny the situation in which was the cause of fear.
Until they
arrive at the corner of her house.
She was
dressed in a pink bib, with a white blouse underneath. And without wasting much
time he pulls the straps of the bib for closer to him, and gives her a kiss, it
matches the kiss and then says.
• You
should not have done this.
• Now I
have to go, because it will have to 10:30 hrs.
• By!
Before she
finished saying goodbye, Dib takes another kiss her.
She goes
bye-bye and gives by far the gate.
On the way
back he feels the smell of death flower again, gives a strong ardently that Flagrancy,
smells his hands and say.- that smell is much like the scent of Leila and marks
the beginning of my meeting with her, every time that smell that I will
remember it.
Dib back to
the middle bewildered festival, with her taste in the mouth and perfume in
He arrives
just in time to see the last band to perform and begin the awards.
Only the
top six would be rewarded and the coordinator speaks the name of the 6-th
It was the
band the Bad and Urucka.
The No.
5-placed was one punk band. The fourth place was the rock band to Billy, who
first presented.
They were
already expecting when the coordinator said.
place, Master Team. They were devastated.
• 2º- placed
the other RAP group.
• Because?
They won us, (Asked Ale for Urucka).
• Because
they had dancers and dancers and choreography counted points. (Explains Urucka)
• I did not
know that, if I did call some comrades Break dancing, to dance for us.
• And the
first places the number 1 are the frontiersman ... girls...
They laugh
at that funny situation where no band has won and who has won out two little
girls singing country music.
• we do not
train right, so we lost. (Speaks Leco)
• It is not
really train, (Confirms Juca).
• It will
soon catch these medals third place and get out of here, let's eat pizza, to
forget some of it is at least participating, (Speaks Dib).
The Urucka
will get the medals while the rest wait in a corner it back.
He catches
up with the coordinator and is undone medals and back.
• Come eat
pizza I'm hungry.
They go to
a pizzeria where only sold travel and the way all very quiet wondering what had
Arriving at
the pizzeria they ask for three pizzas and two drinks two liters, walk up to a
corner where there was a step they always sat there to eat, sit and detonate
pizza, one eating faster than the other, to eat more pieces for three pizzas
was little for them.
devouring the pizzas they took the cardboard discs and played as disks, for self-making
a mess and causing them to be distracted a bit with it until the Leco speech.
• We do not
take way to sing not.
Just because we lost, I was just practice some more. (Retorts the Dib)
• The
Urucka started wrong (speaks Ale)
• It was my
fault now? (Defends the Urucka)
• You did
not have choreography, as the other group had so lost. (Speaks Lu)
• And Dib
crossed the part of everybody, had time you could not understand what you were
singing. (Speaks Tuco)
• The
equipment was bad equalized and it was very bad. (Speaks Urucka)
returned to the street and continued to discuss what had happened.
The Dib and
Leco was back a bit to talk about something else.
• Did you
see that mine that I was take her though, that springs seemed to Vera Fischer,
with those blue eyes?
The Leco
laughs and says.
• Vera
Fisher? Only if it then gives flu, (And gives a laugh)
Will she
was beautiful yes, was not it? (Speaks Dib)
• Do not
could see right away was a little dark, but it looked beautiful, and there was
to it?
• I was, I
only two kisses on her, she had to go home early, it seems that her father is
very angry and does not like that she stays up late on the street, he thinks
this is not something family girl, stay up late on the street as a woman's
Arriving on
the street of the Master appears Edinho, scared was white with fear, running
toward them.
• What was
Edinho? (Question Lu)
The guy you
attacked stones in his workshop, he came here and another guy behind you and
mainly Dib. He asked min if I knew where you were? I said I did not know. Then
he drew a revolver cocked and put in my head said I was lying and that would
kill me there, then told me to get up and it runs and he fired two shots into
the air, and stopped just run now I found you.
• Asshole,
go after him. (Speaks Dib)
• He is
armed now another day, he is vacillating, and we took it. (Speaks Leco)
• Today is
not good to stay, vacillating here; we'd better go to another place or each to
his house. (Speaks Tuco)
And they
decide to go each one to his home. As Dib ran more risk, Tuco, Juca and Leco
accompany him to his home.
close to Dib's house they check the corner if there was no one waiting for him.
• No one is
waiting. (Speaks Juca)
Then spoke
worth, I have to go to sleep tomorrow is Monday and have to work.
He says
goodbye friends and goes to his house, which was all erased, and go toward the
stairs to light up, to go up to the room.
When he
turns on the light, take a fright. I had a figure sitting on the couch.
It was his cousins,
who had come back and ask for it.
• Still
with min of anger?
You are why
should not it be?
• Excuse
me, did not sell his shoes he is loaned to a friend of mine, and I forgot to
get, tomorrow I'll get him.
It was a
lie, his cousin always had an excuse to tell, but the truth was that tennis had
already turned to dust.
The Dib
fills the cousin litany and rises into the room.
• I have to
go to sleep tomorrow I will go to work early, I am not like you, sleeping all
day and drug the night, I have to sleep at night and work during the day.
Cousin him
listening that did not like much to hear and be sure not to talk back, because
he knew how much Dib was upset with him and gets up, goes to the kitchen, he
grabs a bottle of rum, mix in a glass with lemon and still sitting on the couch
in the dark, like a madman, or say crazy he is, and was thus due to drugs.
The Dib
takes tennis and that his cousin did not steal, hide under the bed and does the
same with his pants and shirt and lies.
His father
was already asleep and as always with the radio on, turn off he wakes up, so as
Dib was already used to sleeping with the radio noise did not bother him more
and lies down, leaving the radio on. In the same time the speaker of the radio,
announcing the name of Master and watch what he was talking about the speaker.
• The City
of São Paulo is supporting former. Taggers, who now call themselves graffiti
artists to color the city tunnels, As is the case of Team Master of graphite,
which are participating in this project, which is called "graffiti cool
art" that is sponsored by Coca-Cola and Colorgim Sprays paint.
that the Dib rejoices and asks his father if he had heard, too, but his father
was already in the fifth sleep.
He lies
down again, pray and tonight will not be long sleep, like last night, because
he already had a new love that I could think and dream about it. He smacks his
hand that even after have eaten pizza the scent of Leila still predominated in
his hands, and thinking about her he falls asleep.
Wake up
with your grandmother calling.
• Lift boy
are 06:15 HRS, you have to go to work.
He stands a
lazy only if exchange and down to have a coffee mug with milk, warm, his
grandmother prepared every day for it, take the milk gives a kiss to
grandmother and left for the bus stop 07:00 . The bus passed the 07:05.
There comes
a crowded bus as usual, but his place was secured on the bus hairs his bus
mates background, The Dudas. The Parika, Palmeirinha, the aunt who just
laughed, she does not say a word, just know to laugh and Dininho, which brought
a newspaper in hand, was Folha da Tarde News, where the cover was a photo of
Master on the first page, inscribed in bold "city encourages ex. taggers
And all
Congratulations, now we have a famous friend, (Says Dininho).
He asks to
see the newspaper. Read what the reporter narrates and comments.
• It was
good to report and photos too.
personal question as it was, they were interviewed when why? What had happened
and so was the whole trip full of questions, to the Princess Elizabeth square
where he Parika and Dudas, down the back door of the bus without paying the
The Parika
and Dudas take the opposite path of their Dib, cutting path inside the square
Princess Isabel, where he enjoyed spending to be enjoying the great work of
Duque de Caxias. And think.
• Victor
Brecheret, the same that made the monument the flags, this artist was very
good, looks to perfection...
His thought
is interrupted by the sight that was before him, that was not perfect for him.
He sees beggars, all there sleeping in the grasses and the banks of the square,
he had whole families there, living in that situation and moved or shocked and
think about what he could do to help those people.
'But it is
the fault of the government.
In the same
time hit an inspiration for a RAP letter, he recites and decorating for later
pair pass the paper, not to forget, and sings the way.
Hey you
are they doing that do not look for these people
people who become destitute
But the
blame is they
elect the president?
And it will
hum to the entrance of the sheet where he worked as Office Boy at the entrance
there he finds his father who also worked on the sheet as a janitor, sweeping
the entrance driveway.
• Good
morning Dad. (He greets
giving him a kiss on the cheek)
• Good
morning son, I already has two hours of service, while you're getting now.
• Oh
father! but you leave home early too.
And will
joining the service, greets security and take the elevator to the sixth floor,
where beats your timecard, wait a few more minutes and starts working.
When office
personal picks up the newspaper to read and has his picture there on the first
page, make some jokes.
• I thought
thief only comes out in the People's News.
• What gang
of bank robbers, you're part.
Others rave
about and were not until 09:00 when he has to go to a street service.
While he
goes out of the building, personnel from other floors were saying.
_ Say, hey
you, - Newspaper I saw you in the newspaper.
- Who have
you killed?
In the
street he walks to the street XV de November, where he for a newsstand, which
had several newspapers exposed there for sale and looks the picture of him with
his five friends and think.
• It is
able and going forward which will be our goal, protest, and draw more
thinking goes to the bank, arriving at the bank he goes to the billing
department and delivers the service to the bank employee and is hoping to be
waiting he grabs some leaves that were there at the counter, pulling the pen by
little hope that was tied to it and begins to sketch some ideas to later show
to your friends, even see what they thought of the ideal, they had feed good or
not, those were bad they kept for a day improved. For an idea it is always an
inspiration, and the whole idea should be heard, why not ideal, it has no
How to draw
made the time pass quickly.
He did not
realize the employee coming to him and gets scared.
that scare, is ready that fast.
• Fast
nothing took almost two hours. (Says the bank employee)
Dib looks
at his watch and says.
• Damn it! Did
not even notice the time pass, I was entertained here in the drawings, which
did not even notice the time pass.
Dib looks
at the pictures and realize that ended all the leaves of sketches and a giggle
dull, take the result puts in the pocket and go out to do another hour in the
city, not to have to return early to the office.
And is
winding galleries in the center to see if there was any news, or just to kill
time yourself, or find some known working set there.
On this day
he buys a cap and gives a last by Marconi Square, where taggers met at lunch.
He was no longer writing but still knew many who still write and went there
just to see his friends and especially on that day that will come out in the
newspaper, for them it was the glory.
Arriving in
the square he finds a comrade, who writes Chief, greets and said if he had seen
the day's newspaper.
On the same
day there were strange faces at the peak, which he was unaware.
One of the
subjects the face and come walking towards him, and says.
• And then,
and this cap there, have that, (Insinuates the individual who wanted the cap
• There's
no way, why will face. (Answers the Dib)
• What! Do
you doubt me you take this cap is?
• I do not
doubt anyone and never underestimate; you never know who you're messing right.
The guy
looks in the eyes of Dib, who also faces, you realize that he was no fool and
he was not talking to any mane and that Dib was ready to fight for the cap, it
is a thoughtful moment and changes the subject.
• What you
• I wrote
Dib today just do graffiti.
• Graffiti
is ... that class are you?
• I am the
individual hearing it widens his eyes runs to pick up a newspaper that was on
hand from other taggers. Back and compares Dib with the newspaper photo.
• You yourself,
I’m sorry for that time I did not recognize you.
• Okay, never
mind, I have to go back to the service and cannot return all dirty, have
quarreled and rolled with someone on the street.
The guy
laughs and asks him to sign his agenda; other taggers ask that he also signs their
He signs
one by one and going out, was already delaying to return to service.
And there
comes a little later than usual and your boss looks with a face twisted, who
ate and did not like, but says nothing, only looks at the clock.
He sits at his
desk and pretend it was working, was not the least bit willing to work that
day, the time does not take long to pass and gives the departure time, like a
madman he hits his timecard and sends to the bus stop, accompanied by his
friend Beth. (a great friend of service) and they will talk to the bus stop
where the bus it goes first to the Ö Parish, they say goodbye and Dib is
waiting for your bus does not take long to pass, but was crowded with people
hanging on the door, it gives signal but the driver does not stop and goes
straight, only stopping at the red light, he runs to the bus and hang on the
door also with one foot on the bus rung of the ladder and the other foot in for
shock, holding the window. That for him was fun, it was better than staying inside
all tight and suffocated, and breathing polluted air that, at the door not had
the wind blowing in the face, as if on a bike.
The bus to
the next point, to go down because some people to enter not fit anyone else,
but there were three people who want to go anyway, hanging, two women and Dondo
a friend of Dib.
He asks
that people were being pressed a little more, so that the two women should go
up with a little security, staying on the second step of the bus ladder while
Dib remained the same as was and his friend in the last step to holding the
window on the other side and go away.
The bus
empties slightly and the driver asks them to come so he could close the door.
The Dib and
Dondo do not go up and do not let the driver shut the door, two bad guys more
faced down and are holding the door as well. The driver tries to close,
triggering the compressed air door, but it was in vain the four held fast and
did not let her shut up.
The driver
threatened saying that would stop at the police station, the two nasty guys
seen heard it go up and just leave Dib and Dondo holding the door.
The driver
starts and stops at the police station.
And come to
call some cops, it they drop the door and mingle with other passengers pay the
ticket and go forward disguising, the driver back with four policemen and
points to the Dib and Dondo. Two policemen go up to the bus, go to where they
were two and ask them down.
They go
down and the driver tries to attack the Dib, who defends and gives a heavy on
the driver, so that he gets up at him and the guards separated.
Two guards
hold the Dib and Dondo and sends the driver to leave the passengers were
already complaining. The bus will leave and the guard tells them to enter the
police station, they would take a seat of tea, just a little.
One of the
officers approaches Dib and asks him to smell is what he had on hand. The Dib
pushes his hand and says.
• Do you
think I'm stupide it there and tear gas?
policeman angry and gives with the can and head Dib says.
• You are
too baggy, I think I'll be there with the prisoners to end their play, what do
you think?
• I do not
think anything, puts me there, my father take me and puts you inside.
• Who is
your father, some little Doctor?
• Go
stirring you'll see who he is.
policeman is half goatherd to the joke and enters a room and back minutes later
and asks again.
• Who is
your father? What he does.
And Dib
responds with a laugh.
• It is cleaner
in the Folha de São Paulo (Newspapers): which it was true, but it leaves the
more confused guard yet.
The medium
bewildered guard says.
• You are
released can go, but tell me who your father is or what it does.
• I told
you it's even cleaner.
The police
suspiciously, look at him and say.
• Go out of
here soon.
The Dib and
Dondo go laughing to the bus stop and comment.
• You see
his face when I said that my father was a janitor.
And give
laughter to pass another bus.
They go up
to the bus and find some friends and comment on what had just happened, and go
laughing to the point where Dib down behind without paying driving.
He runs
home, why was already late to go to school, come home take a bath is changed
and dinner running and runs to the school by cutting through Alley.
In the
school entrance was Tuco and Leco. He greets.
And Tuco
warns that they had spray-painted over the graffiti Avenue Tunnel Paulista.
• What write
over graphite? Who was?
• It was
such a Testa, (Answers the Leco).
• Friday,
we go there at the peak of Lapa seek it and those who are with him. (Dib says
going to school, that inspector was already closing the door.)
the school the first person he meets is Katia.
• Need to
talk to you. (Dib says to her)
• You can
speak. (She says)
• What do
you want from me?
• From you
• So you
want to stay in this rain and does not wet and it is logical that you will not
drop your rich boyfriend to stand with one foot scuff like me. Go. You make a
decision soon, or you leave your boyfriend and stay with me, or let me once and
for all.
She walks
away and gives it to shore.
- If you do
not come back here I'll take that as you chose the other.
She keeps
• Then
just, forget me. (He thinks) I fulfill what I say, and go to the classroom, the
classroom staff comments.
• I saw you
in the newspaper today, you and Urucka. (Speaks Reinaldo)
A girl brought
the newspaper and shows for the whole class.
The teacher
enters the classroom and all sit just behind the Urucka comes and asks.
• Did you
see the paper today Dib?
• Saw. It
shows him Cidinha.
The teacher
asks to see the newspaper, look and question.
• Are you
two here? Yes, we are. (Answers the Dib)
• You
killed someone or robbed a bank? With these guys and bad guys what it seems.
The whole
room laughs.
• no
teacher, we are graffiti artists and we are participating in a City Hall
• Oh yeah, cool
but let's start our today's class projects.
The teacher
starts the class and everyone pays attention in class.
The Dib
gestures for Urucka who wanted to talk to him at break time.
Past the
hour, it is time interval.
• What was
it? (Asks Urucka for Dib)
• We look
for Juca and Lu, to talk together.
The Juca
and Lu, studied in the same school as well.
together, the Dib explains what he meant.
• met with
Tuco and the Leco the school entrance, they told me that write above our
graphite Paulista.
All are
surprised and exclaim!
• What!!!
• That's
what you heard.
• What do
we do? (Question Lu)
• Let's
behind who was logical. (Speaks indignantly Juca)
• And by
the way who? You know? (Question Lu)
• The Leco
said it was such a Testa.
• Friday we
will at the peak of the taggers in Lapa on Mac Donald "s.
• That's
it, let's show respect and give example, breaking the face of this ass roll
that writes above our graphite, we will show them who “The Master.” is
At this
time they were talking, they go the length of time of time and hits the bell,
warning that they had to go back to the classrooms. They to greet and Dib and
Urucka go to them room and Juca and Lu also.
The class
was boring and Dib kept thinking of so much that was happening to him at the
same time, it came to be disturbing to the point of not let him pay attention
in class and it seemed that class would never end, leaving the impatient, was
stifling, but by divine grace class ended.
Off the
school the Dib meets Katya that gives you no response and he understands it as
it's all over between them, she prefer keep the sucker Japanese, the moment
came the same and it gives you one choking the kiss, but with open eyes staring
at the Dib as saying "I'll take both." She rides the bike; hugs and
strong boyfriend cuckold her and makes possession for jealous more and leaves.
The Dib is
agape, with that scene, thought for a few seconds, but shrugs and goes to the
direction of your friends.
Greets one
by one again and comments.
• Write
even on top of our graphite.
• We will
work it out on Friday. (Speaks Lu)
• Today we
have to solve something else, "The Protons" were taking us, saying
that we are a suckers, tucked the beasts.
• Let's
show them who the suckers.
They go to
the place where the protons were (protons were a kind of rival of the Master).
• They are
sitting on the tab exchanging ideas. (Speaks Leco)
• Let's run
that took them unawares, (Speaks Tuco).
They all
run together toward the Protons.
Some when
they saw them running in their direction, they get up and try to escape.
There were
five of them, four get up and run away, one cannot get up in time the Dib comes
running and kicks his face and gives a few more kicks, discounting their anger
everything that was happening to him, venting beating that poor guy, while the
rest of the staff ran after those who tried to flee.
The Leco
tips with a slipper behind, causing the subject to down on the floor, Tuco
takes the other.
The Juca,
Urucka and Lu, run behind the other two manage to escape.
The Tuco
and Leco raise the two guys and take them to where the Dib just looking, he had
beaten, who was stunned on the ground.
• They sit
there on the side of that other backpack and keep quiet if you do not want to
catch more, is that the guys were able to get the other two.
After a few
minutes, Juca, Urucka and Lu, return.
• Where are
the other two? (Asks Dib)
• They
fled, jumping into the stream crossing to the other side, I was not going to
get dirty, to catch them, I think the fright and the dirt they will, learn the
lesson. (Answer the Juca)
• What do
we do with these three here? (Question Tuco)
• We will
spank them anymore. (Speaks Juca)
• No. we
are not cowards, they have learned the lesson that one should not mess with the
Master (speak Dib)
• Who
called the bundle of people, which one of you is it? (Asks Dib)
One of them
• Do not
call anyone's fool, who said that?
• No matter
who spoke on we learn and come here to show who are the Master, learn the
lesson or want a little more class.
frightened respond.
• We learned
• Then tell
us who the masters of the streets are? Answers!! (Screaming Lu with protons)
• You!!
(Answer the Protons for it)
• You who?
We do not have names? (Speaks Juca)
"Master" is the masters of the streets.
• Do not listen
to talks. (Speaks Leco)
• The
Master is the masters of the streets.
• That's
better, let's go and hear one new people of the word.
• We will
come back here and you will not have so lucky. They heard? (Speaks Dib)
• They
shake their heads saying yes.
• Let's go.
(Speaks Dib)
Around the
corner they burst out laughing.
• You see
his face; I was shaking more than a leaf. (Said with Tuco)
• I kicked
the guy that backpack with taste, unburdened in his face.
• And the
other two running within that rotten river, all full of shit and rats, it was
too much to see it.
• It was
very funny even.
They note
each of its operations, until they reached the street of Master, Tuco yawning
• I'm going
home to bed, we Leco?
• Let's go.
• I'm going
with you tomorrow have to work. (Speaks Juca)
And the
three spans away.
• You will
not work tomorrow, Dib? (Question Lu)
• I am not wanted
to go.
• So let's
draw a little while you decide.
• Come with
me, let's draw in the kitchen I catch the Micro System my brother and we were
quietly listening to music and drawing.
• Why do
not you want to go work Dib? (Asks Urucka)
• I'm
feeling the odd man out, I want to let the hair grow without anyone getting
discriminating against me, wear the clothes I want to wear and not go all cute
dress; has a you pull bags in service, ranging up suit and tie, what they earn cannot
even afford a suit those often must be to borrow the father or someone you
know, that to me is more shameful, the wants to work will, in an outfit that
you feel more comfortable and more courage to work than any starched you cannot
move right afraid to knead clothing or broken; I'm not like that. I'm feeling a
little yuppie. Sometimes I'm working and I'm thinking of other things I could
be doing what I really like to do, skating or cycling, surfing, live grafting
and keep only the money that we won doing graffiti was of good size for me to
live my life the way I am and not the way that society imposes me.
• I
understand well what you are telling me I've been there too. Me being black is
sometimes even worse, people in look as marginal and judge by our attitude of
being or to dress and not for what we really are, I am not able to steal or a
bullet and like to dress so all dropped, you want to see an example of what I
mean, look at politicians who dress well, with designer clothes, wear the best
suits and ties, many times more expensive than a minimum wage and are the worst
thieves, corrupt, characterless. And looks like he's shameless attitude is
called? Of white-collar crime, why you never imagined one shaven foot
committing these crimes, you always imagine a well-dressed man with a suit and
a white collared shirt, and people do not discriminate against them forever
spend a posture of a be honest, now we are honest and simple, received names that
often, or in thought we would be like this.
Lu brings
the radio and all the drawing material they had and some K7 tapes of several
bands like Suicidal Tendencies, Beastie boys, who could not miss, Rush, guns,
faith no more, anger, etc.
They always
began to draw listening to Ira, a São Paulo band that expired much for the
subjects of his songs and when sleep the pressed heard a heavier sound.
Each made a
drawing in a corner of the table, sometimes made more than one.
The Urucka
draws a very cool character and character under the three stylized letters,
written (S, M, and L.).
• What does
that mean? (Question Lu)
• Pizzas,
women and graphite, (Answers the Urucka).
• Legal
let's do this graffiti now it is small you can do with a little paint is quick
to do, (Speaks Dib).
• Where
will we do now?
• What
about the little building, the part where the slab is at the top. (Speaks Dib)
• Nice!!
(All agree).
They take
the paint in the Lu house little room and go to the little building.
The Dib and
Lu, go up on the ledge, the Urucka is below looking up someone came and helping
with inks that need.
Lu does the
drawing on the wall in a hard time, because he had no place to support and Dib
had to keep holding him so he could reach as high as possible, it ends the
drawing and they begin to paint, at the time the Urucka whistles, warning that
someone was coming. Quickly they go down the ledge, hiding and waiting to see
who it was.
Were some
women's groups, who came from church?
They pass
and Urucka warns.
• Ready
they are gone.
They finish
painting and Dib starts around the design with the spray relying on Lu barely
keep it together with himself, often even disturbing to make a good outline, it
ends around the design, gets angry with Lu by not get it holds it right and
balances alone in the building short wall, when he was finishing the last
letter. Hear a bang like a firecracker and a buzz goes next to your ear and a
hole opens on the wall.
• It is a gunshot,
shot me!!!
• Where did
that come from, (Question Lu).
• I do not
know but I will finish it anyway, just missing the bottom of the letter, give
it to better protect them.
It ends the
contour and speaks to his friend.
• Lu is the
tag’s what means the letters under them, not to expose the top and take a shot
of grace will end there! We'll be looking to see if we find the shooter.
They seek,
seek and not from anything.
• I
finished! Let's go down here soon, before we take a shot up here.
They go
down and give an admired in Graphite to see how it had been and even frightened
by the shot they give laughter.
• It was
cool and funny 'pizzas, women and graphite', (Speaks Urucka).
• Here low
you did not see who it was that shot? (Asks Dib)
• No. I
have not seen, only I saw the sand that fell from the hole made in the wall and
heard a pump noise.
• Almost
hit my head, let's get out of here!
• I have to
go. (Speaks Urucka)
• It's six
o'clock already! I will not work today, I can sleep on your couch Lu, up to
about ten hours, and because my grandmother will I fill the bag to work.
• Sleeps
there, no problem.
They enter
the Lu house.
• I'll get
a covering for you.
Lu behind
the cover and rises, Dib takes it and settles on the couch, thinking of the
concern of his grandmother, but does not even have time to think straight and
collapses into a deep sleep.
Wake up almost
at lunchtime, strange place and wonder.
Where am I?
Ah is the home of Lu! I stayed here, I have to go home, my grandmother must be
worried about me and mad not have gone to work today.
He gets up
and leaves the kitchen; the mother of Lu was already working out the hall and
go to your house thinking.
• Our my
grandmother must be a beast with me.
home, the grandmother takes a look to let the hair stand on end and question.
• Where you
were a kid? Not slept at home and because it was not working?
• I was in
Lu's house drawing ended up sleeping on the couch and woke up just now, I lost
• You pay
me kid; you did it on purpose, not to go to work.
• Do not
grandmother was unintentionally.
• Do you
think I was born yesterday, you do not fool me not you rascal, after he loses
his job, you will do what gives your life, I'm talking to you, you hear me, you
• Oh more
fills the bag!!
• What!! It
is a trickster himself.
The Dib
leaves his grandmother talking to herself and went up to the room, change
clothes, take the bike and try to get out of thin without your grandmother to
• Where do
you think will you rascal back here, bum.
He comes
down the hill to all Prancing the bike and think at the end of the slope.
• Where do
I go? Tuesday has no one on the street. Oh I know the Leco is no work, and it
should be in the locker room, playing basketball I'm there and I'm doing some
maneuvers on the steps of the bleachers, that's what I'll do.
And go
jumping the holes and bumps as he went with the bike. Arriving at the resort
were there, Leco, Ale, urge the Baboo, Spider, Pele and a staff that was in the
dressing room, to play volleyball against the team's dressing room.
The Dib
greet your friends, look at
the strange personal and recognizes a person in the midst of those people.
- Wait I
know that blonde is the Leila; I'll go talk to her.
• Hi! What
are you doing here?
• Hi, I
came to play volleyball with my friends and my friends and you were not working
• I was
• Missing
in service.
• Just
today, I was not to work.
The staffs
get to play volleyball and calls Leila.
• I have to
go play the guys are calling me.
• Okay,
I'll stay here riding then we talked more.
The Dib is
excited about her presence and more skittish in the maneuvers, just to show
her. He jumps step by step, reaching the highest part and jumping 360ºsobe the
steps of 180, makes several maneuvers and each time it was a maneuver, looked
to see if she was watching him.
When she
was looking he never tired of showing more and more.
But he
exaggerates and ends up getting tired yes, sit in the stands and watching the
game is, that he disguises who is watching, because in fact it only looks at
the blonde.
your friends, train ball to the rim.
The Leco
gets tired and sits next to Dib.
• See that
blonde there Leco.
• What has
• It was
with her that I was in Fecalp.
• What you
said he seemed to Vera Fischer.
• It is
• I know,
studied with me, she's feisty. Another day she quarreled with a girl at the
school gate, has the biggest dick in the girl.
• She is
quarrelsome is liked even more of it.
• You did
not go to work today? IT IS.
• No, I was
not; I was late at the home of Lu and slept there.
• I hope
they do not send you away.
• Hopefully
not my grandmother would kill me if that happened.
The game is
over; the blonde is chatting with her friends and does not come talk to Dib.
He is
waiting and nothing, she did not look at him.
He gives up
waiting and goes out, when he was a voice, the whole trembles inside, leaving
the property as a statue.
• Wait,
where you go, I'll go with you.
• Go!
• I will.
• Then go,
I'm going to keep the bike at home.
The two go
walking together; The Dib pushing the bike in order to accompany her, arriving
at his house.
• come up
with me, in my room, I keep the bike up there for safety and maybe we can get
listening to some music, why not?
• Are you
home alone? I'm ashamed to go well into the house of others.
• No, I'm
not alone; my grandmother must be doing laundry there in the backyard, coming
She agrees
but warns.
• No
anything funny okay.
• OK. Okay,
but hurry up.
They go up
to the room where it hangs the bike on the wall two hooks, screwed on the wall.
She looks
around the room and his comments.
• What Room
bum, all graphite and spray-painted bicycle on the wall one too hung skate
across a surfboard, shoes scattered all over the room.
She sits on
the bed and says.
• Our that
soft, soft bed even more.
• It is
because it has two mattresses. (Explains Dib)
• What you
want to hear, I have Keith Urban. (He suggests)
• This puts
Legion I like.
It was the
single most appropriate sound he had to the situation, he did not tell the rest
of the other bands of music, he had, why she would be frightened, only their
names with the music so she would run.
It plugs
into the sound and increases the volume a bit and lies down beside her on her
She gets up
and lies down on his father's bed, looking suspicious.
• What's it?
He did not like the kiss last time we met.
• Liked it.
• So why
are you running away from me?
It will
slowly coming close to her and sits beside her.
• It is
because it is dangerous, the two here alone in her room and her grandmother suddenly
up and catches us here alone, I would die of shame if you get to kiss me I'm
not responsible for my actions, and not stand by long and has more I'm still a
virgin and I'm at that stage of indecision, would love do now or only after
marriage, do not want it that way anyway.
Dib agree
with her, only to conquer better and says.
• We will
not do anything beyond measure, let's just get in and kisses a hand past.
• Only in
kisses and nothing passed from hand.
He agrees
with her again, just to please her and approaches her mouth if doing that would
kiss her; she closes her eyes and is waiting for the kiss. Making charm he is
just looking and away the face to back, leaving her anxious.
She opens
her eyes and sees him only watching from afar, slaps him and scolds.
• You fool,
did I stay here with silly face, thinking that would laugh kiss me.
It is with
a sulky nozzle and folds his arms, like a spoiled child.
He looks
that physiognomy little angel, do not contain and kisses, this time for real,
and it corresponds whispering, giving more passion in that kiss, which lasts
about five minutes. She asks to stop, because she was breathless, takes the
breath and continues, this time going lying on the bed and lying on top,
rubbing and stroking the body around it.
Some parts
of the body she did not leave, but after a little time she even asked to touch
her, this whole excitement, they get excited, he takes off his shirt and takes
her too, kisses her neck shoulders around the breasts, who were still in bra
and passes his hand over her back and in close bra, trying to open it and get
dropping those beautiful pair a wonderful thing it gives a very subtle kiss on
one of them and down kissing the belly until the pants button and begins to
open the zipper.
She pushes
his hand and says.
• do not
want to do this, let's just stay as we are.
He agrees
and continues to caress her, he turns the face to down and kisses through her
coast that began at the beginning of the gully and went to the back of her
neck, only the tip of the tongue and lightly touching on her coast, making
whisper and
driving him crazy too, and repeated several times that one of the times it
comes down to the back the ass and rises slowly just touching his lips to her
spine until the neck, making whispering louder and diverting to the shoulders,
which gives each kisses and turns subtly, kissing his lap, reaching the breasts
and down her belly to the pants and try to open the zipper again, this time she
let him open her pants and gives a pull to down forcing out, appears to her panties,
which was corresponding to - pink with bow in the middle of the elastic was
fragrant, it tries to lower the pants a little, When he listens.
• Mauro!!!!
Making a
leap of bed and she gets up getting ready.
• Damn it!!
It's my grandmother.
• What are
you doing up there?
• Nothing,
I'm listening to music.
• Who is
with you?
• No one is
• I'm going
up to see if it's true.
• You can
starts up the stairs.
• Quick
hide here. He lifts the mattress where there is a space for the top mattress
was bigger than the low, which left a space between the wall and the bed.
• You enter
there, shrinks the leg that will play the covering over her feet, hiding them.
grandmother enters the room, looks around looking for something wrong.
• I thought
you were lying to me, lacking in service, to stay bum, her bum.
• Do not
start grandmother, leave me alone.
takes a look at it and falls.
• Ready you
can come out now.
• And now
as I walk away?
• Wait I'll
go see if she's in the room, if it is I'll take her to the kitchen and back to
warn you.
He goes
down to the room where his grandmother watching television and asks for
• Grandma
makes those sweet cookies for me.
• You
deserve no lack in service today.
• Oh, it
will grandma I'm willing to eat those, cookies, always when I'm working at this
hour I remember the lady dumplings and wonder; hmm it would be nice if I were
at home this time only eating sweet cookies my grandmother, and how I'm even
here today, you could make this my desire, right voice.
• All right
I do, but you do not deserve.
accompanies his grandmother to the kitchen, kissing and helps to get the
When he
sees that the grandmother has hands-on literally, and that will not leave so
early there, he warns.
• I'm going
to my room off the radio and I'll be back.
He runs up
and calls Leila.
• Let's get
it this; busy in the kitchen, it gives time to leave without her see you.
The Dib
down in front, just in case, open the room door and when she was leaving.
grandmother asks the kitchen.
• You will
The girl is
frightened thinking that she was in the room, look to check and is relieved to
see that no, then she stands there waiting for the Dib to answer.
• Do not grandmother;
it seems that someone calling me, I'll see who it is.
They go out
to the gate.
• Sit here
comes on top of the water record low wall and I wait here.
He comes
back home, and her grandmother already in the question room.
• Who was?
• It is a
friend of mine.
• That
• One I met
on a Saturday party.
• Show her
The Dib
will go outside and combines with it
.- Account
Do you, is coming now.
• no I will
not go.
• If you do
not enter will give more suspicious still, come let's eat some cookies, which
she is doing, you're not hungry?
• I'm a
She decides
to go and they go straight to the kitchen; where Dib presents for her
• This is
the grandmother Leila and this is my grandmother.
As a nice
old lady who was his grandmother he praises the girl saying.
• Wow! How
beautiful you are, what beautiful eyes you have.
She gets
all red and is silent.
• Eat
• No, I do
not want thanks.
• Come this
is the first is piping hot while I fried most will not make undone, are you?
• Not that
I'll eat yes.
• It offers
coffee, for her boy.
• Thank you
I do not drink coffee.
• A juice,
water, soda?
• Water I
The Dib
takes a glass of water and give it to the girl.
• Is good
cookie? (Question grandmother)
• Yes, it
is a delight; I think I'll eat more.
• It is the
will and eats at will.
She eats
another and another and another and did not stop over eating until says.
• Our think
I have ever eaten, about ten! I'm full.
Grandma and
Dib laugh.
The Dib
calls to get out there.
She thanks
• Thanks
for the cookies, they were a delight, can I get another one?
• Yes of
course and thank you, but I do the eye without prescription. (Grandma's
satisfaction as was the recipe of cookies).
• Goodbye.
• Goodbye.
The two go
out and sit on the log wall and is watching the sunset.
The sun
goes down and she asks
• You will
not go to school, today?
• Not today
and you do not have to go to school?
• Today is
the meeting of teachers, there will be no class.
• Ah! then
we stay here talking.
The sun
sets and rises fully a beautiful night with a full moon and bright, clear a
beautiful night.
They talk
about various subjects, as would their future, about their friends, etc.
They kiss,
not stop and keep kissing for two hours or more, until the Dib speech.
• We will
stay here in the hallway and darker and nobody is looking into dating.
She stumbles.
In the
hallway, they continue to kiss and rub get excited him up in his arms and take
her to the backyard, it was like day due to the moon being so clear and so
shiny, brightening the whole yard as a artificial light less power.
continue to kiss and increasingly ardent, every kiss increased the pressure to
a point of either more withstand.
He lay in
the yard of the ground, lining it with the clothes they were taking. She takes
the shirt and bra and he takes off his pants and shirt getting only in
underwear and put up of it clothing continues to kiss her without stopping, the
corner of his mouth down to his neck up to her ear, giving a and shifty
whisper, down her neck, kissing her shoulders, hands, back to the shoulder,
kisses her lap through the breasts ignoring them continues down kissing her
belly and eventually put an end to unbutton his pants. Lowers the zipper and
starts to take off her jeans, which was very tight, but this time it helps you
get the pants.
When she
was taking her panties also he asks her to wait a little and kisses his thighs,
his shin foot and fingers one put an up repeating all in due order, reaching to
the groin where kisses and rises up to the breasts and realize her desire to be
kissed the breasts and only gives a very light kiss, enough that she let out a
loud groan, he asks her gem lower and you look to see if someone in his house
had heard groaning, no one is manifested, it continues and gives another peck
on the nipple of the other breast, making her writhe all, pawing the ground, he
goes down kissing her until her panties and bites stretchy and pulls her
panties with his teeth, very slowly.
to take her panties, he climbs covering her with his body, which seemed to be
on fire, so hot horny it was and only when faces are, kisses her and make love
like two lovers, as all the first few times, she discovers the pleasure of
They relax
each other's side, looking at the beautiful moon he was doing, he gets up a
little bit and notice how beautiful she was, the reflection of the moon hitting
that white skin was a stunning beauty, to beautify the eyes, is very close to
the ear her and she says.
• You are
very beautiful, the brightness of the moon in its the white become one shine,
you dispute the beauty of the moon, stealing her shine, so beautiful it is.
And lies
put up the clothes thrown on the floor beside her.
forgetting that she had been all day outside the home, and says.
• I have to
leave my mother must be worried about me
And if I
know well she should be mad at me, put not tell where he was.
• All
right, I'll walk you to your home.
leaving she lowers her head and says.
• Now it’s
not a virgin, I hope you continue enjoying myself and date me.
He hugs
her, kisses her and says.
• I like
you and I'm dating you and do not intend to let her so soon, only death
separate us.
• Do not
say that.
The two
leave the house corridor, go through the gate and down the street toward her
house, that from where they were to the house it would take her about ten minutes
in every dark corner they passed, clung and kneaded, making with the route, it
takes at least thirty more minutes and not ten more.
Arriving at
the corner of her house surprising her mother was waiting.
• Beautiful
girl not, all day outside the home and not even warn where he was; and who is
this guy?
• It's my
new boyfriend mother.
• Let your
father be aware of it, you will gain a new beating this yes and already inside.
• Bye, Dib.
• Goodbye.
It gives
goodbye to her mother, who had seen the coast and shrugs, he does not care and
laugh, was very happy to be angry about it, I thought he had found the love of
your life to your soul mate and down the staircase, which cut way leaping,
jumping from three to four steps at once.
Arriving on
the street of the Master, his friends skated on ramps they had just put
• Dib will
there take your skateboard, will debut these ramps, they were very good do not
you think? Dib! Dib! Dib!!!
The Dib was
air thinking of something else and not realize what his friend was talking to
him; as if walking in the clouds, his mind was too far, far away, in a
beautiful flower garden well away from land, which was in another galaxy, in a
lonely planet, where they lived only he and Leila lived running through the
flower fields, hugging, singing, dancing, turning in slow motion.
• Oh! I'm
talking with you, (Screams Lu). - You will skate or not?
• I do not
feel I do not think I'll go home to sleep, I'm tired and passionate.
• You are
• No,
nothing, go home, forget what I said!
The Dib go
to your house and Lu does not understand what his friend was talking and
home's grandmother Dib advises.
• Go to
sleep early boy, not to miss new service.
• I'm going
to bed yes grandmother, I feel very strange. (He was in love)
• But
before dinner!
• I will
not go up if you give me hungry after I go down and eat something.
He lay on
his bed and is recalling every detail of what had happened, every touch, every
kiss, could still smell it in her hands, she felt like she was at her side,
around his lips taste He still remained; thinking and remembering decide that
this time would give body and soul to this love, would devote.
• This time
has to go right, will go right yes, being all so spontaneous, it must be true
love, it is one that has no explanation, not all words in the world can explain
what I'm feeling, maybe a little word I can explain, but who tells me what it
means is word; What is love, what is? It is the dedication the person is that
is love, or miss being separated by just a few minutes, or fear of losing her,
jealousy, anger, affection, affection, friendship, fatigue, strength, victory,
joy, tear, passion, emotion, feeling, illusion, attitude, devotion, loyalty,
etc. as I thought not all words can explain what I'm feeling, this little word
that is infinite in meaning, should not be called love, it should be called
He falls
asleep, a grin on his face like the Mona Lisa, ironic.
The alarm
goes off at six o'clock sharp.
He lifts
his head looking at the alarm clock and complains.
• Put
grandmother! You put to awaken the six o'clock, taking the ten minutes more than I always leave ten minutes gives
much sleep yet know and better sleep ten minutes longer in bed and get up at
the time than leave early and sleep the bus all disaffected and bent the whole
trip shaking his head to one side and the other, not to mention those frilly
you give and awakens all drooled with umbrella taste in the mouth and have the
feeling that everyone is looking at you.
• The other
day there was a woman on the bus, sitting in the front seat, facing me, sound
asleep, and I think she was dreaming it was a fish, why she did with her mouth
like a fish, with beak and all, He was opening and closing his mouth as the
fish do when they are in front of the aquarium to us.
• For claim
and raises logo bed and come take your coffee, it's getting cold, do not delay,
it is not there thinking about the death of the heifer is exchanged and down
quickly to make your coffee.
He gets up
from the bed and goes to the closet, barely kept standing so old and falling
apart, that was the wardrobe. The time he pulls the door of the wardrobe, she
leaves in your hand and falls on your foot, causing the release and falling to
the ground, making a fuss, which even the neighbor listens to falling door.
• What was
that boy? What happened?
• The
closet door crap fell on my foot.
• I've
talked to you mend this wardrobe, but you and your father are two lazy.
He does not
care what her grandmother was saying and grabs a sweatshirt and vest, putting a
jeans overall over, leaving the hole of the sweatshirt out, not combing hair
and puts the cap. Take sneakers, cache, because of his cousin, (it was a black
converse) pants it and down for coffee, Inside the old full aluminum mug with
coffee with warm milk waiting as always.
coffee he gives a kiss on the grandmother and go to the bus stop.
In the bus
he finds a friend, greets and sits beside her.
conversation will talk comes and it touches the name of his new girlfriend.
• I know
her. I've dated her.
• Have you
ever dated her?
• Already
Dib is
jealous and is silent for a moment, but something gnawed inside, wanting to
know more details of the matter, what happened in their dating, creates courage
and question.
• You came
in last with her, fuck her.
• Why do
you want to know?
• Pray for
curiosity and to know if she's telling the truth to me. – Make love or not had
sex with her?
• One day
we were at a party and went to a corner and were kneaded in rubbing, and....
• Which is?
• You know
you know, happened, right there in that corner of the house with the party
going on the other side.
Dib feels hatred
dominate, which rose from head to toe.
• That
bitch lied to min, said she was a virgin.
• Women
always say that; do not know why they do it.
The Dib is
silent again and gets the rest of the silent journey, only rehashing inside
• I thought
I had found the woman of my life, my great love that would devote body and
soul, would be able to give my life for her. She lied to min as was stupid,
right now he looks out the bus window and view the statue of Dom Pedro I on the
horse, which is located in the Plaza Princes Isabel.
• My point
is next!!!
Greets the
known and as he was so devastated by what the name was told, that would not
fall behind and paid the driver and went forward.
When he did
that, people taking driving with him every day, are surprised and stare that
rare scene, those who had a bit of intimacy with him, play with him.
collector says.
• He took
the pass the spider web before giving me. And put in the drawer, but rather
plays checking the pass expiration date and says again. _ I looked to see if
the validity has not expired about 3 years ago.
friends play.
• It will
rain today, rain will not, drop a flood.
Dib does
not even bother with what they were saying, laugh gives a dull and pulls the
cord of the bell, the bus to the point it down and go walking head and a sad
expression gives pity.
Arriving at
the service entrance, the father, who
did their service every day early, sweeping the front of the morning paper, observe
the child and question?
• What was
the son that animal bit you because it is so sad, and because the woman is not?
• It is
father's wife, yes. How did you guess?
• It's
easy, never eats marmalade, when you eat it all licks.
understanding what his father said he responds.
• I'm not
dirty marmalade or jam eaten today.
• Yes, it
is, look at this tear here in the corner of the eye, it is salty but good
It goes
without understanding what his father was saying and enters the service, greets
security guards and up the elevator.
Down on
your floor he goes to case where mu time card, were. Search for your card. Do
not you think, looking back, again not found.
Asks her
friend help you find it.
• is not
here you'd better go talk to the boss. (Says the friend)
He goes to
the boss and say.
• My
Timecard is not in case.
• Sit there
a little I need to notify you of something you.
• notify me
of that?
• Your
timecard is not in case, why do not you do more of this group of employees, I
am dismissing you.
• I am
dismissing you, dispensing, dispensing....
That word
seemed to echo in his head and began to see the face of his grandmother in the
head face of the place and his head kept repeating.
dispensing, dispensing....
He looks at
the boss, do not ask why? And suddenly feel a relief not to have to work
harder, that unbearable place and feel happy for have been fired, gives a smile
and decides to ask.
• It's okay;
I have to do now to pick up what to me.
• Pass the
personnel department and hit them whatever they ask you. (Says the boss)
He gets up
and says goodbye and ironically thanks boss.
She says
she's sorry; he did not care what she was saying and go toward the personnel
department, who was in on the building store.
He presses
the elevator button and wait for it when he turns and looks at the sector where
he worked, were all looking at him and feel a circus monkey with focused all
attention to him, he disguises and looks at the elevator who was taking and
decides to escape, jumping entire bidding ladder, as if walking stairs, or
hanging in the hand and ran slid jumping all the steps at once, causing arrives
fast on the store.
In the desk
staff department, he explains to the employee's department, who had just been
fired. And I ask him what he had to do to get their rights.
The boy's
personnel department explains to him, which would have to do and where to go.
He thanks
the instructions and go out there, like a bullet, the sooner he left there would
be better.
On the
street heading toward the bus stop, he thinks of what his grandmother would
tell her about what had happened and was upset a little, think of an excuse,
imagine a thousand things to say to her, but thinks better and decides to tell true.
- After all she'll end up finding out sooner or later, why my dad works there
too, there's no way I'm going to tell the truth and take the consequences with
He gives
the signal to the bus stop. The driver recognizes and comments with the
• It's that
kid who does not usually pay driving!! But he's here so early must have
happened something to him, I will not let him on the spot, it must be something
would be, I'll stop and pick it up.
The driver
to the point, Dib up on it and sit on the last bench in the corner of the
window thoughtfully about what his grandmother would tell him and besides
Having lost his job he still remembered the lie that his love was told, shakes
his head, from side to side, as if you were talking alone.
The collector
looks at him and looks at the driver, who was looking for the bus rearview and
He does not
mind that they look. What bothered you was in your heart and in your head that
would not stop worrying about why have lost their jobs and lay almost girlfriend
and so goes the whole trip, thinking and thinking.
Coming home
he opens the door for fear not to see the amazement of her grandmother for him
to get home early and opens the door very slowly, but the door creaks and her
grandmother come to see who was opening the door and is surprised himself as he
I had predicted.
• What you
are doing is time at home? What happened?
• I was
fired grandmother.
• What was
• Sacked,
that even if you heard.
• Now what
you going to do with your life? He will stay there BUM the streets, but will
not even, not living with me here, here you will not get BUM just learning what
does not provide, here with me so; you do not get !!! You can try to find
another job!!
grandmother did not stop talking, but he did not hear a word whether what she
was talking, I was thinking of something else, was more concerned with the lie
that almost girlfriend had told him, he shrugs off what his grandmother said,
and up to his room, lay down and get some sleep, had risen early to go to work,
at least had this intention, sleeps at least three hours and wake up, with your
grandmother calling him for lunch.
• Come
lunch bum, took the opportunity to eat while you have food, because if you do
not get a job soon, will not have this stewardship not.
He descends
tidies his plate with food by placing the beans under and rice on top and the
steak too, with a spoon he catches the small bunch of meat with onions and
spreads over the food, and at the whim, get a glass of filter water and sat.
Gives the
first forkful and grandmother starts talking endlessly why he had been sent away
until he gets angry.
• OH Shit!!!
Arrives!! Not stopped this damn job so far, do not let me eat quiet, I do not
want too, going out, because you will make me mad that way. Is there talking on
the job if you did not lack the job if you do not walk so Bum, if you had more
head. Enough my!!!!
• They sent
me away is because they do not want me anymore there and ready I could not
stand that routine, the one manager who watched my every step, that glass room,
it appeared that did not take the eye of me one minute, choking me with his
eyes and always with that ass man, I could not stand it anymore, if they had
not tidied that service to min to the street I would have left it long ago felt
trapped there seeing my life through those walls, I'm young want to live life
to enjoy while I'm healthy, why after old will not be able to do things I like
to do, want to live, heard live.
grandmother listening vent shut.
He puts the
food and raises into the room takes the skate and goes out into the street with
his grandmother grumbling behind.
• Your bad
thankful I only want your good.
Before the
grandmother said one more word he rides the skateboard and down the street like
a madman. Arriving on the street were Lu and Tuco riding a skateboard on the
ramp he gets enough momentum and jump the ramp, but he feels that the ramp was
not very safe, was a little tight, almost causing him to fall and question.
• Why the
ramp is all so tight?
• It is the
brother of the old house red gate, we came to complain that we were making too
much noise and tried to raise the ramp failed and dropped everything on the
floor, breaking a wooden support. (Explains Lu)
• That
house red gate?
• It is,
one that has the wastebasket stuck at the gate (show Tuco)
The Dib
walks to the house where they pointed and hangs in the wastebasket, breaking it
and screaming and cursing, hoping that the old man or his brother leave to take
Does not
leave anyone, he turns to go skateboarding and suddenly leaves the old surprise
and tries to attack him by the shore he turns takes the old man in a tie and
when they procure started to hit the old he listens to Catherine lady, mother
Edinho scream.
• Do not do
that he is an old man, do not.
Causing Dib
does not think.
• Is it
really what I'm doing?
He lets you
in and out of there quickly, because almost made a mess, to be hotheaded.
And will
skate in the resort, Tuco and Lu go behind.
In the
resort they use the stairs from the stands as obstacles and make different
maneuvers on the steps, causing the Dib relax a little and sighs with friends.
• My Dust,
is now giving all wrong for me, I was fired, I found that my younger girlfriend
lied to min and got into trouble, no more no less.
• Were you
fired? (Question Tuco)
• I was.
• Because? (Question
• I think
that for various reasons, because of the long hair, the clothes I'm wearing,
missed yesterday and was doing much wrong.
• What the
mine lie to you? (Question Tuco)
• She said
she was a virgin and is not.
• How did
you find out that she lied to you? (Question Lu)
• I met
with an ex. her boyfriend on the bus and he told me what happened to them.
• And you
believed what he said, he could be lying, only to avenge her, maybe she
dismantled it and he was angry with her and it was a form of revenge.
(Idealizes Lu)
• It can
be. (Agree Tuco)
• Then I'll
talk to her right and want to see if it will tell me the truth.
• At least
one of the problems is solvable. (Speaks Tuco)
• A not
two, we can now make graphite during the week without losing the weekend and
make more money. (Advantages of Lu)
• I had not
thought about it, I make money doing what I like to do art.
• What time
is it? (Question Tuco)
• It's half
past three.
the Lú looks at his watch and confirms
• It is
half past three, why?
• The staff
will rent some tapes and will assist them at home, after four hours, I invited
the girls and they confirmed the time. I have to go home, come with me, my
mother and my father left.
The Dib and
Lú agree and follow the Tuco to his house. They will skate the Avenue due to be
the fastest route.
Arriving at
the house of Tuco, no one had arrived, they entered the Leco are watching
television. (Watched Mtv)
They greet
the Leco and each lie in a corner of the room last ten minutes arrive girls
(Vaninha, Kelly, Cris and a friend of Urucka) the Dú, Juca and Urucka own.
They enter
and greet all, each one
straightens as it may, the lovers are together, they brought with them a tape.
The then in Leco puts the tape to watch all the films was called "Stand By
Me," which told a story about five children who were involved in trouble
and resolve the confusion together, as true friends.
the film begins and everyone watching, but when you spend ten minutes of film
only Dib and Juca watch the film carefully, as the lovers were more interested
in their respective, time kissing, time rubbing or talking like Dib and Juca
were alone that justifies attention.
The Dib
observes Lu kiss Vaninha, turns to the other side and see the Dú kiss Kelly; it
makes him feel more alone than it really was. For him, suddenly that seemed to
have been arranged, making it even more suffering, the girls should have
combined all this to take revenge from me if that was the goal, managed, I am
heartbroken, so tight that reaches hurt, you can even feel like crying.
The Vaninha
plays with Lú like never joked with Dib and Kelly kissed Dú in a special way,
something with Dib it never happened. These scenes caused one jealousy, that
really should not cause, but it was happening.
He sought
support that still paying more attention to the film. Even despite the efforts
could not ignore it, their conversations and loud laughter showed how happy
they were, in a way that went the impression of wanting to rub this all
happiness in his face. Look at us, we're loving us and you are there sucking
her thumb and holding candle to his ex-girlfriends.
persisted in seeing the movie to the end but the film did not end ever, he was
not supporting it; but the end of the film is more exciting and sad, leaving
him further down so he thinks.
• Not to be
a comedy film. It had to be a sad movie, to complete further my sadness.
The film
ends, phew! With one of his friends dying, a very sad ending, which leaves very
touched. Bearing not stay there, he decides to go away and invites Juca to
accompany him.
• We Juca
though, as we had to sail here.
The staff
then says: - That it makes it has nothing to do.
The Dib
without giving satisfaction goes out banging his hand on Joey's back rushing
it. They go out through the kitchen door and go down the hall the living room
window of Tuco asks the two to stay.
Dib of the
shoulders and out, Juca went along. They will walk side by side without
exchanging a word, it was early evening, for Dib this was the saddest time of
They walk
to a square where there was a playground, because of the time there were no
children around. There is nothing sadder than a playground without children,
passes the impression of a ghost place, it does not have the euphoria and
excitement of children. The Dib was very sensitive, seeing art at all, was
The Juca
realizing your state asks the friend.
• Why are
you so sad? What happened?
• Nothing
• Anything?
Something's bothering you. What is?
Then Dib
lowers his head, remains silent for a moment, suddenly to face the Juca his
eyes were filled with tears and tries to say something, stutters, hiccups,
voice hardly want to leave.
• Gee, I'm
not iron.
The friend
saw him in that state is surprised because he had never seen him cry before and
then tries to console him.
• Vents,
tell me what this feeling, I am your friend, I want to help you.
• I only
iron, I'm having a rotten day, I lost my job, I think I lost almost my
girlfriend, because not started dating right with it and already lost; Lú and Vaninha, Dú and Kelly, rubbing in my
face without any consideration for me. My I was no further bearing stay there
in the house of Tuco, I had to leave as soon as possible, because I was really
hurting, hurt for real.
• And Lu
and Du, could have a little more consideration with you they have screwed up,
(Speaks Juca).
The Dib
sobbed and vented.
• I'm
getting better, I needed to talk about it with someone, and you are being a
great guy listening to me.
Before they
finished the conversation, a car the civil police turned the corner and Dib
• The way
I'm unlucky not doubt anything, that the police will give us a general.
Said and
done, before he finished speaking.
policemen jumped out of the police van before the car to be completely and
• Hands on
heads! Do not move!
Dib looks
the policeman who came to meet him, pointing at one thirty-eight long,
nickel-plated barrel. - Just like what the police pointed to the Necrop's past.
He is pointing the barrel reserve, if he kills us no one ever will prove
anything; because the weapon that the police headquarter them is policemen
without leaving any evidence, (he thinks)
The police send
to stand up and lie on the floor with his hand on the head and legs apart, the
other officer gives a general in two with a lot of violence, throwing punches
and kicks and asking.
• Where's
the weed?
• We are
not that not. (Answer the Juca)
• You cannot
fool me, rise very slowly, and let me smell your hands.
The guard
smells their hands and sees that nothing coast and asks the documents.
• Where are
your documents?
Neither of
them was with the documents, but they were close to Juca's house.
• I live
there your guard, (Points Juca).
• I did not
ask where you live. I asked where your document is.
• But I
live here, I can go pick up?
• I told
you, I do not want to know where you live; I want to see your document.
• I forgot
at home, (Explains Juca).
• And you
white boy where's your document?
• Also I
left at home.
• Good. So
will the two to the police station to explain to the delegate.
Right now,
as a motherly intuition Juca mother appears at the gate and sees the police
interrogating her son and runs toward them.
• What is
going on? (She comes asking for police, hugging his son)
• Is your
child ma'am? (Question the police).
• Of course
it is.
• It is
undocumented in the street, we could take him to the police station to explain
and identify them.
• Do not
need his guard he is a worker and studious boy, does nothing wrong.
• Okay
ma'am, this time passes, releases the boys.
The police
release them and enter the car and leave.
The mother
of Juca never gone so fast in his entire life.
• What a
fright I took. (Speak the mother of Juca).
• It was
not Mom, I'm hungry is the lady made dinner? Why do me and us Dib dinner at
• it rather
is on the table, but when entering the house lacks nothing of what happened to
her father, is good.
The Juca
agrees nodding, they come in and sit down to dinner the food was warm and how
could not miss the house of Juca the cold passion fruit juice jug.
They eat
dinner without speaking a word, devouring the food and go to the room to watch
TV and connect the TV on MTV.
Before long
they hear calling at the door. It was the staff coming back from Tuco’ s house,
passing in front of Joey's house.
The girls
had gone along with Du, were only Tuco, Leco, Lu and Urucka, "The
Master" was together.
They enter
the house, mostly spree, pushing the couch and sitting in their place, taking
their glasses and drinking their juices, they drank quiet.
All settle
and watch an MTV program.
None of
them had going to school that day.
Past hours
decided to go after school.
At the
school gate they remain the most uproar, skated and bicycle, stir with the
girls, shouting, moved with the people passing in the bus; until the bell rings
and the output students begin to leave, that excitement as ever.
Suddenly is
a friend of Dib classroom toward him for help.
• Dib helps
people packed bullshit with the guys from 3 and will now fight on the way out;
we'll wait for them here.
The Dib who
was eager to cash your anger on someone, do not think twice.
• I help
yes, who is showing me.
• No need
to enter the fray not only makes volume, you and your friends of the Master.
• It's all
Dib gives a
hello for your staff, which is all smart.
The time
that the class of the 3rd leaves, the friend's room Dib, without wasting time,
goes to him.
• What's up?
You said you'd catch me, I'm here, come fight, walks.
The Boy 3rd
gives your material to other colleagues insures and walks towards the other,
the insult.
The two are
studied to see who takes the first punch and go walking to the bus stop.
It is when
the 3rd boy takes initiative and part up kicking him. The Dib friend holds his
foot and both cling and fall to the ground. That's when a friend of the 3rd
boy, gives a push in friend and unbalances, giving advantage to the 3rd boy is
on top to hit him.
The Dib
seeing that pushes a people who were in front and kicks the 3rd boy's face, to
help his friend, kicks unmercifully.
The boy
cries out in pain, a boyfriend grabs the Dib, to hit him when they look, they
• Dib is you;
my gosh! Do not, almost gave you a punch?
It was the
Fuscão, a great friend of Dib, but was also was a friend the boy, why he was in
his room.
• This guy
is lazy Fuscão, you deserve to be beaten.
The Fuscão
could not do anything, why was his friend and the loose, the two together
accompany the end of the fight, when Dib friend a stroke of luck, grab the neck
of the other, asking if approached fight.
The police
was coming, separate the fight, disguise and disperse without notice that was
The Masters
leave together toward to the street for them alley.
- At the
end of alley they give front with Gentil and a friend of his, who was searching
for them, face each other and offend.
Luckily for
them the Gentil and his friend were unarmed.
And Gentil
pretend there was something in the fanny pack, as if he had a gun in it and
that at any moment would sack her.
The Tuco
realize that he had nothing and talk.
• He's
pretending he has nothing in fanny pack, let their asses kicked them.
The Gentil
and his friend realize that would catch and resolve the alley run away and
crossing the Avenue in the middle of the car that almost runs over the,
desperate they jump to the sidewalk on the other side scared.
The Master
watching it, are laughing on the other side of the avenue, arriving to lose the
strength to run after them.
• Already
well worth the fright they took, let them there, go to the home of Lu, a little
drawing and listening to music. (Says Juca)
• And let's
They enter
the house of Lu and go up to the ledge and lay there listening to music and drawings
up a 2:00 are the morning after that. The Tuco the Leco and Juca, go away, Lu,
Dib and Urucka are tire of design and are just talking, lie down on the ledge
and look at the sky wondering figures that clouds formed and talk of various
subjects to fall asleep the slab.
A ray of
sunlight hits the Dib's face, waking him. He looks from one side to the other
and asks.
• Where am I?
What I'm doing here in the Lu house slab? What Day is today? I think its
Thursday, you have to work my grandmother will kill me. I forgot that I was
fired yesterday; I'm staying right here have nothing to do.
He looks
for friends who slept deeply that came to drool.
Do not
bother them, let sleeping quiet and is thinking to herself, looking at the
beautiful sunrise that appeared. I admired such beauty of red and yellow with a
blue background, a color degrade, red and yellow coming in light blue, rising
to the going dark blue away with the night and think.
• You must
be heaven; God gives us a chance to seize the most of our life on earth, to
appreciate beauty like this. But who keeps the sun's flame access? is that within
the sun is hell and when we die the spirits of sinners go into the sun, to be
slaves and keeps the sun's flame lit, this should be the punishment, as the
bible says, that sinners will burn in eternal fire, to pay for their sins, work
to keep the flame access and protect the strength of God, the sun is a perfect
fortress, where no man can get close, because of its heat, perhaps only the
spirits are able to enter there , this must be the light of the end of the
tunnel, a tunnel that takes the spirit to the sun protecting it from the same
heat and where good and evil are judged each to their result of their attitudes
occurring lives on Earth . That's where also that God watches us and blesses us
through the sunbeams, which causes the plants to grow, to feed the animals and
animal food to serve for humans, who use the plant as a garnish with meat as
survival food, where the stronger eats the weaker, or the smartest win the
dumbest, is that eating meat is a sin, if sin God would not do so, though
humans could live only eating plants , vegetables and fruits that come out of
the earth, generated by sunlight and rain evaporated also by the sun, maybe
this is the right and not eat meat of any kind, must be the heart disease
caused by fat, such as cholesterol , is a way to show that this is not right
and we do not realize it and continue to eat more and more meat, compromising
the arteries and the consequence is death, not as a punishment, why is doubt
but as a tolerance ends and when they die their fate and work to the cycle of
life, of good hearts. If we look at the bad things in the world in most of them
happen at night when there is sunlight and poor, which reflected through the
moon cannot account for everyone, but if you think about God does not leave us
completely unprotected, send us your rays across the moon, if there were rays
of the moon to enlighten us, we would live in eternal darkness and evil would
take care of the plants no longer grow the rain would no longer exist, why
would not the heat evaporated and brig her of back to earth, blessed and new
life to the cycle of life, perhaps this should be the darkness that the bible
says "neither I walk through the valley of darkness, nothing happened to
me why you will be with me" this psalm only make sense if there is a ray
of light, which besides the sinners who go to the fire, innocents who are in
the dark, this may happen because of some act of man, as a bad atomic bomb
used, or even the neglect of nature, such as pollution of rivers, fires that
cause the greenhouse effect and affect the ozone layer, you can take the earth
on its axis and cause this darkness, a result equal to the man who eats meat
and dies of a heart attack. The harmony of the sun and moon is wonderful as it
is in perfect harmony with the cycle of life, we are still saved, with a hope
of a better and just life in God's hands, if the earth undock this harmony, or
even God can save us, why he will not be able to see our lives through the
sunlight. This perfect fortress that is the sun, which together with the moon
protects us in other words God's justice is done, while the light in the lights
and protects us from sinners who keeps the flame and the sun's heat accesses
Pure rest on the moon waiting for reincarnation to Earth where light while
there is paradise. That's right paradise is here, where we have the sun and the
moon working for us and all the wonders to appreciate and enjoy. I will not
despair just because I lost my job and hope in love, today is another day
dawns, maybe things do not happen.
thought is interrupted by his friend.
• What are
you doing, talking alone? It's getting crazy? (Asks Urucka)
The Dib
shrugs and sits hugging her knees and gives a smile to his friend with an air
of hope and question.
-Urucka? When
you die and if there is reincarnation, as you would return in what kind of
• Oh, I
would return as a blues singer of great talent with playing my harmonica,
crowds stop to see me touch her.
• And you
Lu? What would you like to be?
• Perhaps a
lizard. - One lizard!!!
- exclaim the Dib and Urucka, laughing.
• It is a lizard
same, I think the time could run through the walls with the speed that a
lizard runs.
Dib looking for Urucka, which one, responds
with the same look, with the same face, of disapproval and fun.
• You are
laughing at what I wanted to be, but what you Dib. What would you like to be?
• I would
like to be a bird, these small singing and fly without any concern and with
full freedom of direction and life, can feed on little things and being agile
to escape easily from their predators, did not want to be an eagle, or any bird
that line, why the eagle has to hunt and kill to survive, the vulture flies
high with such freedom, has no courage to kill anything, but lives the mortal
rest of other living beings. Now one sparrow does not, he lives of small fruits
and crumbly, the swallows too and are an impressive agility, you have observed
a swallow flying in I'm talking to you two?
His friends
looked at the sky, looking for a swallow and did not answer the question of
• No use
staying there looking swallowing at this time of day is very difficult to see
any kind flying at that time, they are more singing, heralding a new day.
• Yes, I'm
listening to a lot of singing birds, but do not see any flying. - Says Lu.
• So it is
good to be bird, you always wake up singing, can be Monday, which even then
they wake up in a good mood and is in no hurry to get out of bed, looking at
the birds take them as examples, which today is another day, if yesterday I
cried, I will smile today. Who knows you do not reason about Leila and be a lie
what that bundle told me.
• That's
right ball forward! (Speaks Lu yawning)
• In the
afternoon will go to the dressing room, talking to her, today is a day of
volleyball and basketball training, maybe she does not appear and tells me
everything, after all she does not know what's going on. I'm being very stupid,
getting jealous that way, torturing me and perhaps not even true, and if it
does not appear in the locker room. I go to her house.
• But not
prove it what you are feeling, gives John armless and be tough, (Counseling
• I'm going
home now, get some sleep in my bed, around 11 am; I will go in the dressing
room, (Speaks Dib).
The Urucka
agree and also go each one to his home so Lu goes to his room.
Arriving at
home Dib opens the door slowly so that your grandmother did not listen and
realize that he came and closed the same way, turns and with light steps go
toward the stairs.
To step on
the first step he listens to her grandmother talk about the kitchen.
• There's
no way it will be a roguish life. (Her grandmother had heard the door creak,
let him come in and think that she had not seen him arrive)
He listens
to the sermon of the grandmother and up to the room to sleep.
• This
morning Thursday he sleeps a little more and arouses 11:45 am.
• I have to
go in the dressing room clarify with Leila what really happened.
He stands
wearing boxer shorts, a T-shirt, looks out the window to see if the weather had
not changed and think.
- As the weather
in São Paulo is unpredictable, it is sun suddenly rains, is cold then back to
sun evening drizzle and gets cold again, missing only snow in São Paulo, it
snowed here the city would be beautiful would take to walk snow board, the
slopes would be very cool, but is able to snow early and late do that big ground
and melt all the snow and sun evaporates all the snow and form those born black
clouds and drops those standing waters, flooding everything, swamping the
marginal and complicating all the traffic, leaving the city in chaos, when the
rain is very strong, usually no light too, no, better not snow here, chaos
would be worse with the cold too.
It confirms
the will of the window.
• Aha! Is
already cloudy, how can 06:00 had beautiful sunshine and now the sky is gray.
He walks
over to the wardrobe, which removes a hanger flannel nightshirt and robe, over
the shirt and boxer shorts and sits down to eat something.
grandmother looks nightshirt and boxer shorts and comments.
• What good
covers on top and let your legs out.
• I'm going
to ride a bike that heats up a bit.
It looks
for its aluminum mug that was saved, his grandmother was no coffee ready for
him, because he was angry with him and also it was almost noon.
He catches
cold milk and put it in hot coffee, getting horrible, but takes so even in
quick gulps and up to his room again to take the bike and go out toward the
resort racing.
Arriving at
the resort, the first person he sees is Leila, feel butterflies in my stomach
and have no courage to go talk to her and direct passes through it in the
direction of his friends who played basketball in the back of the court, greets
the Leco, Ale, Babu, the spider, etc. and sits on the bleachers step, I was not
willing to do tricks with the bike was not strong, only to see Leila sucked all
their strength, leaving the property as the court.
The staff
played volleyball and either Leila tried to make bye-bye to Dib, but he ignored
her, pretending he was not seeing.
Ball back
and forth, dribbling basketball, volleyball flying until a ball came to rest
close to him, he did not handle and Leila comes for the ball.
She picks
up the ball and greets.
• Hi.
He ignores
her, pretending not to hear.
She looks
at him and thinks strange and back to play without a lot of desire, why she
wanted to know what was going on.
The game is
over her goes straight talk to Dib and question.
• What is
going on? You do not come to me yesterday, not talk to me now. What have I done
to you? Tell me I do not know.
• You do
not know? You lied to me, she said she was a virgin and was not made a fool of
• Of
course, I was a virgin, who spoke, I was not, or how you thought it min.
• I found
that with your ex. boyfriend who gave you that little doll that you like so
much and he told me what you did at a party, you were.
• We only
kissed and rubbed a little nothing more than that. What did he tell you?
• He said
he arrived in filaments with you.
• You lie,
you think I would do something with it in the middle of the party.
• He said
he took you for a corner.
• We were
already in the corner, but had people watching us, believe min I gave my
virginity to you, because I'm enjoying you and do not want to lose you.
He hears
it, is silent for a moment, think and comment.
• And if
you're lying to me?
• Do not
felt when we made love.
• I do not
know, I did not feel.
• I believe
I'm telling the truth.
• Okay I
believe you, because I also like you.
They hug.
• Let's get
out of here; we're all looking at us. (Says Dib)
They go to
the home of Dib.
And this
time they go up to his room without ceremony.
They enter
the room and lock the door to his grandmother not bother, he bad closes the
door and begin to kiss and love each other.
The hours
• Are
17:40, today I have to go to school already missed yesterday? Let I'll take you
to your home.
They go to
her house, getting in her corner of the house, they kiss and right now her
grandmother was going with her two aunts and screams.
• I'll tell
your father that you're rubbing, the street with this bum.
The Dib
hear what is mulled inside, respects you and does not respond to offense, why
was her grandmother.
But Leila
responds to it.
• Do not
fill the bag, you want to tell, I'm not even there, it's my life I do what I
want it.
• Your bad
girl created, I'll tell it to his father.
• I will go;
she will not leave us alone.
He gives a
kiss goodbye and down the street, but you walk behind him cursing him in
Italian and Portuguese as well.
• Your
hairy bum.
The Dib
hear what to think to answer to you, think twice and does not respond, only
gives a little dancing , taking out a deal with the face of the old.
The old is
furious with fun and scold more.
tightens the step until no longer listen to you talking.
• Wow, I
have to run if I want to go to school today.
• He comes through
delaying at home, take a shower and dinner and running out to school.
• He enters
school, at the time the servant closed the school gate.
He attended
all the classes, but do not learn anything in any of them, why not stop
thinking about her.
• I think
it would have been better if he had not come today also did not pay attention
in any class.
The sign of
the last class beats, warning that the class ended.
school there were the Leco and Lu.
• Do you
have a party to go to. (Speaks Leco)
• But you
will like skateboards and dropped, like that.
• It's a
crazy party is a rumpus just, let's go. (Explains Lu)
• I have to
go home, store the material and get my skate too.
They go to
the home of Dib, he picks up the skateboard and they will have fun with skateboards
to the party, arriving at the party, they enter through a dark hallway and now
hear a heavy sound rolling was heavy good metal, enter the home in the house. A
crazy party right, the staff were taking pure rum in the bottle, several women
with breasts out, some guys enjoying the sound, shaking his head without
stopping to the rhythm of music and also there were groans coming Room .
• Here it
seems hell. (Says the Dib)
Lu and Leco
agree with the head, look and laugh at and enter the party for real and start
drinking the rum too.
The Dib
sits on the couch, which sees the gap of a half open door, from which came the
groans, group sex, suddenly goes a guy with a girl who was with her breasts out
and stoned Cachaça (it’s a type of Brazilian
alcoholic beverage) and enter the room also.
The Dib
gives a touch on Leco and Lu, who was with the bottle of rum in his hand. And
the three are watching the group have sex.
They excite
and Lu and Leco settle down the two with a mine to them.
The Dib is
on his drinking and thinking about Leila and watching people have sex in the
bedroom. that all hell he was calm thoughtful, and just drinking while his
friends had fun, did not seem that he was there, everything he had flowers and
the music sounded like a symphony, people shagging seemed angels playing,
taking another sip of drips and gets stoned with drips, that rises to the head
and begins to enjoy the music, shaking his head with the other lunatics who
were into the music and talking.
• Hu, hu,
it being fun party. And took a few more sips on drips.
When a girl
approaches him to kiss him, he kisses but does not feel anything and
dispensing, for he was in love and only a person interested to him and she was
not there at that time.
The staff
like to party until about 2:00 in the morning.
The drunk
Dib, calls his drunken friends too, to leave.
They take
the skateboards under the house and out sofa unsteadily. The house was on a
slope. A decides to make a good downhill.
• Let's go
down with skateboards (speak Leco).
They climb
on skateboards, drunkards, but cannot give more than a few steps and fall. Then
settle down sitting (as ball bearings of affection) picking up a speed. They
laugh at the Leco and Dib still down, then Dib falls if all grating.
They give
more laughter and continue down the rest of the street sitting on the
skateboard and break with their feet.
At the end
of the street they look up, looking the slope they faced drunk and laugh at.
• You
grated whole Dib, looks arm, knee. (Leco says and laughs along with Lu.)
• We will
now swim in Garcia to cut binge drinking, (Idealizes Lu.)
• In cold, (Speaks
• It is in
this weather the jump the wall in the dead without the guard sees us, we took
the clothes and swam naked. What do you think?
The Dib and
Leco look at each other and laugh at.
• I liked
the idea, (Speaks Dib.)
• Me too. (Agrees
• Come on
then let those Skateboards home.
They leave Skateboard’s
house and walk to Garcia by the fund.
They climb
the wall.
• Is anyone
there? (Leco speak.)
• It's some
guys smoking pot; they will not bother us, (Speaks Dib.)
The wall
outside was very loud, but inside the pool is only three meters opposite
outside that has about seven meters high, causing wear a lamppost school court,
as support for the feet and go up scraping the coast on the wall and propping
his feet on the pole, coming on top of the wall, had to get rid of the barbed wires,
lowering and jumping a height of three meters tall, then it was just fun.
The Dib and
Leco on the fence step in barbed wires surrounding the wall and Lu jumps first.
The safe Dib for Leco jump and holding the wires with one foot and the other
passing over jumping as he was drunk falls through clumsiness, but not hurt.
They look
at the pool; see the fog that descended on it.
• is too cold
I will not get no.
Lu and Leco
agree, were discouraged too.
The Dib
looks at them laughs, takes off her clothes and jumps into the pool, the other
two do the same and swim naked.
• Buuuu is
cold water cured drunk at the time, (Speaks Dib, leaving the pool to dive again
giving a somersault.
The Leco do
the same and also Lu.
They do a
spree in the pool 03:00 hour am.
• Let's go
out? Already healed drinking and is getting very cold here. (Leco speak.)
They leave
are exchanged.
• Where
will we go now, (Question Lu)?
• Let's get
out the front gate, if the guard appears, we go out running, since even swim.
The Leco
and Lu agree.
• Let's
jump in three of them, not to get anyone behind.
They jump,
making a lot of noise and run off, the guard appears on the desktop of the door
window, but they do not give no chance to the guard and run up the street of
Master Lu and enter the home, give lots of laughs.
The Leco
and Dib decide to go away to sleep, each one to his home.
Not today
forget the night we will at the point of Lapa neighborhoods, catch the tagger
who spray-painted above our graphite.
The Leco
and Dib go walking until they reached near Dib's house, where it says goodbye.
The Leco
continues its path and look away he notices a strange move, two men who came
out of the alley, hiding back into her sharply.
The Leco
think it strange and suspicious.
• I will
call Dib to accompany me to the alley.
He returns
to where his friend broke and does not see more.
• He should
have gone running, crazy as it is, now I have to turn me alone, I know!!
Smart Leco
as it was, disguises he was pissing on a wall, standing at an angle where there
was a post, which hindered the vision of the two suspects and seizing, to jump
the house of the old Gigio, who now did not live anyone else and was abandoned
and your yard led into the avenue, where the Leco could fool the two subjects.
He runs
through the rubble, slips and falls on top of a sticky and stinky thing.
• Creed!! is
the rest of the dog's Dib carrion, he played here and post fire and that beggar
ate thinking it was roast chicken, but did not eat it, yuck !! Ahh!!
It is clean
and jumps over the wall from the bottom out on the promenade, walk to the other
side of the alley, to know who the suspects and what they intended to do with
He hides
behind the wall on the side before the passage and peers to try to identify who
they are.
• Is Gentil
and his henchman, this guy does not learn it, is but now it is even armed, you
can see the glow of the gun here.
The two
suspects begin to talk to them.
• It is
taking too long; I think he came back, (Speaks henchman).
• Come
after him if he returned should not be far behind, (Rules Gentil.)
The two run
into the street, leaving the alley.
The Leco
advantage and runs to his house.
• I have to
warn the guys, that bullshit is getting worse, tomorrow will soon warn Dib,
which is what more danger.
The Leco
arriving at his house opens the door and turns on the light and suddenly.
that scare mother.
As the mothers
of Leco not see, she did not need light to walk, walked groping things.
• What are
you doing awake is time?
• I had a
bad dream about you and I woke up and could not sleep, I was worried, but now
you've got, I think I can sleep, what's that smell? Carrion seems, is coming
from you son.
• Yes it is
mother carrion, the dog that was the Dib.
• The dog
that was the Dib, (Strange mother).
• It's
mother, is a long history, Tuco did not tell you that and the beggar ate his
• The
beggar ate his dog? As!!!
• It was
so. The dog Dib, who was called Bidu died, he was old, was about fifteen the
dog and died of old age, his grandmother asked him to bury the dog, what he did
took the dog in her lap and took even closer abandoned place, as there is no
more vacant lots he buried in the former home of the old Gigio, buried not as
he had not taken a shovel to dig a hole, he did the next, took a lot of debris
that was thrown by and threw it over, not being enough he put the old Gigio's
house window pulled over and he was a good size, but he did not have the cold
that has made these days, the street urchins, decided to do a fire and guess
where they seek lining the woods.
• In the
house of the old Gigio and took the window, covering the dog, (Responds to
• This same
mother, what happened was that the dog began to rot and stink, and the next
door neighbor started complaining who was the son of a bitch who had played
that dog there and told her that the dog was the Dib, and she was complaining
there at the home of Dib, his grandmother scolded him and told him to remove
the dog from there and buried elsewhere.
• What did
Dib? He went to the ground faced that smelly, put a plastic bag in his hands
and tried to get the dog, but he was already decomposing and broke up all
falling worm and guts everywhere, causing him to drop the rest of the dog and
puked over, he thought, and now what I'll do, gave me a feel for it. - Go on
the dismantling takes some gasoline and put fire in the dog. It was exactly
what he did, was there at the chop shop asked some gasoline, put gasoline in those
old bottles of soda glass, Fanta, filled the bottle to the neck, an exact liter
of gasoline and went to the dog capping nose not to throw up again and threw
liter juice the dog and then set fire.
• He put
fire in the dog? (Discredits the mother)
• But
that's not all no mother, I told you it was a long story, you know what
happened, the worst is to come, when Dib set fire to the dog, made a stink
worse than it was a smell of burned rotten meat, which spread blocks, the smoke
that was a horrible smell, the whole neighborhood began to complain and the
next door neighbor turned on the hose and put out the fire, leaving with the
fire destroy totally the remains deadly dog.
• What a
• It's not
over Mother.
• Do you
have more?
• Has the
worst comes now, when the neighbor put out the fire the dog was roasted like a
pig, what happened the other day was the following, a beggar who was passing
by, saw the abandoned house of old Gigio and joined to stay there when he saw
the roast dog and sat at ease in front of the dog, put a handkerchief around
his neck and began to eat the dog, Dona Rosinha seeing this, ran to her house
and took a plate of food and Man, when she returned there was already a lot of
people saying to homeless not eat it, Rosinha owner offered him food but he refused
saying that roast chicken, had been his mother who had prepared for him, and
that would be undone change the mother's roast chicken him the plate of food
Dona Rosinha, and ate the dog licked to the bone, leaving only some parts that
he not take any more and it was precisely is part, I fell upon today .
• Creed!!
Disgusting!!! I will not even ask you to as you fall over, what he was doing,
why I do not have the stomach to endure this stench that is coming to you,
especially after this story, I'm almost puking I think now that there even
sleep, just thinking gives me retching, will bathe boy just before I throw up
on you.
The Leco
bathe and go to sleep, wake up at 11:00 am and goes to the home of Dib advise
him about the event, last night.
He calls
it, takes a while and his grandmother answers the door, warning.
• Mauro has
• You, know
where he was?
• He said
he would pick someone at school.
The Leco
think he had gone to get someone in Leme and goes there.
But Dib was
not in Leme School, he had gone to fetch Leila, who was studying in Meireles School.
The Dib sat
in the pub stair steps that was on the other side of the school, as he waited
he thought.
• I have to
get a new job, if I start dating seriously with Leila, from what I could tell,
her parents are biased and will not accept that his daughter date a tramp. I'll
look for that my friend who set up a carrier; maybe he did not get me any
temporary thing, just until I find something better.
The school
bell is and Dib is on standby, waiting for her to leave, that commotion to envy
to a football stadium.
But in the
midst of so many people, he sees two blue-green eyes, smiling at him. He comes
down the stairs and goes against her, gives her a kiss and takes her hand, as
if they were lovers a long time.
• let me
home? My dad wants to meet you, to see if it makes me dating you. (Question it)
The Dib
shrugs and responds.
• Let's go.
The two go
silent each one thinking about what would happen and what happened.
remembered the last night of hell that had been in his house last night, her
grandmother had told her father about Dib and invented and increased a little
more history, leaving her father very angry to the point of hit her, which did
not hurt more by her mother entered the middle and not let him beat her more
and sending him out to cool off, but he ended up in the bar, he took one and
the other, to make matters worse further situation. He was remembering every
detail that the grandmother of Leila was telling him and took another, she
warned of what could happen and her words did not come out of his head.
• you let
your daughter date with a hairy bum, he does not want anything serious with
her, he just wants to enjoy it and have, I saw them snogging in the street, a
little shame.
It takes
more and remembers the rest.
• You cannot
let that happen, you have to solve it shortly before his daughter appear
pregnant and become a single mother at 15 years old.
This was hurt;
he turns a full glass of rum a swig only.
And already
completely drunk, he talks to himself on the bar pounding on the wall, saying.
• It will
not happen, I kill, I kill, and I kill.
And he
cried when remembering the little daughter, with golden ringlets and two blue
eyes and says.
• I did not
create my daughter for the first rover that appears, enjoy and take off from me.
Take the
last dose of hot water, more tipping than drinking and go home, coming home it
opens the room door with a kick, making a fuss and shouting.
- Women are
your fault!! To let this happen to our daughter, you should take better care of
our daughters. - Look at the example you are giving to your younger sister, you
think it right, in daughter.
And repeats
you think right? he runs his hand in the face and when the draw starts breaking
things in the house, he punches the shelf breaking the door and then kick the
coffee table, breaking the glass half splintering broken glass everywhere and
cutting in the big toe and the heel, but was so drunk he did not feel pain and
was walking through the house spreading blood on everything it touched and
• I kill, I
He goes
into the kitchen grabs a knife, rushes out saying he was going to the school
gate Dib find and kill him, why would disgrace his daughter.
He runs to
the gate of Leme, but he was so drunk that he had fallen three times before
arriving and was all shredded and bleeding even more and is there in the
college entrance trying to remember Dib's face, but could not remember why only
had the visa once and far and at that time was very drunk, could not even
remember his own name, was already calling Jesus Jenézio.
Is there
looking and bleeding with the knife at the waist and cannot find it, until your
brother comes seek the car. The convicts and takes him home where arrives
passed out, for the good of everyone.
The Dib not
know half of what had happened the night before, still going hand in hand with
her, in the hope that they will accept.
• I need to
tell you something that happened last night at home, my grandmother told leave
it to you, but she invented and filled his head worm, he drank a lot and did
horrors yesterday at home today when he woke and he saw what had found better
you know before taking foregone conclusion and asked for you to be there today
at home, my father is very angry and I'm afraid he hurt you.
He stops
leaving to finish saying and speaking.
• I am a
man, like his father, if he comes to see me in a good, I'll talk to him a good,
now he comes with ignorance, and I also know to be ignorant.
already went up the street that gave it access to home when they meet her
father down in a hurry.
• Where you
• I go to
the garage to see what time I go to work and want to talk to you after I get
The Dib
look at it and respond.
• All right
I'll be waiting for you
The father down
looked like it was still a bit dizzy from drinking last night.
• His
father is a bus driver and works so drunk?
• Sometimes
it drives better drunk than sober, in a matter of accident, thank God never
arriving at her house gate and her mother was at the gate.
The mother
gives a look of surprise, at the same time fear for Dib and says.
• My
husband wants to talk to you.
• I know
met him on the way.
• Enter
here we expect it there.
The Dib
enters the house and looks every detail and notice that was missing from the
bookcase door and glass coffee table and stands up.
• Sit!
(Says the mother of Leila)
He sits
down and gets a little idle for conversation.
And the
first thing that her mother's question.
• Do you
• I was
fired Tuesday last Friday.
The mother
makes a suspicious face and shut up; leaving a silence that seemed to scream in
the middle of the room for five minutes no one says anything.
Even, the
mother of Leila offer water.
• Whether
water or coffee?
• I wanted
water, I do not drink coffee.
The mother
of Leila gets up from the couch and goes to the kitchen for water and talk.
• I wanted
water, water that I do not drink.
bringing a glass of ice water.
• Here's
your water.
It takes
water, thanks and tried to be as friendly and polite as possible, he could.
Pass up
half an hour and her father comes in, it goes right through the boy and goes to
the kitchen and back when I was leaving without paying attention and that's
when the Dib asks him.
• I did not
want to talk to me?
• I wanted
to have a conversation with you, even.
• I'm here;
you can talk.
• What do
you want with my daughter?, is serious commitment or just rumpus?
• I want to
take it seriously.
• Ah! Know.
But i this long hair, why do not you cut?
• But I
like that.
• Like so
and you work?
• At the
time I was fired, on Tuesday last Friday.
• Because?
• I do not
know, I think it was cut.
They talk
for hours, until the grandmother of Leila arrives.
• You let
this bum into your home?
He hears it
and swallows hard, not to offend the lady.
Her father was behavior changes.
• Look,
I'll be very direct with you; I do not want you to date with my daughter in
this way. While you do not get a job and do not cut the hair I do not leave you
alone together.
He tries to
talk, but realizes that it would be useless and gave up.
• Sorry to
bother you, but I just cut my hair if I want, I will not cut because you asked
me, you will not let us dating, hidden dated in without you knowing.
saying this, he says goodbye to Leila and leaves.
Leila's father
makes a guy who ate and did not like.
grandmother of Leila says.
• I did not
tell you he was insolent.
• Leave it
to me.
Dib down by
the big stairs, jumping three steps as usual and think.
• Gosh,
everyone decided to tease my eye, the drug is my life, I need not dating at
home, I'll date her hidden.
• I'm
starving, not had lunch so far, will give five hours, I'm starving, I'll go in
the house of Lu, he should already have returned from service.
On the way
he meets Lu off the bus.
• I was
going in your house now.
• Look at
the new Swatch I bought.
• Crazy well,
more colorful than the other, you have.
• Come home
I will show you drawing I did last night, after you left.
They enter
the kitchen, where on the table had some snacks, and it was all that Dib wanted
and without wasting time he catches some and stick in the mouth.
• Let's go
up in my room, I'll change clothes and show you the drawing I did.
Lu pulls
the last wardrobe drawer where inside the drawer there was a folder, it opens
the folder and pulls out a drawing. He was a master with open arms and some
rays out of his hands and ground out the letters forming Master.
- This will
be the new design q I will do on July 9, above the other graphite, which is
The Dib
looks a little drawing and comments.
• This
design is cool.
• What time
we go on the Mac Lapa? Catch the guy who ran over our graffiti? (Question Lu)
• After
nine is the time that people are beginning to gather there.
• I'll take
a shower, you expect me a little?
The Dib
nods saying yes.
While Dib
expected Lu shower, he sits on the bed, grabs the folder designs and is
admiring one by one, but he could not forget what the father of Leila had told
him. (- While you do not cut your hair and get a job, you do not date with my
• A job? I
could be designer or living doing art. It would be very good. - Gosh!! Imagine
if I get a job in a comic agency, or an agency of Advertising, would earn a lot
of money and would not be necessary to cut the hair, I could go to work the way
I saw fit, why this staff working in advertising or art, walk like a crazy,
always in fashion and the latest fashions, are increasingly innovating and
making clothes that shock at first glance.
The Tuco
and Leco appear in the fourth Lu, by the back door.
• Where Lu,
(Question Tuco).
• Is taking
a shower?
• Big Dib I
really needed to talk to you, yesterday recalled the night when we went away
• What, you
• So Gentil
and his accomplice were waiting for me in the alley, barely escaped.
The Leco
account for him as was his getaway.
• We need
to get smart with this guy, he will end up taking one of us, in hidden, (Speaks
• You, or
just with him and he ends up with one of us. (Speaks Leco)
• This guy
is crazy so smoking marijuana, marijuana melted his brain, just show no fear
for him, he, he does nothing, let him go, one day someone ends up with it and
we will not need to mess our hands. (Speaks Dib)
After 30
minutes Lu out of the shower.
• My gosh! I
thought, I had fallen down the drain. (Toys Dib)
• It will
soon return, we come to call the Urucka and Juca. (Speaks Tuco)
Lu that
freshness always, take piece by piece of clothing and is wondering what will
• Today we
have to look pretty bad, so I'll wear an outfit that makes me bad guy and
everyone will use rings to panic. (They had six equal burrows. Black with an
embroidered writing Master and a spray can equal the tattoo in front of the
• They go
down the room Lu and go to the house of Urucka.
The Urucka
was coming down the street toward them.
• Legal or
need to rise's entire ramp saved us in this big black, (Speaks Tuco.)
As always
they greet and go to the house of Juca.
Arriving at
the juca´s house, where he was waiting at the gate.
• Come see
here comes to the toys; we will take the point, to terrify those stupid.
They go
into a room where the father of Juca used to work with wood. And from behind a
desk he takes a chain, a bat, and pipe piece and spear points strung on sticks.
The Tuco
takes the current and says.
• I will
stay with the chain in one hand and in the other, with this brass knuckles. (He
takes the knuckles from his pocket and shows it to friends.)
look at the knuckles and comment.
• Nice!! It
must be cool to punch someone with it, you should do some damage. (Speaks Dib)
• We will
work out a little, to stay swollen and panic in appearance as well.
The Juca
had some weight weights in your home where trained a few times.
The Dib,
Tuco, Leco and Juca, flailing a bit; Lu and Urucka only watched, because they
would have to get a whole month working out, to appear a muscle that all
• eight
hours we leave, it is a time to Bubo here until the end, we get about nine
hours, (Says Lu).
The mother
of Juca brings a passion fruit juice jar for them to drink.
It was that
fight to see who drank first.
They take
the juice and train some more, until 20:00 pm.
• let their
staff's time, everyone took the rings and what it will use to beat those smuggles
are all ready, (Question Juca).
All answer
• So let's go,
(Speaks Urucka).
They go to
the bus stop where only one is on the point to give the signal, why were all to
the point the driver would not stop.
It is only
Lu and Urucka the point to give the signal.
Comes the
bus and the two give signal, the bus to and personal leave behind the newsstand
without running and climb easily on the bus and sit in the last benches and
engine cover, no mess, were all serious, no one knew what awaited them, if they
would fight several people or will find a cockerel ahead and if someone buys to
bullshit them or worse, quiet and thoughtful they go to the end of the bus,
where Lu and Dib break in the bus door and down a good without run and facing
drivers who were in the end, those wood houses, where there were only two and
they do not even have spoken to do something against them, they were all hooded
and some torn shirts, showing muscles.
They walk
the streets of Lapa to arrive on the Mac. Where they lean in a corner and are
waiting for the right moment.
The point
was already full, had tagger everywhere and every time came more.
The Tuco,
Urucka, Lu and Joey go to the Mac, eat something, ask some snacks and time to
pay, Tuco to get the money, get the brass knuckles and a pocket chain. The
manager looks at the knuckles and the chain and gets scared. The Tuco takes
money is given to the box.
She warns
that money was still missing.
looking a little cash in their pockets and drops the baton with a spear, the
manager widen the eye and look for Lu, who was making his staff do volume
blouse giving the appearance of being a gun.
think the rest of the money was missing and gives the box, which takes the
money with a frightened face.
leaving the manager calls the police and says that something would happen
The Tuco
gives Snack of Dib and Leco waiting around the corner.
Dib takes a
bite at the snack and sees a face he knew.
• I know
that guy; I'll ask him if he knows, this man of forehead?
He asks the
guy who responds.
• He was
here just now, what did he do?
• Write
above our graphite.
• It is
crazy to do this, I think he has no notion of what did and did not know what
the consequence for those who do that, besides losing IBOPE and burn with the
guys. Look it there!
• What?
• That
weird all that is fair to the nickname, forehead.
For the
sort of weird right now appeared police from all sides causing them to forget
the subject and come out of thin so that the police do not catch-them and go
into a pub, a little forward disguise who were drinking beer .
The police
reached the four sides in against hand above, below, made a fence where few
managed to escape.
Police line
up the taggers one beside the other, all with their hands on the wall and gives
general over fifty taggers, where who was greater, was taken to the police
station to explain and released minors, after being identified.
The police
made a pile with spray cans, taken from taggers.
One of the
few who managed to escape, along with the Master, says.
• Look how
much spray can, the police learned, you could do an hour graphite should have a
100 spray cans.
Dib question
for the guy if he knew who´s is Testa.
• I do
know. Because?
• He ran
over our graphite.
• You are
the Master, right?
• we are
here and come to punch the mouth of that backpack.
The guys
look at the volume, Lu shirt and think he was armed and says.
• He lives
on the other side of town; I think its Guarapiranga Sacomã or something.
• It's too
far let's not there, but one day we will catch him by surprise, can be here.
The guy
listens and says they are right.
• Let's
have done our part here. (Speaks Tuco)
• It is
going before the police come to our side. (Alerts the Leco)
They act
naturally and leave the street side without the burrows not to draw attention.
Walk two bus stops from the end and take the bus that brought them. The driver
did not say anything and let them rise.
They sit in
the same places that have come and comment on what happened.
• We leave
our message, but almost ran and the cops catch us with these thing here would,
screw you cool. (Speaks Juca)
Lu agrees
with him.
The Urucka
and Tuco, sitting on a bench together, talking of something else, appeared to
be about music. Lu, Leco and Juca continued talking, about what happened and
Dib is isolated in the corner of the engine covers, just watching the landscape
and thinking about what the father of Leila told him, he was very angry and had
undiscounted anyone your anger. - Had not time to take a punch, that foulbrood,
the police arrived just in time. - And speaking of police!!! The driver is
touching the route, he will call the police to catch us, quickly dismissing the
chains, bats, everything understanding it as a weapon.
The driver
for the bus at the entrance of the barracks on Route Tiradentes Avenue, off the
bus and will call the cops.
• Go Tuco!!
Your punch English too.
He is sorry
for, to dispose of his knuckles and think twice.
Just when,
it appears two policemen in the back door of the bus, and the driver up the
front door to open the back door.
And when
Tuco hear the compressed air noise, loosening up and opening the door and
throws the knuckles, that the noises of the door opening the cops do not hear
the brass knuckles hit the ground.
The police
Route were many bad beat always say that when they chase thieves and catch the
thieves never come alive, they do not forgive, even kill without mercy.
One of the guards
• Go down
one by one!!!
They knew
they were going to get, so it was to go down one by one.
Dib is the
first to go down, why he was sitting on the engine cover, to go down it takes a
slap on the ear, which lets little deaf for a moment, his ear buzzing, then
came the Leco also takes a standing ear, Juca Lu the same thing and Tuco and
catch more Urucka to be the last, take a slap on the ear and a kick in the ass.
• Will all
hands on the wall and staring at the wall, legs apart.
Appear five
policemen and already come knocking too, they kicked one leg in the side away
from the, making almost open Split and beat the ankle pair hurt more and
searched one by one, a brutality only.
The bus
will go away and leave them there with police, picking up.
One of the
officers with a bad guy with a mustache like the Hitler says.
• They will
continue messing up the bus or learned the lesson learned is we cannot teach
them again.
All shake
their heads saying they have learned the lesson.
The police
and the dispense orders they catch another bus and did nothing with that
driver, why their names were all written down, and if they did something, they
would all be arrested next time.
The guards
enter, Tuco look at the street and see your knuckles shine right in the middle
of the avenue, he disguises who is crossing the avenue and its shoelace untied,
he stoops pretending that would tie him and pick up the brass knuckles and
around the other side of the avenue to the nearest bus stop.
This time
they take the Imirm- Itaim, it was after that avenue, why would not pay the
conduct and Itaim was easier to get off without paying driving, even after it
They climb
on the bus and are all behind, until they reached the Imirim where this time
breaks into Leco to the door, he came down.
All down
the Dib is up last and before he looks down into the driver's mirror and
recognizes the face and the driver vice versa, was the father of Leila. He
takes a shock.
The Leco
• Go’s just
not take it anymore!!!!
He goes
down the rest of the stairs and look at the rear of the bus where the father of
Leila kept looking at him and motioning insinuating something that was not
The bus
leaves the Dib is looking sprawling.
• What was
Dib seen a ghost? (Question Lu)
• It is
like. (He replies)
• The bus
driver is the father of that mine that I'm getting and he recognized me.
• Now it
was, you danced once. (Speaks Leco)
• Ah!!
never mind, go to the street just before it happens more something wrong with
us, is all wrong today.
They walk
and comment on who took over the police, through the alleyway they give that
custom little piss and continue commenting.
appears the two ladies from church and scream.
• Christ!! You
do nothing in life but to urinate in this alley will work to burn energy, their
They run
packing up his pants and laughing, until they lose their breath.
But even so
Dib kept thinking about what the father of Leila was thinking about what
Father of
Leila finished having given the last trip and just in the last trip had to have
found with Dib and his friends.
This made
it one gets a full head and at the bar to take one, two three...
And after
being drunk and he goes home, he opens the gate making too much noise and
• That shit
... is rusty, that's just illusion, does not protect against thief.
The dogs
come to him and jump him wanting to play and lick.
• Ahh!! That
yes that is friend, you are my family, not those daughters that I have and this
woman, who is for nothing, family? Aahhh!!! That's all illusion, the man home
to be dignified and respected, and then the children come, some say it is our joy;
this is an illusion, just behind the grief and hassle.
He gets out
of balance and falls sitting on the floor and lay on the frozen ground, the
dogs lick his mouth, and he growls and tries to get up.
The room
door opens.
It was the
owner Marlene.
• Are you
drunk again Lelio?
• Do not
fill the bag!! I drink so much that I want; it's my life and make it what it
• This is
an example that is given to their daughters.
• Do what I
say and not do what I do, that's what they have to understand and know who I
saw cluttering the last trip I made...
• Who? (Asks
Dona Marlene)
• The
girlfriend of his daughter, he is not for our daughter, he is a bum who just
wants to this, and he just wants to enjoy it and then will just leave the rest
of it...
• Do not
speak this man! You do not know what you're talking about.
appears on the mother's side of the room door and asks.
• What did
you see father?
• I saw the
vandal your little girlfriend, he and his friends vagabonds, forced open the
door of my bus, and went down without paying the driver, he is a hairy bum,
will only make you suffer.
Leila looks
at the mother, with a trickling tear down his face and says.
• Bad luck!!
• It is bad
luck is not really true; it is good that this happened so for me to know who
your nothing; I do not want you to see never heard...
It rises to
the room running and locks the door and melts in tears.
• Pull
scored, I think now it's the end I'll never be able to see Dib again, I will
not be able to date at home, dammit.
Dib sat in front of the home of Lu, seemed to feel the cry of Leila, and was
• I think
it's the end of it, now that her father will not let her I had dated it. (He
speaks to Leco, who was sitting beside her, while the staff was drinking water
in the kitchen Lu)
Passes a VW
bug wine, one from inside the beetle greets, he cannot see straight, who was
inside the Volkswagen Beetle and greets well, anyway.
She does
not believe his luck feel her trembling legs, but will Dib of the meeting at
the gate.
• Are you
crazy coming here?
• Do not
resist and could not bear to be without you see.
She opens
the gate.
• Give me a
• No,
you're crazy it is not seeing my father there.
• So, by
the time you are entertained with the game, you kiss me.
• Let's sit
at the low wall, which is half dark and helps us, making it difficult for him
to see.
They sit on
a low wall of well stow in the corner of the wall, making the father the sight
of her.
He looks up
and down and says.
• Our you
are irresistible, with that bib color pink sweatpants, low cut showing you
thick thighs with these hairs blondes, our makes your mouth water.
• Stop it, you're
leaving me no way.
• And my
kiss, you still did not.
She looks
to see if her father was not looking and when it turns to kiss him, he was on
top of her and desperate kiss, as if they had never been kissed before. She is
almost out of breath and asked to stop.
• arrives!
My father did not see?
• No he did
not see anything, you are watching the game.
By the time
he finishes speaking, her father gives a peek, craning his neck to try fleeces.
that moment that nothing else was going on and continues to play.
• gives me
one more kiss.
• Fast,
will soon.
• She
kisses him and at that moment it starts to rain, causing them to stop kissing
and ran into the backyard, where her father played cards. These leaving him
face to face with her father.
The rain
increases in a certain way, I was watering in the garage, causing the men who
played cards entered into the house and going to play cards on the kitchen
And Leila
also had to come in; it rained a lot and was watering all her clothes and his.
• I'm
leaving in the rain even I cannot be your father here is not liking.
He goes out
and hears a man's voice speaking to him.
• Enter
Here boy waiting for the rain to pass, will get sick in this rain. (He was the
father of Leila).
And without
thinking twice he enters, asks permission (as if educated) and stands waiting
for someone to send sit.
• sit there
on the couch, watching a bit of television, as the rain is nothing.
Her father
goes to the kitchen to play well, but always giving a look to check if they were
not doing anything wrong.
And when he
lost, was sitting on the couch, waiting for the next round.
In one of
those times he left the game, the neighbor also came out and came to sit in the
room with them and began to make some comments.
• Our Lelio
as his daughter is beautiful right. When I moved here, I wanted had dated her,
but she was very young, but today she is already a woman formed; now you can
date her. One of these days I'll be calling you a father, right big father in
Dib hear
it, feel your blood boiling, his eyes widen, mad to give a punch in the mouth
of that backpack. But he had to stop himself, why he was in the house of Leila.
contains, but inside is corroding and could no longer look at the face of that
sucker, he stands up and says.
The rain
subsides a little; I will stay here in the yard, until it ends completely and
go away.
He goes out
and is in the backyard Leila comes back and realizes that it was strange.
• What’s it?
What’s wrong with you? Why did you so?
• You did
not hear what that sucker spoke just missed him kiss you in front of me.
• It has
nothing to do what he said jokingly.
• Play all,
he wants to make fun with my face, I'll wait it out and I will give him a
• Do not do
that! Please...
• Okay, I
will not do anything I'll just talk to him.
And Dib not
speak a word, he was eager for the man to leave.
His brother
out first after five minutes he leaves.
When he was
passing between Dib and Leila, the Dib puts his foot in front of him so he stumbles
on his foot.
Man stumbles
and grumbles.
• You are
• You are
not seeing that my foot. It is blind.
• What do
you want to get confusion waiting there, you'll see.
neighbor called the father of Leila.
• Lelio comes
here to see what this guy wants me, waiting there now you'll see.
Her father
• What is
going on?
• This
boyfriend of his daughter set foot, for me stumble on purpose.
• Even put
you are not men, do not you solve the bullshit me alone, have to call others.
And Dib
gives a push in the neighbor.
• I'll call
my brother now you'll see.
• Call who
you want, I break your face and who you call as well.
The man
enters his house and returns with his brother.
The Dib
unhesitatingly side up the two and pushes the neighbor again saying.
• You are
not man alone, must call the little brother, but you can walk the two, and I
take care of two.
And when
the fight was about to begin, the father of Leila enters the middle.
- Stop it!
You go there and you two come to the house of you.
DIB still
speak again.
• You are
not a man is a coward mouse.
Man enters
The father
of Leila pair had seen and Dib says.
• The rain
stopped, now you can go.
The Dib
sheepishly says goodbye and goes out, walk a few meters to the street and look
Leila was
watching him and blows a kiss to him and notes that the wall of the neighbor's
house that he arranged confusion was perfect.
• is
perfect that wall I'll do graffiti there, will have a special taste to that
wall, I pay tribute to Leila and avenge me of that sucker.
• But I
think I screwed up again, which will be her father is thinking of me, Meanwhile
in the house of Leila.
• Leila
will pair your room I want to talk to your mother.
Leila goes
up to her room where her sister was listening to music and did not realize
anything had happened.
Her father
makes sure that she had risen even turns to the woman and says.
• You saw
the boy is angry even, a man he faced the two brothers, and was ready to take a
beating in two, if I do not separate them; I'm starting to like this guy.
The Dib
arrives at the home of Lu and the flame.
His mother
appears and tells him to go to the room of Lu.
• Come to
the graffiti I already know, a perfect wall on the side of her house is the
house of a backpack, almost gave their asses kicked him now.
• Because?
• Because
of a talk that that sucker, was talking to the father of Leila in front of me
and irritated me.
• Cool,
we'll make that wall even if the face appears, we give their asses kicked him,
(Speaks Lu).
• I'll call
the Instein to go with us.
The Dib
goes to the house of Instein calls it.
And Lu is
preparing things to take, it separates a latex can, some colorful choose
sprays, leaves everything in the garage, way to go out and think.
• What is
• Ahh!! The
He goes up
to his room again goes to the wardrobe and pull the bottom drawer where there
were several designs and choose a character and a letter that was already
separated, which was written "Love".
• This
letter and that character are perfect.
When he
goes down to the garage, The Dib and Instein were already waiting there.
• Ready Lu,
we are ready.
• Already
but it is too early, let's wait a bit.
• Where are
the rest of the guys? (Asks Instein)
• The Leco
the Juca and Urucka left together, I think that line play basketball in a place
far away and did not come so far and Tuco not call him, because he'll be
messing with the motive of graphite. (Lu explains to Instein).
• It's ten
to midnight, half past midnight we go, okay, (Speaks Dib)
• Okay,
meanwhile we eat some pieces of pizza, which my father did.
They go
into the kitchen, where the Lú strip inside the stove oven a form of pizza and
puts it on the table. When he opens it he was perfect no one had eaten.
• Nice,
(Exclaims Dib).
• Cool
anything, you have to leave for my brother too he did not eat yet and should be
to arrive.
Each eat
two pieces and leave two pieces in the form, and Lu put the form back in the
oven, so that both the Dib and Instein not eat those two pieces.
• Half past
midnight, we are on time, (Warns Lu).
Each takes
a bit of things, dividing them to carry better. The Dib takes latex, Instein
the spray box, and Lu and the backpack drawing folder. And go toward the house
of Leila.
through the avenue alley and climb the big stairs that gave almost opposite her
house, but it was a very large staircase with many steps and with weights in
hand seemed that the ladder was even bigger, the Dib complains.
• geez that
ladder never seemed so great as now, when I come here, I usually run up to, but
with this paint can is very difficult because when I began carries it should
weigh ten kilos after Having walked from here and climb that ladder is like
having thirty kilos.
They arrive
in the wall and drop their junk all on the floor and rest a little, were
exhausted with his arms aching.
• how our
guys did miss now, when we will make graffiti the city off, we always take
turns a little so it does not tire so much, for that's what a team, (Speaks
• We will
start soon will. (Speaks Instein)
The Dib
draws the character and Lu the letter the Instein will painting behind, not to
lose time, all painted only missing the outline.
The Dib
shakes a can of spray a little stronger, to have more pressure spray.
It's when a
light goes on in the backyard. And it appears the neighbor Leila.
The Dib tells
• Out here
now, we will solve that issue.
The man
with a hell of fear, back into the house and lock the door and turn out the
• He will
call the police, (Speaks Instein).
• No, it wills
not he has no phone, it uses the phone Aunt Leila; let's finish the graffiti,
They finish
• Is something
missing, a dedication, (Speaks Dib).
• It is the
same. (Speaks Instein)
• I will
write here in this little cloud, "Dedicated people who love us”, (Speaks
• This same
Lu, cool is sentence. (Speaks Lu)
Lu writes
the phrase and when it ends, coming from a guy in the dark.
• It had to
be you yourselves!!
He was a
friend of his, who left the frightened.
• it's
• You gave
us a scare, (Speaks Dib).
• I did not
mean I'm coming home from work and I always here at this time.
• Have you
ever been robbed not? (Asks Instein)
• I've been
a few times and I was relieved when I saw it was you, why do I also got scared,
thinking they were thieves, even though it was not, so I'll get home safe and sound
and slept quiet, he spoke, spoke, it was very beautiful this graphite.
They shake
their heads and look the guy go.
• It was
cool we gather things and get out, why I have to work today, I see at least
three hours sleep, will now give two in the morning, let's go (speak Dib).
• Now all
was lighter, with just a few sprays and latex, now is to go down stairs is much
easier for you to go down every single help.
And how it
was lighter things to carry them arrive quickly at the home of Lu and drop
their stuff in the corner of the garage the same and each one goes to your
The Dib
washes quickly, only to clean the hands and paint the parts where dirtied and
faints on the same couch.
We spent
two and a half hours, a horn sounds, the door of your home.
• It Ailton
have to go to work, my bad already, dammit not sleep at all. But it's okay if
Leila like the dedication of love, it will be worth the sacrifice.
He opens
the door and asks you to wait a little, change quickly and go out, get in the
car, greet Ailton.
• Where is
your friend, he does not come?
• Do not know.
• He did
not come so far, cannot wait, we are already late.
And they go
without the same Leco service and all the way without saying a word. On-site
service Ailton presents it to the manager, who does not say a word, just
gesturing with his hand, like a scissors, meaning, as saying that he would have
to cut his hair.
The Dib
does not much like the idea, but is to work anyway.
The Ailton
explains to him the rest of the service, how the boys separated the load for
each area of the city by zip code.
separation; Ailton up a full bag of documents to the mouth saying.
• This here
is all yours and those four boxes, too.
Dib look at
that a little scared but not give up.
• is the
entire city center, which I do? (Asks Dib)
• It is,
more like it's your first day alone, we will help you taking him to the center,
to the back I'll give you a bus pass to get you back.
They get
into the car, Ailton, Edson and Dib.
The Ailton
will driving and comments that has been an ambulance driver.
• Lie (says
• You do
not believe, and then look what I'll do.
The Ailton
runs between cars, weaving through traffic, passing every bit impossible to
spend a very high speed and thus goes to the center, coming quickly Abreu
Florencio St.
• Ready
arrived and now you believe?
The Dib
gets out laughing for that very amused with the rush of Ailton and says.
• I know
you were an ambulance driver, I saw you pass every day, at lunch on the street
driving an ambulance.
• I just
said that to have a little fun and wake up, I'm sleepy.
It is but
Edson did not like the joke.
• Play more
children, is risking the lives of others for free, see you grow up you two.
The Dib and
Ailton laughing, take the car to deliver packages by placing them on the
Edson place
your hand in the pocket and pulls out a bus pass and gives the Dib.
• Take it
to you again; you know where to catch the bus and which should get?
• No.
• You will
take the bus at Xavier Toledo; the bus is the Vila Anastacio Neighborhood. Edson
explains where he will take the bus and get in the car calling Ailton.
• We will
as soon as I have more things to do and we will return as civilized people,
driving safely.
The Ailton
looks for Dib and laughs and wishes you good luck, get in the car, starts the
engine and out like a little old man driving, giving the arrow and putting his
arm out, very slowly, looking in the rearview mirror for Dib and laughs to
mingle with other cars and out of sight.
The Dib
looks at the bag full of packages, scratches his head and creates courage, fits
the small boxes in the bag and put the bag in the back, like Santa Claus and
• I will
first deliver these boxes to get better to deliver the rest later.
He walks to
the first delivery and leaves two boxes and some envelopes, but the weight does
not diminish anything and continues through the streets he knew, leaving that
he did not know for last and walk from one side to the other bumping into
people who were always in a hurry in the city center, which does not look to
apologize after a to bump.
used to what it continues its deliveries and the hours pass, the clock struck
noon and still had more than half, he still felt hungry at that time and
continues with their deliveries, sometimes back in the same places, he'd
forgotten to leave another package that was underneath the other packages, but
not discouraged, bravely battled until the bag stay lighter and easier to carry
it, just missing the streets he did not know.
question for a journeyman where the Riachuelo Street was, then asks for a taxi
driver where the street of the seminar was, and asks people passing some
streets and was getting so deliver almost everything.
When there
were only three, the clock already marked past four hours and he had not eaten
anything and had no money to eat, because there was no thought about this
detail so important and puts his hand in pocket and takes the bus pass that
Edson had given him to return, he looks for a hot corn cart with a writing
board, "accept bus passes" it looks for the pass and looks at the
basket of maize and think.
• And then
to come back, but I'm hungry Oh I go down behind or ask for the conductor to
let me go under the wheel.
And goes to
the corn seller and asks a million, give the pass to the seller and ask for
more corn husks to wrap it, he rolled corn on straw, passing salt and wind the
other straw over and guard the backpack he'd bring thinking that the envelopes
would fit into it, and put the bag on the coast and asks the seller if he knew
the Santo Antonio street.
The seller explains
to him and said it was the street where the Joelma was building, that building
that caught fire a few years ago a horrific fire that killed many people a
tragedy, it is now renovated and is close to the Av. Nine.
The Dib
remember the building, that once her father had shown him as they passed in
front of the bus, he thanks the seller and walk up the street, makes the
delivery, no longer take any more hungry he sits on the steps of a closed
coffee shop on the corner, get the corn in the backpack and devours, leaving no
grain of corn and sucking juice from the cobs.
There were
still two deliveries he looks to give the address of the two envelopes,
requests information from where they were and deliver them.
• Ufa!! I
just now and just come back and deliver these signatures in these notes and go
He looks
for the bus, the Edson said, in Xavier Street Toledo; the bus was there, just
right in the place where he had said. He climbs on the bus, goes to the
collector and explains your situation.
• Could you
let me go under the roulette, I lost all my money and I have to return home,
the other day I paid him.
collector was good people and releases it to pass beneath.
• Go pass
there, do not worry my head I've been through it too.
The Dib
thank the collector crouches is holding the ratchet and slide underneath it
rises and sits on the bench left.
The bus
leaves five minutes later, he was exhausted and the rattle of the bus he falls
asleep, waking up with the collector calling.
• Hey boy
wakes have arrived at the end.
He wakes up
a little confused.
• Non
grandmother let me sleep a little longer I'm tired. He looks at the collector
still half asleep.
• Who are
you where I am?
Before the
collector answer if he remembers and thanks once again the collector gets off
the bus still dazed from sleep and walk up to the firm which was a few blocks
from the end of that bus, he arrives at the firm delivery receipts delivery for
Ailton who was waiting to go away home, was nearly seven o'clock.
He was
hungry for that corn not wishes to cheat his hunger and was sleepy, tired and misses
• Ah! Today
do not go in the house of Leila, by the time I get home I'll take a shower,
dinner and sleep.
The Ailton
leaves him at home and he does it even said he would do.
Bathe, dine
and sleep, sleep not even faints, just up the other day with the horn of the
car Ailton.
• You!! It
seems that just sleep, will courage, just so you will be able to date with
Leila, her father did not want her to date a tramp.
about it change quickly, not drink coffee; just take out an apple and eating it
in the car Ailton.
On the way
Ailton explains that Tuesday was easier, why Monday was heavier, why I had two
They arrive
at the firm and Ailton was right, I had little to deliver quickly he picks his
thing and two bus passes to and.
Make their
deliveries quickly, and back to the firm at around 11:00 am.
He meets
with the company manager that question.
• Do not
cut your hair?
• There was
no time yesterday, I cut today.
The Dib
tries to curl cut hair, but no way.
Edson that
looked like a sergeant takes him to cut his hair.
hairdresser looks his hair and is sorry for cutting.
• But you
do what has to cut right.
And it
gives the first snip and drops a tappet on the ground.
The Dib
looks her hair falling to the ground and feels a pang.
He asks the
hairdresser leave a long wire in front in protest.
But all
this sacrifice had to be worth it, for your dedication to have Leila beside her;
being a father worthy man it would have no excuse not to leave them alone
While he
thought the hair dresser finished cutting his hair.
• Ready was
a cat.
He looks in
the mirror.
• It was
good indeed and that thread I can hide combing it with the hair.
Edson paid
to the hairdresser and takes Dib to till his house, warning that the next day
would be that he would go to search it.
The Dib
enters his home and his cousin was there and praises.
Looking like
a cat, it looks like a person.
grandmother also praises.
• Ah!! Now yes.
Is like a little man, that hair made him bum guy, bad guy, gave bad impression.
The Dib
does not like the comment grandmother, but retorts, only passes through it and
rises to the room to get changed and back quickly for lunch.
• What has
to eat grandmother?
• Potato
pizza. (Is a dish made with slices of potatoes, butter watered milk with a
pinch of oregano, led to fire in a form of pizza)? That was why they called
this potato dish pizza.
• Oba!! At
least I gained some reward today for having haircut.
• Is my
child that's all I can do for you, if I could do much more for you, (Says the
grandmother, for him giving him a hug). They sit at a table and eat lunch
together, as if it were the last lunch of their lives, when they just lunch.
The grandmother asks him to open the refrigerator.
He opens
the fridge and surprise of a scream.
- Oba!! Strawberry
• And if
you want to eat can now eat, it should be soft half because I just did, would
stay for the night, I thought that you would only come later as you come early
and will not hold up wait, you can eat right now.
With a
smile from ear to ear, he tries to cut more was too soft and her grandmother
• Lets
later, when you return from school, why today you go to school right? It's been
a week that you will not go to school.
• I am now
going yes, grandmother. (He says to the grandmother licking their chops of like
eating strawberry pie.
He gets up,
walks into the room and takes the skateboard in the bottom of the ladder hole
goes out to the street, the grandmother who came after talks.
• You just
have lunch, will not make madness can give indigestion, wait a little food
and shrugging it responds to the grandmother.
• Nah
grandmother I will not make an effort, however I'll just go down with the
momentum of the descent on a skateboard, it makes no effort is less to walk to
the house of Lu.
And out
taking advantage of the decline in the driveway of his house, and as he said
goes to the street below without giving momentum to skate, just enjoying the
wind that blew in his face, down the street, there's no way he has to get off
the skateboard and pay it on hand to pass through the holes that there was and
walk to the house of Lu to call him that this time he may already be at home
He calls,
he appears in the window and Dib says.
• Come on
in Garcia walk a little skateboard?
Lu shakes
his head saying yes and gesturing with his hand for him to wait a bit.
Lu appears
with the skateboard and they will walk carrying skateboards hands until Garcia,
where arriving they do not expect even a little and already putting skateboards
on the ground to begin to walk and do maneuvers on the steps of mine stands
that there was.
And they
spend hours trying to do several things with skateboards distracted, that not
passing the head of Dib that Leila could be in the dressing room, playing
volleyball on the indoor court. And she was right, when he finished the
volleyball training she had to leave the court through the main entrance, where
at the entrance was the court that Dib was skateboarding.
And up the
exit ramp in front of the court she sees two guys skateboarding and asks her
cousin who was with her.
• That
there is not Lu skateboarding?
• Yes it is.
(Responds to press)
• Lets ask
him if he knows what time Dib will be home, why yesterday he was not at home
and I wanted to talk to him.
• Lu you
know what time the Dib around the service?
The Dib who
was sitting in the stands resting and looking at her, but she had not
recognized him at first, for his reasons have cut his hair.
Lu takes a
look at the Dib, sitting in the stands, as if to say he's there and Leila
watching the look of Lu for Dib.
She looks
at him, does not recognize the beginning and then exclaims.
• Dib!!! Is
it really you? Cut your hair?
• Do not wash
and shrunk.
• His thick!!
But it was a cat.
• You are
the fourth person telling me this now?
• No,
that's not what I meant; I just wanted to say that at least liked I cut hair.
• You were
so much better, my father is already beginning to like you now that he will
like even more than you do with cut hair. And speaking of my father, I was
looking to call thee to go home tonight, my father wants to talk to you, and he
will let us date!!! But will impose some conditions and that you want to talk
to you.
• Okay,
after I leave school, I go to your house and talk to him.
• She sits
next to him in the stands, gives him a kiss and is talking to darken and give
Dib's time to go to school.
• Lets go I
promised my grandmother that today I would at school.
called her cousin who was talking to Lu, a little further on the steps.
• Let's go!
They go
together to the corner, where Leila and press go together away to the other
side and Dib and Lu enter the street of the Master.
The Dib
says goodbye Lu and up to shower because it was getting late to go to school,
he bathes and return quickly tweak some wind cookies that your grandmother made and descends to the school,
which was the across the avenue, enters and tries to concentrate.
But she
could not concentrate on any matter, I could only think of what the father of
Leila, would tell you.
And he saw
the class time ends, to go to her house.
Finally the
class ends and ends with torture him.
And like a
thunderbolt he drove to her house, arriving at the gate of the house, claps.
Her father
answers the door.
He does not
recognize and question.
• For not
that I can help him?
• Am I your
• I who, ah
are you, sorry I did not recognize you with short hair, come in.
The Dib
• Now it is
looking man.
• You have
told me that today. (Dib do not like much of his comment, but does not
• If you
sit, whether water or something?
• No thank you.
• Now with
the hair cut, he got better, improved 50% more on my concept.
• What do
you want to talk to me?
• You know
what, I'm very jealous of my daughters; it is difficult for a parent to accept
that her date someone and we always want the best for our daughter, so I have
to be strict with the choice of their boyfriends. We have to know if the guy is
willing to take a dating seriously or do you just want to hang out with her,
you understand me?
• Yes, I
• Glad you understand
me, node were also worried that it takes to get home, where he is going, what
time will come back, you understand me?
• I
understand yes.
• That's
what I wanted to ask you to respect the time that she has to get home, it will
not be every day that she will be able to leave, and you are our rules, okay?
• Yes, it
is, but now I have to go tomorrow wake up early and is already giving me a
little sleep, it's late.
He says
goodbye, thanks attention and will leave, Leila accompanies and her father also
to the gate.
Arriving at
the gate, the Dib greets her father and stares at him, waiting for him to come
in, so he can kiss Leila.
But her
father would not take off the foot there, to talk Leila.
• The
father is played, are not seeing, that we are willing to be alone for a minute
• Sorry, do
not take that you know I do not like to stay at the gate, I think it is little
Her father
enters, she looks to make sure, turns and gives him a kiss, those missing
breath, pausing only to say.
• Even
though my father left us dating.
• It is
still quite even; it seems that everything is going right in my life now. Give
me one more kiss, I cannot take, we will not abuse the first day and I'm dying
to get home to eat the strawberry pie that my grandmother made for me.
She kisses
him again and says.
Delicious, strawberry pie I also love strawberry pie.
• I keep a
piece for you, and tomorrow you eat.
• Now I
have to go, bye, will carefully and dreams with me, tomorrow we see ourselves.
He is
waiting for her to come and she is waiting for him to leave.
• Enter
• I will
not though you, I want to stay here and watch you go.
• It's good
but rather gives me one more kiss, the bars of the same gate.
They kiss,
the bars and she hears her father to call in, and rushes.
The Dib
sees it coming and creates courage to go too.
He goes
down the big stairs, walks a few meters and meets the CDP.
The CDP is
sent away from his girlfriend too, who lived on that street even he asks that
Dib expected for him, for them to go away together, and the CDP lived in front
of the street Dib's house.
The Dib
waiting to say goodbye girlfriend and they leave together.
• let the
million and I take to see if anyone there.
• Do not
let the alley that is closer to home and now I take and I leave my stuff at
home and then go to the street.
down the sidewalk of the avenue they spot a kitchen cabinet in bed, the two
look to the closet and look at the Avenue, and look the other with an air of
slutty, and Dib question for the CDP.
• You
thought the same as me?
• I think
so, placing the cabinet in the middle of the avenue.
• That's
right, it will handle that side I caught another, advantage that does not come
from the car.
They put
the cabinet through, in the middle lane of the avenue and run to the alley of
where they are looking to see what would happen.
• Look
there has been some cars, (Speaks Dib laughing as if something had possessed
his body).
also giggled, as if possessed.
The first
car sees the cabinet only when I was close and that gives braked coming close
almost beating, causing the driver has to give a defendant to be able to
deviate from the closet.
The two
just laughed and laughed so much that looked like they were drugged, suddenly
another car and again a sudden stop,
The two
burst out laughing.
ambulance coming at high speed with the siren, also brake abruptly and diverts
the closet almost hitting him,
They no
longer find it so funny as well and resolve to take the cabinet middle of the
avenue, but before they arrived in the closet a car coming at high speed, cannot
stop and hit the closet, making a big huge noise and making playing Shard wood
and glass everywhere.
The two
look at the smashed car and run into the alley and run to the building, where
they hide and are waiting to see if anyone had come after them, are some twenty
minutes hidden behind the wall.
• CDP will leave;
I do not think anyone saw us.
• If you no
longer have been behind us, it is true we leave.
When they
jump the back fence they listen.
• The boy!!!
The two are
frightened. And when they look to see who it was, curse.
• Skinny, FDP!!!!
(Leco was returning from the street).
• They are
scared, what have you been up to?
They have
to Leco what they had just done.
• You are crazy??
• I do not
know how it looked like we were possessed, not we stopped laughing, was
suddenly took the closet and put without thinking, looked like it had not been
us and when the car hit I felt a shock in the body, looked like it had gotten
rid of bad thing.
• It was
the same I also felt it. (Speech CDP)
• Oh you
are crazy!
• We're not
crazy not, sometimes I wonder in everything we do in this life and all that it
is written to the end of it being judged. (Speaks Dib)
• But how
God can save the lives of everyone, he would not have much place to put tape
and also could not record everything we do. (Speech CDP, sitting on the wall)
• God does
not use video big head, he is a lot smarter than you think, and our memory is
not a video machine, which records everything we do, think about it, when God
will judge you, for him to see the movie his life he puts his hand on his head
and watches her all and will see to things you do not forgot you did and so does
not have to lie to him, he see with his own eyes without getting running after
you for you power shoot, (speaks Dib)
• It is
even I had not thought of that, it writes all without leaving the place, you
can even have your verdict, (Speaks Leco).
• You did
not show up for work today? What happened?
• I lost
the time.
While the
Leco was explained why not have gone to work voices came from alley, and
increasingly closer to them.
They are
looking to see who it was until he comes.
Was the
Gentil, with his henchman?
• Well,
well, look who we found here.
The Dib,
Leco and CDP, look at them and do not respond at all.
The Gentil
was high, completely out of his mind and will soon jumping the gun and saying.
• Today you
do not escape me; I will kill one by one, very slowly.
The Dib is
angry and says. - You are not the man to do it.
He was
angry and lifting his shirt, pounding his chest and saying.
- Want to
shoot, then shoot, you'll do me a favor, I am curious to know how is life after
death, whether it is better or worse than here, if better is a favor you do me,
let's shoot, shoot just makes me this favor, you are an asshole, do not you
dare to shoot, I can see it will not be today I'll find it, will kill my
curiosity to know what death is like. Shoot! Shoot here, if you are man. (and
beats his chest again).
The Dib
knew that doing that would leave him confused, confusing his ideas.
And Gentil
does not shoot even and Dib says.
• See how
you're an asshole. (He lowers his shirt, straightens it and turns giving him
the coast, forgetting what his aunt has told him, not to give the coast to your
Suddenly bang, one noise from gunpowder.
The Dib
falls to his knees. The Leco and CDP do not understand what was going on and
are looking Dib end up falling to the ground.
They look
Gentil, who still had the gun pointed fist, leaving smoke the pipe. And they're
waiting for him to throw up on them too, but his reaction was another.
He puts the
gun and puts his hand on the head and says.
• What did
I do? I did not want to do that.
henchman calls to escape, he could not stand there wavering; the neighbors were
beginning to appear.
And the two
The Leco
and CDP saw the coast of Dib's body to the road, hoping to succor it.
The Leco
screams desperate for help.
• Help, help,
and help, somebody help us.
But it was
late shot was accurate, caught in the heart behind.
He did not
breathe more, did not move, but eyes were open as if to say anything yet, but
had no chance, he died immediately.
The CDP in
shock is looking Leco screaming desperate.
neighbors come to see what had happened and formed a circle around the body.
The next
day at the funeral.
It was full
of friends and happened several scenes. One of the scenes was the Dib's cousin
screaming like crazy.
• Because
he? And not me, he was a good person does not deserve to die, I deserve to die
yes, my life is destroyed even with that damn drug, I have more life, but he
had a life; because? God why? It did not take me in his place.
He kept
screaming it, until they led him out of the wake.
But the
most striking scene was yet to come.
When her
grandmother came at the wake a tremendous plant, saying.
• No, my
black not a lie, he did not die.
approached the casket, he said.
• Get up,
get up. Grabbing the body and trying to lift it.
asked her to calm down and try to take it from near the body, but no one could
and left her, clinging to the body.
All are
touched and had no strength to get her out of it.
Until they
hear a big noise.
The coffin
had fallen on the floor and the lady over it, the body rolls out, and the lady
also did not move more. They try to raise her but she no longer moved more.
She had
suffered a massive heart attack and died over the dead grandson and dropping
the coffin, a very strong scene, which saw certainly never forget IRAM.
The fathers
of Dib were coming to the wake and see that scene and not believe his luck and
• What
happened to my mother?
They all
look at him but no one has the courage to tell, that his mother and her son
were killed there together.
But he
realizes that his mother had passed away and also not accepted.
• No, no,
that's not fair, why, why?
Until he
feels a pain in his chest and gives a cry of pain and falls to the ground.
A person
looks but not believes what was going on and run to succor it.
One person
who tried to succor it says.
• You cannot
die no one here, let's fast bails it!
And do
massage on his chest, mouth to mouth, giving first aid until the ambulance
arrives and takes him to the hospital, along with the body of his mother.
People who
were still at the wake arrange the body in the casket again and ask to be buried
soon, why no longer stand so much emotion.
And at the
funeral, everyone knows that his father also died, even before arriving at the
One month
The Tuco
rises from the top of his bunk, still unhappy with what had happened to his
friend, called the brother who had witnessed his friend's death scene.
• Lift Leco!!
Come to the graphite in honor of Dib.
Needless to
say twice the Leco jumps out of bed.
• Yes let's
The Tuco is
surprised at how quickly the Leco had risen, but understood the reason which
made him get up so fast. Are exchanged quickly and go up for breakfast, as they
entered the kitchen their mother heard the program ever, Tuco goes straight on
the radio and off, for those stories brought some memories, his mother, says
nothing and respects will of the child, they take their coffee, kiss his mother
and out, take skateboards, go down the street without making any maneuver, more
used skateboards as transportation and go to the house of Juca calls it. They
had many reasons to play and Juca's house only Leco call him and he comes out
quickly, was already waiting and the three go together in the house of Lu
called him to go to the graphite. When they passed on the street gave way to
ex. Dib's house.
The Tuco
• I'll call
Dib as you, there are going to call Lu.
The Leco
and Juca look for Tuco.
• Excuse me
and I still cannot believe he died.
The Juca
and Leco embrace friend and say they also did not believe, and the three are
standing there holding each briefly.
• We will
soon, Arrives gays. (Speaks Tuco)
Arriving at
the home of Lu, they had a surprise.
Lu was
already agreed with the things all ready to go to the graffiti, just waiting
for them sitting on the sidewalk down in front of his house.
everyone understands his attitude and do not comment anything.
The Urucka
was also coming from the other side, as always, they to greet.
• Everybody
is here? So, let's go!
Lu asks them
to wait a bit that was missing one person.
the four remaining think the same thing and say in one you.
• It does
not come Lu, have you forgotten what happened.
• That's
not what I meant, (Speaks Lu).
And when he
was trying to explain, he looks at the corner and shows who he was waiting.
They all
look at the corner without understanding anything.
• Leila, (Exclaims
• She wants
to go with us to do homage to Dib, (Says Lu).
They hope
to reach to greet and go walking to where they would do the graffiti, it was
close and on the way they spend in front of the house where Dib lived. All are
silent and look at the house miss, some of them feel their eyes fill with
tears, but continue with their goals.
They arrive
at the place where would be done graffiti, was where all the trouble began in
Gentil Workshop wall, which was the only thing that was still standing and
whole, by the store and office were all destroyed a car that was in the store
to fix it, was totally destroyed, they had fired on the car and in the office,
but firefighters put out the fire before it destroy everything, and yet the
place was totally destroyed.
As the
Gentil fled after the crime, leaving everything behind, they took revenge by
destroying his shop.
• Ah! I
almost forgot, the Gentle was killed yesterday, found his body in a slum with
three shots, the justice of man may fail, but God's justice does not fail here
is done here is paid.
• How did
you hear that? (Question Juca)
• It is in
the popular News yesterday, which is there at home.
• Who
killed him, (Asks Urucka).
• It was
his henchman, who felt threatened by the Gentil had said if caught, would take
him, because he was also an accomplice to the murder because of that he gave
three shot in Gentil and was arrested on site at newspaper has his picture
They stay
for a few still moments reflecting on what Lu was talking, until the Tuco
breaks the silence.
• Will we
soon make this graffiti! And stop telling horror stories.
They start
by painting the wall and then draw. Graphite was the face of Dib and side a
stylized letter written Dib.
Each does
its part. Lu and Joey do the design, Tuco paint; the Leco makes the details of
the letters and the Urucka of the final finish.
• Ready,
(Exclaims Urucka).
They cross
the street and observe graffiti as had one night stands.
Suddenly Leila,
who just watched them draw, has a strange attitude.
She crosses
the street toward the graphite.
All the
watch curiously,
She stops
in front of the design is watching him, suddenly it goes hand in graphite,
which still was not dry and dirty paint the tips of her fingers, lifts his
shirt and pass the tips of finger-paints on the belly saying.
• Is my
child I want you to be like your father, a great guy?
• What she
said, (Question Tuco)?
• She said
some son of thing, (Speaks Leco).
• She is
pregnant of Dib, (Question Juca)?
• It seems
so, (Answers the Urucka)?
• She is
pregnant but she told me and so I called her to come with us, (Speaks Lu)?
• And do
not you tell anything to us that will be born one Dibinho wooden leg; you will
only get to the large hand to be beast, (Speaks Tuco).
Lu runs out
and the others four running behind him, trying to catch him.
Leila looks
for them running and imagines Dib running with them, smiling and jumping like
A bird
watching them, the wall where they graphite, flies toward them, as if to
accompany them.
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