terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014



We run for the city.
We exceed the speed limit.

In a constant period.
We run the all instant.

We look the happiness.
We only find the vanity.

If to look at in its ambition.
saw that modernity is our destruction.

The pollution in suffocates them.
Time is money and this me nauseated.

The concrete and ash, ugly and cold.
The green that existed there, disappeared!

We are being suffocated, and alone in the congealed fed ones of.
I do not obtain to breathe.

Necessary of a little of air.
I have asthma, bronchitis and chronic gastrite.

Somebody thought about atomic bomb?
That nothing, the world goes to improve.

We have money, progress and much place to deforest.
What in it remains them to conquer.

The world to only exterminar.
The more we run to obtain.

Faster the world goes to come to ruin itself.
Perhaps it does not run and it walks.
Thus the death not in the reach.

We run the all instant. It stops! ...
it relaxes and it thinks one instant.

Author: Mauro Santos(Dib).

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