segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

Evolutionary trend

Evolutionary trend : It's no longer evolve biologicvamente but socially , becoming more polite to each other , worrying about the welfare of another human being , and therefore making a better world to live because everything is therefore as follows: one that is not given the opportunity , he will take it by force or tragically , ie : all come from the same source , came from the sperm and transform ourselves to become mortal remains and so it is for all human beings . Because after intercourse, and consequently her pregnancy , and even if that fetus will not be born " live " documents to be able to bury him has to be arranged , although born "dead " it will exist and will have a record that even a "type of life " not evolutionary , was a potential life , the dreams of his mother or his family . Be a " superior" that creates and transforms everything , did so, and that is why we have to watch everything and change it , which leaves this world be better for all human survivors here . Often the expediency of a human being changes the development of other human and consequently it will have some consequence in the future. Ex : A policy that diverts funds from education, end up spending more money on security. Just like successful people who did not know what was wrong revidincar because often a successful person who has more than it needs to spend on security , money that could make a difference in the life of a child and thus change her future , times that the child has improved his destination, becomes a delinquent , and may someday end the life of that ambitious , that quiz more than needed , and an attempted robbery , he'll get killed by the same delinquent he could have changed his fate , it is a consequence . The other day I was walking down the street and saw a hole in the ground , this hole was open and unprotected because it was stolen the metal cover that protected people from falling in it , one of these holes through which power cables or telephone cables . - And I thought poque people do it ? The answer came on time. - For a person who was hungry , and the hole in your belly hunger was more important than the hole in the ground . It is the consequence of not think of another human being and worry about unnecessary plug holes , which often brings serious consequences , because the person who falls into this hole will be hurt the same way , daquelea person who is injured in a robbery attempt , the meaning is the same . Opportunity makes the thief , but it is society that creates it ; Because of all existing thieves , only 10 % is actually a person who was born with a disposition to do evil or not people accept to live in an organized community , the other 90 % are good people who have become bandits for lack of opportunity , neglect and misappropriation of funds that often interfere with the course of their lives . Now what good a person want to have both crowds and have little advantage that this person has , and often by the fact of living in an unjust world , caused by corrupt Propios , where he can not enjoy this pleasure, and take advantage of these or spend this dirty money . Sometimes what people need is only necessary , and often it already exists , just mismanaged or diverted , as in Brazil where we have : public schools , public hospitals , parks and clubs , etc. . Not being in favor of a " Socialist " system , but if we analyze it already exists in Brazil , only teh need and are well managed and that the selected professionals will want to work with , always remembering that his neighbor needs to be well attended or well educated , operated , etc. . For all those who nescessitam public hospitals, schools and government agencies already live in a socialist system , does no one ever noticed it . Here is the beginning of everything , where everything can change starting with the schools, where the conscientization of all can make a difference , all the same , starting with the teachers, who have to go teach students with ease and not only worried about getting a paycheck at the end of the month , and the students also psychologies do with where our children go to school to learn and study , conscientimente , that even at the time of meals is an example , where the cooks , has to be used to make your part and also produce good and not snacking , horrifying things where nobody eats and goes to waste wasting public money , because what was dezignado for snacking children , is not diverted to house employees , etc. . In hospitals too, that is better managed and organiozado , do not let the moths with omuitos public hospitals , is best used by medical students and run by serious people , do run humanely and not look like war scenes . That public projects and other purposes is harnessed by students of public universsidades . people say they do not want a Socilista system, but do not realize that the needy already live in a system like that, only mismanaged and wasted . Because socialism does not really make a Dad evolve with socialism because people become dressers , " because I 'll kill myself to study or work if I earn the same as my neighbor " and so there can be no progress. is why the " Capitalism " is al devouring the planet , but it is necessary because he who studies and manages to achieve its objectives and be successful , will not need public services , but that's where he cheats , he will need the services of public Safety , more specific police power to protect those who need it the socialist government , or worse yet those living in underserved communities who do not know that they too can have a better life and live well of socialism government and so no one needs to live so inhumanly and all live as true human without coveting the lives of other humans and die like all human beings who have come to live in this world and not to survive .

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